The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1427: Jin Hao, healed

Jun Chang laughed hard and wanted to recruit six chief alchemists, so he would rather give some profits to Dan Tang.

Bai Chaoyang suddenly changed his mind, from the original to make a siege for his own people, and to help others talk, shamelessness can have a fight with the dog.


Otherwise, how could they dominate the bargain?

Seeing that the master caused the rudder because of the other words, the six chief alchemists collapsed!


Your bottom line!

"Sovereign monarch is so sincere, do you have the heart to refuse?"

"He is a disciple of the predecessors of Tonggu, and it is definitely a matter of Guangzong Yaozu to be able to serve in his Zongmen!"

"If the old man is not old, the monarch and lords will do everything they can to help as long as they recruit!"

Dantang's top management also joined the ranks of persuasion, abandoning a group of old shamelessly!

During this time, they have made various estimates for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion that if the two parties cooperate to spread the pharmacy in all major cities, the profits will definitely be huge!

Today, the monarchy concedes, even if only a little bit comes out, it is not a small benefit for Dantang.

As long as it can benefit the people, it doesn't matter if you join the Vanguard Sect!

not to mention.

That's not the fire pit that made you jump.

Yao and others fell into silence again.

The host and the senior officials said so, if they don't give them face, it would be a shame.

Dantang's purpose is freedom, and it will not force members to do things they do not want, but in this system, naturally they can't go too far.

"How about this."

Jun Chang laughed: "Six people can stay in my Wan Guzong temporarily for one month. If there is anything you are not satisfied with, you can leave at any time. Jun will never stop!"

Everything is said about this, if you insist on rejecting it, you will not walk a bit.

"it is good."

Yao said: "Then go to the monarch's gate for a month."

He didn't completely say death, apparently leaving himself a back door, so as not to be overtaken by the other party.

Come on?

If you know the dog left, you must smile.

After entering the ancient emperor, whether temporarily or resident, if I still plan to leave, I will immediately step down as the suzerain!哽 噺 繓 赽 奇奇 小说 蛧 | w ~ w ~

He is so confident with the Vanguard Magic Hair Reformer!

Seeing the six chief alchemists agree, Bai Chaoyang laughed and said, "Sovereign monarch, how do you talk about the proportion?"

"Not urgent."

Jun Chang laughed: "Wait for six people to stay in my house for a month before talking."

Bai Chaoyang understands that this is to wait for Yao and others to express their opinions one month later before deciding how much to profit.


Jun Chang laughs actually thinking in his heart.

The matter of profit will be put on hold until the old Yuan is brought over to talk with him.



After checking and clearing the medicinal materials and seeds sent by the major families, Li Qingyang exclaimed: "Yuan Gongzi bargained too much, once cheaper than once. This will take a few months, and the other party must not discount money?"

Sitting in the hall of Yuanyuan City, Yuan took a sip of tea and said, "How lonely is Invincible."


The six chief alchemists first returned to the Dantang headquarters, and masters of alchemy and alchemists of the first, second, and third ranks also poured into Wushuang City, which caused a heated debate among the residents in the city.


"Why are they all back!"

"Even if there are not so many people participating in the internal Dan Dao Dabie every few years, is there anything significant?"

Within a few days, Dan Tang suddenly announced that he had signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Van Gouzong!

The news spread, it can be said that a stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and immediately caused the arguments of all warriors!


"This eternal ancestor was able to establish a cooperative relationship with Dantang!"

"Dantang is mainly based on Dan Dao. The two sides reached an agreement. Do they want to sell medicinal materials or Chinese medicine?"

At the time of everyone's heated discussions, Wan Guzong and Dan Tang had already begun to act, one began to prepare the heavenly and precious treasures, and one began to send Dan Dao strong men to Wan Gu Xian Shan.

The six chief alchemists followed Jun Changxiao to return to Wanguzong first, decided to stay there for a month, and then decided whether to serve.

A month.

Just mean what you want.


The cooperation between Wan Guzong and Dan Tang was also heard by Jie Tang, so it was deliberately discussed during the regular meeting.

"Why is this boy approaching Dantang again?"

The word "Pang" is extremely subtle.

In fact, Jun Changxiao's ability to cooperate with an authoritative elixir institution has greatly improved Zongmen's reputation and influence.

However, after all, it is only cooperation. Although it has caused heated debate in the upper world, it has not triggered the reputation reward.

"who cares."

A senior official said, "As long as you don't cause problems."

Jun Chang has been unhappy with Jietang for a long time, and Jietang has also been unhappy with him for a long time, so he always pays attention to the former and don't let him grab any handles.

"This son is only supported by real people from the ancient times. It may not be a climate in the future, and I still have to find a way to solve the two confidants of Funeral Pavilion and Gu Zhaoxi as soon as possible." A senior said.


Someone whispered coldly: "I found the rebel obviously enough to let him run away. Ling Yao Yao's work is really not reassuring."

The senior leaders nodded in agreement.

At that time, Jietang's arrest of Gu Zhaoxi succeeded for hundreds of years, and when people failed once, they began to bury all kinds of people. This group of old guys was also shameless.

"Where is Jin Hao?"

"The injury is not good yet."

"I haven't recovered from my myocardium for more than two years?"

"I heard that I was badly hurt and my heart was pierced through a hole."

"What kind of magical power does this gentleman often laugh at, and he can easily make a nine-turn?"

"Maybe it is some kind of high-level treasure given by the ancient people."

As soon as this word came out, everyone immediately realized.

If the real people in Tonggu knew it, they would collapse: "How do you want to make up your brain, but don't pull me!"


"Coo coo!"

In a pool with a cloud on the surface ~ ~ The internal water seemed to boil, Jin Hao's head came out, his face was pale, and he looked painful.

At this moment, the majestic vitality in the water is conserving a large rice grain wound on the chest. Until the last is intact, he suddenly opened his eyes and said, "I will make you pay a painful price!

Facing the bombardment of lightning rods, it is a miracle to survive.

Now it is restored as it was before, and the hatred between Jun Chang and Xiao will naturally not be forgotten, and has even evolved to an endless level.

"My son."

An old servant came over and said, "The Jietang side sent a message earlier to help you help the Emperor Ling Yao to find the rebel Gu Chaoxi."

"Gu Chaoxi?"

Jin Hao wondered: "This guy is reincarnation?"

The old [] servant said: "The three Jietang branches have been destroyed recently."

"Assisting the Emperor Ling Yao?" Jin Hao said, "Must, Jie Tang can mobilize this woman?"

The old servant said: "I heard she volunteered to arrest Gu Zhaoxi."


Jin Hao came up from the pond, so that he could really remove the water stains on his body, put on the prepared clothing, and said with interest: "I'm afraid this woman has any conspiracy."

"My son."

The old servant said, "The master sent a secret letter."

Anyway, hand in a letter engraved with the 'Crescent Moon' pattern.

Jin Hao took it and took a look at it, burned the letter with flames, and said, "Go back and tell Jietang that I'm in good condition, and I'll help the Ling Yao Yao emperor chase Gu Zhaoxi."

"Yes." The fastest updated Qiqi novel https: //

The old servant hurried back.

Fasten the belt, Jin Hao secretly said: "The host is afraid this time, I can't help it, I have to deal with the hall that represents the will of the ten immortals, and I don't know if the forces behind the Emperor Ling Yao have this intention?"

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