The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1438: 3rd Class Forbidden

Before returning to Jun Changxiao to rescue him, although the Demon Mist King was locked at the dead gate, it does not mean that the crisis is lifted, because the magic gas attribute that exists around him has reached its peak.


Xiao Xie was half-knelt on the ground, the whole face had been twisted to the extreme.

Being punched by the Demon Mist King, the soul defense line has collapsed a lot, and now it is madly disturbed and it is completely difficult to bear.

The same goes for Li Qingyang and Ye Xingchen.

This is the magic mist forest. The danger is not the monster or the demon king, but the magic energy that disturbs the mind.


Just when everyone was fighting hard and resisting magical energy, when they had lost their ability to move, Lu Yan with white hair fluttered lightly and put a knot on his hands, saying, "Ice crystal protects the body, and everything will not invade."


Strange patterns emerged from the ground, quickly sketching lotus shapes.


The cold wind blew and white hair flew.

Lu Yan in the pattern is shrouded in a little light, like something burning.

"Master sister ..."

Li Qingyang shouted in pain.

"Nothing will happen." Lu Yan turned his back to him and said, "I will protect you until the thick fog has dispersed."

The whole body was completely shrouded in cold air, and the words should have been cold, but the words spoken gave people a feeling of spring breeze.

"call out-------"

At this moment, a stronger ice-cold atmosphere suddenly emerged in the magic mist forest, ripples and rushed in all directions, and the dense fog quickly froze everywhere, and the whole forest seemed to be suspended from a mirror.


"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

The bodies of the five people began to frost, and then were shrouded in thick ice, and the outside magic was suddenly difficult to penetrate.

With ice crystal protection, they are safe.

However, it will depend on Lu Yan whether the fog can dissipate until tomorrow.


Because she said, protect them.

"It should be no problem to support more than ten hours, but ..." Lu Yan secretly sealed in the ice crystal said: "There is a price to pay."


What she didn't expect was that only one or two hours later, the outside magic gradually weakened, reaching a level where it was difficult to cause substantial harm, so she decisively removed the ice crystal defense.

Although the time to protect the same door is short, because he wholeheartedly blessed the ice crystals to resist the invasion of magic gas, it still brought back to Lu Yan, so after liberation, he vomited blood and passed out.


Ling Yuanxue and other female disciples rushed over.

Jun Chang was relieved with a smile. Although the big disciple was in a coma, his breathing and breathing patterns were regular. His injuries should not be serious.


Li Qingyang stood up.

Seeing them all embarrassed, Jun Chang laughed with pain in his heart, then shook his fists, and shouted with blue tendons: "Suck me the magic and clean the mountains!"


The disciples acted.

"Woohoo ——————————”

The cold wind was blowing frequently in the magic mist forest, as if crying, as if begging for mercy.


After two hours.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the magic in the forest of magic fog completely disappeared, losing this attribute, the dense fog gradually faded, and various natural treasures are clearly visible.



Li Shangtian and others collected separately, and soon took away all the treasures.

After the dog left, no grass was born, and a third-class forbidden area was completely reduced to an ordinary mountain forest.

The corners of the warriors around the periphery twitched violently.

If it wasn't for your own eyes, who would have thought of one of the forbidden areas in the Upper Realm, it would have been destroyed in a short time by the Wanzong Sect, and it has since become a dust under the long river of history!

"small fire!"


The spirit of the fire soul turns into a flame of the sky, and pounces on like a demon.


The raging fire shrouded the magic mist forest for a distance of thousands of kilometers, until the next day completely turned into a scorched earth.

It hurts my disciples to pay the slightest price, let alone Lu Yan spit blood, Li Qingyang and others are embarrassed, so it is normal for this long-forbidden area to be destroyed.


Under a fire, the third-level magic mist forest was removed from the upper world and became a past history.

This is mixed for the warrior. The good thing is that without the source of temptation, it is not used to give people a head. The worry is how to get the chance in the future?

Regardless of the chance, Jun often laughs. Anyway, magic energy and heavenly treasures are taken away, as long as he can breathe for his disciples.


The warriors gathered outside shook their heads and said, "Let's go."

The magic mist forest is gone, and they will stop thinking about it, and they will never come here again.

However, when I remembered that Wan Guzong could ingest magic energy, and finally set fire to the mountain, there was still a great shock in my heart.


Li was about to leave boldly and was shouted by Jun Chang.

Since this dude dared to enter the Devil Forest with him to find someone, he certainly couldn't treat him badly, so he generously gave away twenty Jiedu Dan.

"Thank you Monarch!"

Li accepted it boldly, and then left with his companion.

Although it took 600,000 basalts to visit the Mist Forest this time, getting so many detoxification dans is definitely a huge profit. Moreover, as a casual repair to go to major forbidden places all year round, detoxification dans are far more important than other elixir .

"Return to Zong."

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

The disciples summoned the colorful dazzling light wings into a streamer and flew to Wanxian Mountain, leaving only the scorched earth with the residual smoke.


The news of the Devil's Mist Forest being destroyed quickly spread in the upper world and caused another sensation.

The level of the third-class forbidden area is not high, but after all, it is a bit old, and it will be destroyed by the incompetent eternal ancestors.

Jietang also learned, but didn't take it seriously.

If the dog's left is a sect gate, they will definitely wipe out the sense of existence, but destroying a forbidden area will definitely not say anything. After all, there is no rule prohibiting the warrior from setting fire to the mountain.

Jidao Cave.

A real man in Tonggu sat in front of the chessboard and laughed: ‘I'm a little bit patient and ruined a third-class forbidden area. "


The real chess player dropped the chess piece and shook his head: "Your children dare to exterminate the forbidden area today ~ ~ Bao Qiqi will dare to strike the world hall tomorrow, I really don't know how happy you are."


Tonggu real people can't laugh anymore.

Qi Yezhen said: "As far as I know, the five disciples in the gate of your truth's sect went to the magic mist forest and encountered the magic mist monster king."


Tonggu real people were quite surprised: "Is this beast sealed?"

"Since the seal can be sealed, naturally it can be unsealed." The chess player actually dropped the chess piece and looked at him meaningfully.

The two have known each other for many years, and one look immediately made the real people in Tonggu understand, so their faces were gloomy, saying: "Someone is deliberately targeting my apprentice's door?"

"Who was sealed by the Demon Mist King?"


Tonggu real people clenched the chess pieces and said rudely, "Okay, how dare to play overcast!"

"If it were so easy for us to guess, wouldn't Jietang dig a pit for himself and jump in?" Kisano said.

"What do you mean?"

"It's simple. Someone wants you to be angry at Jietang."


Tonggu real man covered his brain and said, "No, no, I'm confused by you."

"Now the upper world is the same as this chess game. On the surface, it looks calm and calm." With a wave from a real human hand, the black and white chess pieces mixed together, and said, "If someone pushes lightly, it will be chaotic."

"It's worthy of being an expert at chess." Tonggu really said: "The words are so inscrutable and intriguing."

"Don't understand?"

"I don't understand."

"Bai has played chess with me for so long."

"Can we explain what?"

"I didn't know myself how to explain it to you, come, play chess!"

"Wait a minute, the recovered board is wrong, and you regret it again!"

"Fart, that's it!"

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