The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1419: Tonggu real people regret it!

The name of Qing Wei's real person may not be famous in the upper world, but he is also one of the top powerhouses.

Emperor Ling Yao is her disciple. From the backstage toughness, she may not be inferior to Jun Chang laugh.


Tonggu really said: "That woman was once defined as a rebel. How could you as a disciple help Jietang?"

He and the Qingwei real people have had intersections, but unlike some readers of the surname, there is a story between the two, which is simply an outstanding genius in the same era.

simply say.

The debut time is almost the same.

The top powerhouses, such as Kisano Masato and Guhong Masato, are also one generation, because they have made their appearance in the upper world, and they have since become famous.

For example, Jun often laughs.

He is very young now and has his own time period. When he grows old and changes to a strong one, there will surely be many peers who will be regarded as seniors together.

However, then again, it is a bit too difficult to maintain a generation with Gou left, because from the lower level alone, everyone else has risen to the upper realm and entered the realm of Dan, and his peers are still wandering at the level of the king and emperor.

Because of the relationship between the real people in Tonggu and Qingwei, Jun Changxiao and Ling Yao Yao were also considered as the same generation, and combined with the relationship between the latter and Ye Di, the final conclusion was that Aniu was a generation short.

The problem is not big.

Ye Xingchen is a regular disciple of Jun Chang, and it is normal for a short generation.


Aniu's poor has a relationship with the subject?

It ’s not enough for dogs to be persecuted daily. Does the author have to narrate to make up for it?

Closer to home.

Although Qing Wei's real life is a generation of girls, it is cruel to do things.

At that time, when he appeared in the upper world, because he was ridiculed by the disciples, he directly baptized the family, and even destroyed two ancestral gates that supported him, which immediately caused a huge sensation.

Jietang would not be indifferent, so he sent the strongmen to catch them. The two sides fought fiercely in the Flying Valley for three days and three nights, and finally ended with Qing Wei's real beheading and killing several Zhuan Danjing strongmen.

The matter fermented quickly, and the rumours went viral.

It can be said that the authority of the boundary church was severely impacted at that time. For this reason, the Qing Dynasty real people were directly classified as rebels, and wanted across the continent for thousands of years.

Throughout this history, the real people of Tonggu and the real people of Qiye are witnesses.

Qing Wei's real talent is different. Although she is caught in the endless pursuit of the realm, she continues to break through and improve. Until she enters the real world, she is reconciled by all the big brothers and resolves the long-standing grudges.

Let ’s not talk about who is right or who is wrong about the extermination of the deceased family. From here alone, we can see that the most true portrayal of taking Wu as respect is that weak strength is to be bullied, and strong strength is to be valued.

Fortunately, Jun Changxiao immediately held a thigh master when he came to the upper world. Otherwise, he would destroy a sect and declare it in public. He would definitely cause serious dissatisfaction in the world hall, thereby worsening the problem and even labeling the rebel. No wonder.


Ling Yao explained: "Master does not restrict young people to do anything, even if they are members of the world hall."

The real man in Tonggu narrowed his eyes and said, "Waer, your master is very careful. How could you agree to work for Jietang."

Emperor Ling Yao said: "The seniors have misunderstood, Jietang and the juniors are not subordinates, and I just held an insignificant position internally."

"Jietang's mind is not wide. Since they dare to use you, I'm afraid you don't know that you are a true disciple of Qing Wei, right?" The eyes of Tonggu's real people turned from turbid to sharp, as if they had seen everything through.

"I don't know."

The Emperor Lingyao truthfully said.


Through ancient truth: "Although your Master and Jietang resolve their grievances, but they don't look good to each other, you are serving there. I am afraid they have other intentions."

"At that time, Master entered the rivers and lakes, was maliciously teased by others, and destroyed her family in anger. This is a matter of course, but she was labeled by the Jietang as a rebel. Her old man can swallow this bad breath. I am an apprentice Can't swallow. "Ling Yao, the emperor said.

"A little messy, a little messy."

Tonggu real man scratched his head and said, "Let me take a look."

"Seniors have major repairs, and they must also have great wisdom. The reason younger people don't turn around is because they want to overthrow them and seek justice for the Master." Ling Yao, the emperor of the Tao said, her tone remained unchanged.

Tonggu real people had already guessed it, but she was just pretending to be so frank. When she saw her so frankly, she was curious, "So, what is your real purpose in finding me?"

"The world only knows that Jietang is in charge of the entire upper world, but they do not know that it is secretly controlled by the top ten immortal characters. The younger generation hopes to receive the support of their predecessors." Ling Yao, the female emperor, said.


Through the ancient truth: "Do you think I can repair against the Ten Great Sects?"

"Not one person, a group of people."


Tonggu lively laughed and said, "My husband has lived so long, and I haven't seen such a daring baby!"


He paused and said, "Aren't you afraid I told Jietang?"

"will not."


"Because the predecessor's prince always laughed and I was a fellow, when he is full, he will fall out with Jietang. At that time, the predecessor must not only face the various ethnic groups, but also the top ten immortals who control the life and death of the upper world. Word Zongmen. "


The mouth of Tonggu was slightly drawn.

He does not hesitate to see Jietang on the Ming Dynasty ~ ~ After all, the overall strength of the dish is one ratio, but the top ten immortal word-level ancestors, unless the realm is a higher level, or even one is uncertain, if that The **** are provoking, and the problem is definitely more serious than offending all ethnic groups.

How strong the energy of a fairy-shaped ancestral gate is, Tonggu really does not know, but he knows that the order is never beaten in groups.


The Emperor Lingyao said: "Your disciple's extermination of ancestral ancestors originated from the mineral veins. The juniors have already investigated clearly that Jietang can't find anything wrong, so you can rest assured."


Now that the girl has made a clear investigation, she also came to find her, and it seems that she really has the heart to destroy the world. The disciple taught by Qing Wei's real person is even crazy than she was then.

"of course."

The Empress Lingyao added: "The juniors do not have to pull the seniors into the gang, but this time I want to tell you that sooner or later we will stand on the united front to face the same enemy."

"Do you think that my disciples will inevitably fall out with Jietang?" Tonggu said.

"Senior and heard of Star Fortress?"

"heard about it."

"It was blown up by you."


Tonggu's eyes suddenly widened.

Emperor Ling Yao said: "It is well known that Jietang created a starry fortress in the lower realm to detain the rebels. Jun Chang laughed and blew it up, which is a blatant challenge to Jietang authority. If the top ten immortal sect gates are investigated, the problem will be big. Now. "


Tonggu's expression was wonderful.

"Because of fearing the prestige of their predecessors, the Jietang always pursues the minimization of small things and the small things."

The Emperor Ling Yao said: "But if you often laugh and do something unbearable later, when the conflicts that have accumulated together have completely erupted, the top ten immortal characters should come forward to ask for your opinion."


Tonggu real man secretly said, "I regret taking him as a disciple!"

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