With the help of Jun Changxiao, Gu Zhaoxi finally came alive, and then he was lying on the bed with a bandage all over his body, and his eyes looking at the ceiling were full of holes and sluggishness.

One month's torture, soul erosion, three thousand poisonous, and was burned from pure to pure flame, the whole process goes through, it is better to die!


Jun Chang, who was sitting in front of the hospital bed, laughed and wiped the tears from his eyes. He said, "It's a happy event that the brothers meet, it's really a happy event, but we can't get old tears."

Gu Zhaoxi raised his hand weakly, pointed out the door, and made a hoarse voice from his throat: "Let ... I stay alone, I want to be quiet ..."

"Who is Jingjing?"


God, please come and save me!

Although Gu Zhaoxi has experienced multiple tortures, after all, he has a good foundation and he has recovered just as long as he has been nursed for half a month.

Because he hadn't died, he didn't become stronger after the injury, and even his fear of death became stronger. Especially when he dreamed of Erya, he woke up from the dream and was sweating with horror.

It tortured him like a nightmare for several days before he could get better.


One day, Jun Chang laughed and set up a banquet in his place of residence, saying, "You and I have been in the Nether for more than ten years. Today, we must not be drunk!

"it is good!"

Gu Zhaoxi refreshed.


Jun Chang smiled and said, "Sit down."


Ye Xingchen took a seat, and his eyes flashed proudly.

He is here to entertain the guests at the order of the lord, with only one purpose to make the other party addicted!

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Cheers for us again!"


Gu Zhaoxi stood up, then drank a bowl of wine and praised, "Good wine!"

"Brother is an expert."

"OK, OK."

"My disciple sent the nickname to the supreme divine supreme. You can take the opportunity to compare it."


Gu Zhaoxi looked surprised.

Ye Xingchen stood up and brought a jar of wine coldly and said, "Trouble with a bowl is worse than a jar."


Gu Zhaoxi was immediately embarrassed.

"of course."

Ye Xingchen added: "You are a guest, you are free!"

After all, raised the wine jar with one hand, and groaned with a gulp, as unpretentious and free as that.

"It's amazing!" Gu Zhaoxi exclaimed.


The jar is down.

Ye Xingchen picked up the corner of his mouth slightly, just like saying, I can't beat you, can I still drink you?

Aniu, you are gone.


At this moment, Gu Zhaoxi brought the wine next to it, and then groaned up, quickly drank it, and then set the two altars on the table.

Jun Chang laughed and compared.

This is an entire altar that is drunk and dreamy, and has been improved by Lan Kang many times. Even if the drunken head couldn't carry it, the younger brother was not only okay after drinking, but looked more energetic!


Ye Xingchen frowned suddenly.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The two altars were put at the table and said, "Come!"


Gu Zhaoxi stepped on a chair with one foot, waved his hands and tossed the two wine altars and suspended them in the air. The drinks and water flowed like a waterfall, and then he drank with his first mouth ‘Gudu Gudu’.

The expression on Ye Xingchen's face suddenly became exciting.

This is, master!


After half an hour.

Gu Zhaoxi stepped out of the hall and fixed his collar before leaving.

Moving the camera away, looking inside, A Niu fell on the bottom of the table, one hand resting on the empty wine jar, stumbled: "I ... I can still drink ... I'm not drunk yet ..."

At the same place, there is the Yuan Gongzi ko Baitangzhu first, followed by Gu Zhaoxi ko night stars!


Jun Chang smiled and came out, shaking his head and saying, "It's a shame."

I can't beat it, I can't drink it.

Aniu was defeated.

However, he was not convinced, he stood up hard, walked down Longshoufeng, and muttered in his mouth, "I ... I'm not drunk ... I ... I'm not drunk ..."


In the main hall of Lingjufeng, the frowning demon king of the purple owl who was negotiating important matters, looked down the door, and saw a crooked figure coming over.

"not good!"

Niu Lao's face changed in shock: "Here's here, he's here again!"

"All staff alert!"

"No! All members are on special alert!"


After drinking a drink, Gu Zhaoxi finally came out of the psychological shadow.

However, the next day he quickly found Jun Chang and talked about the business. He said, "Brother, do you have any resentment to Ling Yao Yao Empress?"


Leaving aside Ye Xingchen's case, she was not taken care of by her on the battlefield in that year, so she was considered an enemy.

"So it is!"

Gu Zhaoxi patted her head and said, "No wonder the woman would let me come to your house to be an undercover agent!"


Jun Chang laughed: "What do you mean?"

Gu Zhaoxi hurriedly stated the agreement with Ling Yao Yao.

He wouldn't care about the spirit of contract, there must be truth to tell the truth, he would never make any concealment, after all, he is a brother of life and death!

After understanding the beginning and end, Jun Chang's gaze slowly turned cold.

Because Zongmen has a hard-core limitation in the system, he is not afraid of being sent undercover, but the Emperor Lingyao must have some sinister intention to do so!

and many more!

This woman is from Jietang. The magic mist forest formation method is Jietang layout. The demon king suddenly broke the seal and came out. Will it have anything to do with her?

Systemically said: "It's very likely."

"I understand!"

Jun Chang laughed: "The Empress Lingyao and Aniu have resentment, so take the opportunity to break the seal to get rid of him!"

"Oh shit!"

"It really is a deliberate woman!"


Jun Chang smiled and asked, "How are you connected?"

Gu Zhaoxi shook her head and said, "She just asked me to worship under the gate of Wan Guzong."

"It's that simple?"



Jun Chang laughed into silence.

Systemically said: "Women who have good intentions, naturally will not tell your brother more things, maybe there will be no new instructions in the future."


Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said: "Since the undercover is sent, it will be as she wishes!"


"Would you like to be a member of my Wanzong?"

Gu Zhaoxi was reluctant at first, but due to the agreement, he could only come. Now that he has restored his memory, he knows that Zongmen was built by his brother, so there must be no comments.


He was rather bitter: "Brother, I am a rebel. If you join your ancestors, you will bring endless trouble."

Jun Chang laughed and put it on his shoulder, and said, "Did you forget, what I said during the ninth-floor hell?"

What have you said?

Gu Zhaoxi worked hard to recall, and suddenly realized: "Yeah, you are also a rebel!"

"and so."

Jun Chang laughed: "Join my ancestors, our brothers will join forces to turn the world upside down and make Jietang a peaceful day!"

"it is good!"

Gu Chaoxi boldly said.

Jun Chang smiled, took out the entry sheet, followed the procedure and stamped it with a big seal.

At this point, Wan Guzong has one more tiger general, and he is still a brother of life and death. What troubles will be brought to the upper world in the future? Only wait and see!

the next day.

Jun Changxiao called the disciples and introduced Gu Zhaoxi in detail.

It turns out that this boy is a suzerain brother.

"See Uncle!" The disciples shouted in unison.

When the Iron Bone Sect, the original owner had two older brothers, but because he left the martial arts, Zongmen never had an uncle or an uncle.

In fact, Black and White Rakshasa is also considered a master, but because of his role in protecting the law, the disciples usually use the title to honor them.


"Brother, what is your strength now?"

"Eight turns around Dan."

"That's right, Zongmen has a lot of tasks recently. I'm bothering you and the black and white Luocha to protect the law, and help them complete together."

"Good!" Magic Moon Academy

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