The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1417: Nightmare come true


The scorching flames devoured the entire Gangan sect like a ferocious beast from ancient times. The disciples' bodies were lined around, and the blood gathered into the river was being evaporated a little, and the scene was like **** on earth.



The shadows that couldn't see each other stopped in front of the hall, their red eyes flashed with a creepy murderous intention.

They are wearing uniforms and have the words 'Eternal Life' printed on their chests.


Pei Sili, who was standing in front of the main hall, could no longer support him, and the whole person collapsed to the ground like mud, with despair and fear in his eyes.

"Master Pei."

The eerie voice came from behind several shadows: "You should be on the road too."

"call out!"

Jianguang burst into the air, and a strong breath of death came to my heart.

"Do not!"

Pei Sili brushed up from the bed and found that the bright moon was hanging from the window, which wiped off the sweat on his forehead and breathed quickly: "Nightmare again."

That's right.

Just now it was just a dream, a dream where the ancestral gate was destroyed, but repeatedly dreamed, and because he was too real, he made him sleepless.


Pei Li said bitterly: "I regret it, I regret it!"

For two years, he has been living in fear for no reason. For those who used to practice routines, Master turned out to be a real ancient man.

Who is this

This is the top power that even Jietang is afraid of!

If time can go backwards, and then return to the Lingfeng Mountain Zongmen meeting node, he will certainly not deliberately routinely laugh and often will not participate in the event!


If things happen, they won't turn around.

In fact, two years ago, Lingwei Zhenzong once moved to anger and sects, but Pei Li paid a huge price to barely keep the gate.

But this is a small trouble in the end, the real big trouble is eternal.

At first, he considered whether to go to the door to apologize, but still did not gather enough courage, and in the past it has been so long that he did not find the other party. Perhaps he did not know where the veins were.

With luck, Secretary Pei remained inactive and was convinced that time could dilute everything.


The Tongtian Road is getting narrower and narrower, even to Hell.

Because of the nightmare, a cold sweat arose, Pei Shili stood up to the table, took the teapot and poured water.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."


The air in the room and the expression on Pei Li's face suddenly solidified and stiffened. With the help of moonlight, he found a handsome young man sitting on a chair with a tea cup he had just filled.

That's right.

It is Jun Chang who laughs!

"Hahaha!" Pei Li suddenly laughed, and said, "Wu Zong is always on. Why would he sit here, dream! It must be dream!"


Just then, the light flickered from the window.

Pei Li laughed again.

This kind of situation is similar to dreams that have been repeated over and over again, which means that he is actually asleep, and even came to a dream in a dream.


Jun Chang smiled and slapped him on the face, and said, "Does it hurt?"


Pei Si grinned.

The original stupid thinking was immediately sober, and he said in his heart, "Not a dream!"


Jun Chang smiled and grabbed his collar by one hand, forcibly got out of the room, and said, "I gave you a chance at the main seat of Lingfeng Mountain, but you don't know how to cherish it, so from today, Qianganzong was removed from the rivers and lakes. All resources belong to me. "

It's over, it's over.

The nightmare finally came true!

Pei Sili was dragged to the hall to perform as a dead dog.

At this moment, tens of thousands of Zongmen disciples cradled their heads and squatted on the ground. Qiqi saw the hall swallowed by flames, and his eyes were full of fear and despair.

Li Qingyang and others stood all around like a killer without emotion.

Wu Ganzong's overall strength is not bad, but in the face of a group of gangsters, he was really surrounded and confused when he was sleeping, not even giving him a chance to resist.

"Stop it."

Pei Li was dropped on the ground.

Jun Changxiao sat on a chair prepared by Xiao Xieji in advance, sweeping away the sectarian disciples, and said lightly: "It is the so-called wrongdoer who has the debt and the owner. This seat is only for the suzerain. You can go down the mountain and find another way for yourself. Now. "

This gate will be destroyed, but it will not hurt innocent people.

In fact, in the Nether World, Jun Chang always laughed and did not never do it, but he always adhered to the principle of not reaching the pond, such as the first Lingquan Sect of extinction, and in the end it was nothing more than dismissing his disciples, otherwise, Dai Lu would have been cold Already.

Even going to the Extreme Cold Palace just blew up the mountain gate and did not kill anyone.

of course.

Except the evildoers.

Pei Li used to set himself up at Lingfeng Mountain, and he lost his breath, and Jun Chang laughed.

But he also played with a knife to kill someone, which made him unable to bear it, so no matter he lost money or paid, Yan Ganzong must disappear.

It is normal for developmental ancestors to collide with their counterparts. For example, Yujian Xuanzong and Ling Dao Xuanzong who offended him. Dogs are very welcome to revenge at any time, but if they hide in the shadows and play cold strokes, they must be made. Death you.



The endless fire engulfed the entire Gangan sect, and the building was gradually engulfed.

The picture Pei Li dreamed about was already very scary, but compared with what actually happened, there were still huge differences.

He did not have the opportunity to carefully compare the gap between dreams and reality, because people have been sent to the prison tower of Tianyuan Town, and are receiving the gaze of Erya, Zhao Doudou, and Dailu.

Jun Chang laughs and doesn't plan to kill him, but he must be in prison.


"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Tools such as leather whip, candles, ropes appear out of thin air.


A few days later.

News that Gan Ganzong was annihilated spread to some parts of the Upper Bound, and immediately caused an uproar.

This sect is not too strong, but after all, it is a bit of history, it was suddenly destroyed, a bit incredible!

"Who did it!"

"Yan Ganzong's allies have already begun investigations!"

"This sectarian gate, which has been in the upper world for many years, cannot be easily destroyed unless there is deep hatred with others!"

It is difficult for the upper world to establish schools, and it is also difficult to destroy the gates, because the surviving gates have connections, and other forces will be frightened when they start.


In the main hall of Lingyingzong, a big man patted the table and said angrily, "Be sure to find out who the killer is and come to justice for Xuanganzong!"

There were many big men of Zongmen sitting around.

They had a good relationship with Pei Li, and when they learned that Gan Ganzong was destroyed, they were willing to define it.

"Will it be Lingwei Zhenzong?" Someone said.

As soon as this word came out, the big brothers calmed down, posing like I just came over for a cup of tea.

These ancestral gates are nothing more than embracing a group for heating, not to mention the sect gates with hard characters, even if they are facing the Xuanzi gates, they can only hold grandchildren.


A big man said: "If it was done by Lingwei Zhenzong, they would have announced it."


Someone said: "After all, Lingwei Zhenzong is a prestigious true-word sect, how could it lose its identity and destroy an incompetent sect."

"Who would it be?"

Everyone began to guess ~ ~ but always wondered who Peili had offended.


At this moment, a disciple walked in and said, "Eternal Wanzong announced to the outside that because Hegan Ganzong had irresolvable grievances, he destroyed them!"


The big brothers stared.

They have heard of this name, and they know that the monarch often smiles as a real disciple of Tonggu.

"Oh! Just now the old man remembered that Zong Men had something to wait for, so he left first!"

"In two days, we will hold a Zongmen big match, this seat needs to be personally handled, leave!"

"There has been a problem in cultivation recently. Lumou went back and healed for a while!"

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