The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1453: My brother is kind

Why do some strong men block the road?

Because they were fighting with another group, in order not to be disturbed, they simply closed the road.

Yi Jun Chang Xiao's relatively low-key personality now may not cause trouble, and chose to bypass from other places, but Gu Zhaoxi who followed him was not happy!

In front of my brother, you are welcome to speak, you must suffer!

As a result, he not only hit a few strong men who blocked the road, but also put down dozens of people who were fighting and stacked them into mountains. Sitting on it, he lit an electronic cigar, saying, "Brother, you can pass." Now. "


Jun Chang smiled slightly.

My brother is worthy of being a rebel, and worthy of fighting with Jietang. He has a bad temper!

The so-called soft afraid of the hard, the hard afraid of the horizontal, when Gu Zhaoxi simply resolved to block the two groups of roadblocks, the other soldiers on the main street suddenly cast a jealous look.

"Who is this?"

"From the decisive point of view, it must be a hard character!"

"It was the disciples of Xuanzong and Jiyuan Xuanzong who were beaten. They would definitely not give up."

"There's fun to watch!"

It will take a little while for the Demon Land to open, so the warriors in Demon City naturally want to be bored and watch a good show.

It didn't take long for the good show to come!

The men and women of Mixed Age Xuanzong and Jiyuan Xuanzong appeared aggressively on the main street, and then stopped in front of an inn by accident.

These two demons have a feud against each other.

Similar to Yu Jian Xuanzong and Ling Dao Xuanzong.

However, for now temporarily set aside each other's grievances, and set the same target to the group of people who just entered the inn.


The friendship between the ancestral gates has to be backed by the eternal ancestors.

"The man who hit my sect just now, get out of it!" A middle-aged man from Xunzong, a fierce and evil spirit, sang.

"Turn to Danjing!"

"The problem is a bit big, let's stay away!"

Seeing the lively passers-by worried that they would be affected, they receded a long way, and there was no one in the nearby streets, and the atmosphere was quite killing.


Just then, the closed door of the inn was pushed open.



Five people, Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji, walked out in black robes, then lined up in a ‘line, and held their chests with their hands.


The cold wind blew from the other end of the street, instantly rolling up leaves and dust.

On the clean street, five people faced hundreds of people, but unfortunately, Li Shangtian was not accompanied, otherwise he would definitely shoot this scene and mount it in the Zongmen Video Museum.


The two martial artists suddenly sneered.

They've seen a lot of pretends, and they haven't seen anything so pretentious.


A martial artist said, "It's not them who are doing it, it's a boy about twelve or three years old!"

The middle-aged man faintly said, "Hurry up with the perpetrators, or ..." His eyes flickered and said, "You all have to die here!"


On the second floor of the inn, Jun often laughed, "It's not bad."

Although Gu Zhaoxi was in trouble just as soon as he entered the city, please don't forget that the dog left is not a master who is afraid of trouble. Since the two cases were found, they must accompany them to the end. Solve it all. "


Li Qingyang and others yelled in unison, tore off the black robe with uniform movements, revealing the junior high school uniform with the word 'wangu' engraved on the chest and fashionable.


Someone exclaimed, "Eternity!"

"Is that the monarch who always laughs is the ancestral door of the real people who passed on the ancient people?"


"Fuck, big man!"

As the so-called one gets the chicken and dog to ascend to the sky, the dog has a great master, and his status is still very high in the eyes of ordinary warriors.

After confirming the identity of the five men in front of Xuanzong and Jiyuanxuan, the warriors of the mixed world Xuanzong and Xuanzong gradually raised their fears and said, "It's over, kicked on the iron plate!"

Even the Lingwei Zhenzong did not dare to provoke Tonggu real people, let alone the two Xuanzi deities, so when Li Qingyang and others showed the school uniform representing Wanguzong's identity, they suddenly fell into a circle and became timid.

How to do?


Just as everyone was thinking, Ye Xingchen rushed over as if he were a bison, turning Dan Jingxiu into an outburst, directly frightening the two leading elders.




A fight inside the city began.


ten minutes later.

The hundreds of Mozong warriors gathered outside the inn either covered their stomachs or lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

Five people, Li Qingyang and Xiao, have turned into shadows, as if the demons came to life.



The passerby hiding in the distance was startled.

As a witness, if you use one word to describe the battle just now, it is-absolutely crushed!


The handsome Jun Chang came out of the inn with a smile and sat on a chair Xiao Xiao had prepared in advance. He clasped his fingers together and said, "Tie them all, and let the two cases redeem the money."


Li Qingyang and others tied the hundredth, temporarily locked in the inn stables, and took away the space ring in advance. The whole process can be described as very skilled and very professional at first sight!


Gu Zhaoxi said, "If you change to me, you will kill them all."

Jun Chang shook his head with a smile and said, "Everyone is a fellow in the same circle. It is inevitable that there will be a little friction, so sometimes don't do too much."


Gu Zhaoxi said so, whispering in his heart, "My brother is kind."


Because it was a street fight, the news of the abuse of Xuanzong and Jiyuan Xuanzong quickly spread throughout the demon city, especially the five are Wanguzong disciples, which caused a great sensation.

"Haha, these two demons are kicked on the iron plate!"

"I heard that the young man sitting on the chair is the elder monarch who always laughs!"

"Sure enough, heroes are young!"

"Tonggu's predecessors' disciples, even Jietang dare not offend!"

"This incident tells us ~ ~ You must not be fooled when you go out, let alone to provoke a warrior in a black robe at random, because you may have any big identity!"

During the hot discussion, the delegations from the mixed world Xuanzong and the Jiyuan Xuanzong came to the inn, and they were sincerely prepared for money and redemption.

"You all."

Jun Changxiao still sat outside the inn and said, "One person has 100,000 black stones."


The two executives were dumbfounded.

Gu Zhaoxi, who was standing beside him, was dumbfounded.

A head of 100,000, but a head of 100, is not 10 million?

Oh my god, my brother is so dark!

"of course."

Jun Chang laughed, "These money may be a little too much for you, but it should be nothing compared with the magic land that will be opened soon. After all, one more person will get more chances to get a chance. "


The two high-level faces looked ugly.

Jun Chang laughed and said, "If you miss this time, you have to wait another 100 years."

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Xuanzong of Mixed Age said, "Can it be cheaper? I don't really bring that much money."


Jun Chang laughed. "Looking at everyone's face, this one gives you a 10% discount. If you don't have any cash, you can also owe an IOU."

"Percent off?"

Passers-by rolled their eyes and secretly said, "This face is so cheap!"

The land of magical fate may be opened at any time, and a large number of men and horses are seized by Wanzong. After difficult choices, the mixed world Xuanzong and Jiyuan Xuanzong had to take out three million black stones, and the rest owed the IOU.

After everything was settled, Jun Chang laughed and let people go, saying "cooperative cooperation."


The two seniors almost vomited blood.

Seeing my brother made six million yuan of stone in a while, Gu Zhaoxi blinked his eyes and secretly said, "Learned! Learned!"


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