The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1414: It's time to test acting

Dan Dao Jun often laughs and understands that it is OK to make a gas gathering Dan.

However, because he relied too much on Dan Yaoge's one-button refining, he had never studied Dan Tao at all, and there must be a huge gap compared with the professional Du Hongchen.

This is going to be a test, it must be a terrible loss.

No, no.

Anyway, I am the master of a case, how can I take it casually?

Just when Jun Changxiao was about to refuse, hey, the side mission has arrived. From the content point of view, it is obvious that the ducks need to be put on the shelves.

"Du Hongchen."

Feng Guichen said lightly: "You are not qualified to challenge my suzerain."

In his cognition, Jun often laughs not only to understand Dan Tao, but also is very good in refining Dan, such as the one that took a shape-changing Dan, which is simply a panacea!

However, during this period of time, I have cultivated a large number of shadow tricks, and Dan Road has improved, hoping to personally defeat the opponent.

"Master Feng Tang."

Jun Chang laughed: "Since the chief alchemist wants to challenge this seat, he must satisfy him, so as not to be ridiculed by others."

Damn it.

The missions are here.


Feng Guichen looked at Du Hongchen with a sympathetic look.

Being able to refine the all-encompassing shape of the Dan, it shows that the suzerain has a very high accomplishment in Dan Tao. This guy must have lost terribly.

About it.

Yuan Gongzi agreed.

Although the entire Zongmen has not seen the refining of the elixir.

However, he is convinced of his strength, after all, many of the elixir that he eats have the power to dominate the world.

In fact?

After agreeing to the fight, Jun Chang smiled and panicked.

How can he win him?

Even if you temporarily brush up on the qualifications of Dan Dao, it is too late!

Got it!

First pretend to make the refining elixir, and then secretly use the elixir!

The system said silently: "You are cheating!"

"The task did not say that I should not be cheated, as long as he wins him in Dan Dao." Jun Chang laughed loudly.


At this moment, Du Hongchen took out an alchemy furnace from the space ring and placed it on the street, saying, "Don't pick a place, try it here."

The martial arts competition requires the battlefield, and the dandao competition is less troublesome, as long as there is free space.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Du Hongchen said lightly, "Show up your red hearth."

Yuan Gongzi and Feng Guichen look forward to it.

The Dan Dao Dan furnace is equal to the warrior's equipment treasure, which is absolutely indispensable, so the two were curious that the monarch can refinish the shape of Dan.

The dog remains a little awkward.

I also equipped my disciples with a lot of stoves in the past two years, but I didn't have them at all.

No problem!

Anyway, in the end, I still have to cheat, and I just find something to replace.


Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand, and the magic vacuum cleaner appeared out of thin air, backhanded: "This is the Dan furnace of this seat."

Feng Guichen and Du Hongchen suddenly stumbled.

The two have practiced Dan Tao for so many years and have never seen this type of Dan furnace!

Yuan Gongzi has seen the magic cleaner vacuum cleaner, and knows what it does, so he wonders in his heart, "It turns out that this thing has alchemy function!"

Do not!

No such function.

However, Aniu can be crowned with all-around power, let alone a vacuum cleaner.

"Strange look!"

"How does it feel like a pot?"

"The stranger and stranger the furnace is, the more precious it is!"


Jun Chang laughed and took out the magical vacuum cleaner, because the special shape immediately attracted various warriors to argue.

Du Hongchen said faintly: "Sovereign monarch, how can we compare?"

"Everyone makes a medicine and turns it into elixir, and then decides on the time, quality and effect." Jun Chang laughed.

"A turn?"

Du Hongchen frowned.

This level of elixir is almost trivial to him. I can't help but say that it has the ability to resist the second turn!

"of course."

Jun Chang laughed: "It's boring to learn Dan Road, it's better to add some color."

"I'm coming!"

The system said: "The routine is here!"

"What Caitou?"

"I lost in public and kneeled in public. You lost in public and worshipped in my gate."

He thought about this routine just now. He originally intended to use it on Feng Guichen, but he did not expect that the other party would suddenly challenge himself.

"You are a real disciple of Tonggu. I can't afford you to kneel." Du Hongchen pointed to Feng Guichen and said, "So, if you lose, let this guy stand in front of me and kneel down. Gift. "

Although this guy speaks badly, he also knows that the dog has a background.

"Master Feng Tang."

Jun Chang smiled and asked, "How do you like it?"

Feng Guichen said: "Everything is subject to the suzerain."

"it is good."

Jun Chang laughed loudly: "It's settled. I lost him three knees and nine knees. You lost and worshiped me."



Cold wind blew from the streets of the drug store, making the killing gas more intense.

Du Hongchen stood in front of the Dan furnace, took out a basket of medicinal materials, and then untied the red towel wrapped around his arm and tied it to his forehead, his eyes gradually became cold.


Feng Guichen solemnly said, "This guy must be serious!"

"I see it."

Jun Chang said with a smile on his mouth, and said secretly in his heart, "It's time to test acting skills."



With a wave of his hands, various herbs are placed on the prepared medicine table.

Although cheating by the Dan Yaoge, it still looks like it has to be done.


Du Hongchen arched his hand and patted it on the table with one hand, dozens of kinds of medicinal materials bounced instantly, and then he was enveloped by a thick mass.


Feng Guichen acted as a narrator, saying: "This is the method of quenching, which can maximize the energy of medicinal materials, and it will have better results if it is put into the Dan furnace for refining!"


So professional!

How can I be free!


Jun Changxiao also patted on the table, shaking various herbs.


Knife in the palm, frantic chaos.

A complete plant was cut into pieces and arranged neatly on the medicine table.

Feng Guichen froze.

The complete medicinal material contains extremely strong properties of the heavens and the earth. Isn't the energy completely lost when it is cut into pieces?

"This is the slicing method created by the combination of the kitchen and the Tao. After being put into the Dan furnace, the medicinal materials can be fully dissolved, thereby improving the quality of Dandan!" Jun Changxiao explained.

The dog hasn't refined Dan in any way, but that doesn't stop him from bragging.

"So it is!"

Feng Guichen suddenly realized.

The way the suzerain did the opposite, the brains and ideas are really admirable!


Du Hongchen snorted coldly.

Medicinal herbs are cut into pieces to enhance quality!


At this moment, he spread his hands and hugged the tree to the Dan furnace, and a hot flame suddenly appeared all over his body!


Everyone exclaimed.

They all know that this chief alchemist has a very rare kind of fire, and now it's a blessing to see it with his own eyes!

Du Hongchen, who is warming up the Dan furnace ~ ~, smiles at Jun Chang with a very proud look, which means that he is saying, boy, envy my color?


At this moment, the dog kicked the vacuum cleaner with one foot left, and caught it firmly with his right palm. The incomparable flame burst out instantly.


Feng Guichen once again revealed that he had no culture, and said, "The spirit of the fire soul!"

Du Hongchen's eyes widened.

Although his earth spirit fire is rare in the upper world, the spirit of the fire soul born in the universe is rare in the world!

"Oh my God!"

"The monarch's flame is stronger!"

"Nonsense, this is a spiritual body that can be bred in the universe, and it is rare in the upper world!"

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