The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1443: Brother, it's you!

In the ninth-floor hell, Gu Zhaoxi's dedication to death was quite negative.

Jun Chang laughed and couldn't stand it anymore. In order to reestablish his faith in living, he was sent to Tianyuan Town Prison Tower.


Just brother!

Under the care of Erya, Gu Zhaoxi didn't want to die because ... began to become more afraid of death.

For this reason, Jun Chang laughs and feels that he has done a good deed of immense merit.

Thank you so much!

Later Gu Chaoxi gave up his life to save the dog leftovers. Although he was finally born again, he lost some of his memories, including the fear of being dominated by Erya.

It's ok.

The best way to deal with patients with amnesia is to take him to revisit the place, or to experience a scene that he has experienced, it will definitely get better.

Remove the word "slowly", because under the torture of the second soul, Gu Zhaoxi not only remembered the past, but also remembered the constant smile!

That face, that voice, is not the elder monarch who was standing at the gate just now!


It's the brother I always miss!

So in the future, if you see commonplace plots such as crashes, accidents, and amnesia, please send the male and female protagonists to Van Gonzong as soon as possible, and Erya will definitely get rid of the disease after a course of treatment!

The soul is frustrated and stimulated, the missing memory is restored, and the annual dog blood drama known by brothers is about to be staged. Readers are requested to bring their own onions and paper towels.


Jun Chang, who was standing in the monitoring room, laughed and said coldly, "It's no use shouting brother, torture him severely!"

Gou left that this guy was begging for mercy.

Hit my disciple and apologize and it's over?


Slam it!

Under the fierce beating, Gu Zhaoxi's soul's pain was shrouded in an instant, and he couldn't organize his words to express his identity. He could only be pained and miserable.

Life is better than death for the first experience.

In the second experience, the feeling of pain was stronger than before.

For this reason, Jun Chang smiles and continues to improve, and Erya's skills in teaching prisoners are becoming more and more proficient.

For example, this time, after many improvements, it is absolutely guaranteed that the patient will be refreshed to the deepest soul!


Screams rang throughout the prison.

Zhao Doudou and Dai Lu sat on the small bench for tea and said, "Poor!"


Before coming in, Gu Chaoxi was extremely arrogant, fully showing his personality that was not afraid of death, and after a period of torture, the area of ​​his last life's fear of death gradually expanded.


I really want to live!


After another torture that destroyed the soul, Gu Zhaoxi suddenly turned his eyelids and twitched.

"the host."

Erya stopped and said, "This guy passed out."

"Wait until he wakes up and continue to abuse."

Mowulin bullied Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji and others, and ended up being expelled. The teenager dared to hit his disciples in his own territory, and he must bring him indelible pain.

Aniu is ruthless, and dogs are even more ruthless.


Erya's eyes flickered with excitement.

The soul quality of this new prisoner is good, similar to the tattooed man who was sent with handcuffs and shackles, and he can be tortured!


After leaving the monitoring room, Jun Changxiao came to Xiyutang and asked, "Did you have any news about Gu Zhaoxi at this time?"


Li Luoqiu said: "It seems to disappear."

"Keep searching, tell me as soon as there is news."


Li Luoqiu asked with curiosity: "Sect, why do you care so much about this rebel called Gu Zhaoxi?"


Jun Chang smiled and looked out the window. His thoughts returned to the scene outside the Starry Fortress more than ten years ago. Sad tears gradually gathered in the corners of his eyes, and his tone was solemn: "He is my life and death brother!"

The system whispered: "I haven't come back to kill, this is not scientific!"



In the prison, Gu Zhaoxi, who had just woke up, was tortured again. The pig-like voice ran through the prison, shaking Pei Si, who was on the ground floor, and whispering in his heart: "Monarch, I am wrong, I will Don't dare to trick you! "

Because he had experienced the education of Erya, he understood the pain of the other person very much, and even felt the immersive feeling whenever he heard the sound of shock.

what is this?

That's right, psychological shadow!


For the next time, Gu Zhaoxi's experience was nothing more than a cycle of screaming, fainting, waking, and screaming.

This method of not giving a breather, it is naturally difficult for him to prove his identity, he can only bear it again and again, and has a strong fear of death.

During this period, Jun Changxiao occasionally came to take a look, but he spent more time on the development of Zongmen and self-cultivation.

"Ding! Epic mission triggered!"

A month later, when Jun Chang laughed out of the time and space again, a prompt sound was heard in his ears, so he grinned, "Did you finally reach the limit of three turns after unremitting efforts?"


The system growled: "Mostly it depends on experience!"


During this time, the dog has been working hard.

But the real limit of three turns and triggering the task is still the pavement of the previous experience, so this thing has not yet been eliminated or replaced.


Open the data panel and click on the task details.

Epic Mission [3].

Task details: Zongmen seniors and disciples must complete the designated Zongmen task within three months.

Task conditions: High Star Mission 1/10 times, Medium Star Mission 22/100 times, Low Star Mission 1260/10000 times, and Tangkou Exclusive Mission 0/8 times.

Task failed: not completed within the specified time.

mission rewards:? ? ?

After reading the introduction, Jun Changxiao fell into a short silence and said, "It doesn't seem difficult."

"It's not difficult to be stumped."

The system states: "The key is that Li Qingyang and others went out to practice, and the Demon Mist King suddenly unblocked, on behalf of someone secretly targeting the eternal ancestors. At this time, letting the disciples do the task, I am afraid they will encounter trouble.

Jun often smiled and frowned, his eyes flashing with anger.

Since the Mowulin incident, he has ordered that tasks other than simple and not too far away can be received, and other tasks are suspended, for fear of being conspired by someone with a heart.

"Oh shit!"

The dog clenched his fist tightly, and said, "It feels unpleasant to be stared at!"

There is no way to be unhappy, because the other party hides in the dark, there is no way to get out, and they can only be absolutely passive.


At this moment, a voice from Zhao Doudou shouted in his ear: "Come to the town tower!"


On the ground floor of the prison.

Gu Zhaoxi was hung in the air, there were whipping marks on the damaged clothes, and the whole face was distorted so that even my mother could not recognize it.

Thirty days of torture made him completely inhuman.


Erya stood next to him, holding the soul whip in one hand and dragging her chin with one hand, and said, "Why is this guy familiar with tattoos?"

After careful observation, Zhao Doudou said, "It's really familiar!"

Gu Zhaoxi still had thinking, but his soul erosion made him unable to speak at all, and only roared in his heart, "How can your memory be worse than mine!"

"Notify the lord."

"it is good."

Not long after ~ ~ Jun Chang smiled and came to the monitoring room.

"Master, come and see, this guy has some familiar tattoos."


Jun Chang smiled and narrowed his eyes suddenly, just to see the strange tattoos emerging from the broken area on Gu Zhaoxi's back. The whole man was suddenly on the spot and exclaimed: "Brother, you!"

The appearance can change.

The tattoo does not change.

So, this is the best proof of identity!

Hearing Jun Chang laughing and shouting, "Brother, it's you", Gu Zhaoxi couldn't control his emotions, Douda's tears flowed down his cheeks, and he said in his heart, "What kind of **** The clothes you bought for me were tortured for a month before they broke! "

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