The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1457: Destroyer, Liu Sinan

In the demon city, the more and more soldiers of the funeral pavilion gathered, from the current situation, it seems that there is a possibility of Benwan.

The powerful magic envelops the entire city, so that the people who eat it are immediately aware that a **** storm will soon be staged!

How to do!

Then hurry up!

Because of this, when the men and horses at Funeral Pavilion were flying, the internal warriors rushed out of the city, fearing that they would be beaten into the fish pond when they hit.

Jun Chang laughed sitting on the street, and always kept the knife in his hand.

At this moment, he eagerly hopes to have more members in Funeral Pavilion, because if they are all wiped out and spread in the upper world, it may be worth a lot of prestige.


When there are few people, you will lose with a hard knife. Only when there are many people will you make a profit!

Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, and others stood behind the suzerain, facing the siege of thousands of funeral pavilions, instead of having any fears, they smiled indifferently.

"This state of mind."

Gu Zhaoxi secretly praised: "Too strong!"

If he had seen the scene where Jun Chang laughed and used his hard-to-reach knife to kill and kill, he would be very calm.



The manic and enraged city is vertical and horizontal, the war can be described as a trigger!


A burial moon pavilion's nine-turn strong said coldly, "With the Lord Rudder, you can leave your whole body."


Jun Chang smiled sneer: "Let him go and kneel down."

The eyes of the nine-turned-powerful man suddenly showed a strong murderous look, and angrily said, "I don't know if you live or die!"


The members of the funeral pavilion gathered above Qiqi released Xiuwei, and the intense magic was more intense, as if turned into a roaring ghost.

Momentum suppression is most effective when there are many people on your own.

If the 100,000 disciples of Wan Guzong are present, they will certainly release their momentum to suppress the goal. Otherwise, how can they reflect the crowd?


Jun Chang sniffed with a smile.

The big scene is not unseen.

If you can frighten yourself and your disciples by momentum, wouldn't you let the king of the spirit of heaven see the joke!

Jun Chang laughed that there were hostages in hand. Although the funeral hall became more and more gathered, he did not immediately begin to work, so the two sides were apparently in a stalemate.


Light consumption definitely solved the problem.

Therefore, after a few nine-turners have made eye contact, they immediately set two plans for attack and two for stealing.

However, just as they were about to start the operation, just as Jun Changxiao was preparing to smash the amulet, the sound of ‘stepping’ came from the aisle of the city gate.

In the environment where the magic air and the cold wind roared, the sound was very weak, but it seemed to contain some kind of power, penetrate the eardrums of everyone, and blend into the depths of the soul. It suddenly became very rhythmic and very crisp and loud.

The crowd turned their heads subconsciously.



Footsteps were still coming from the dark aisle.

Slightly, a middle-aged man wearing a slightly worn out robe and exuding a shawl came out.

The man was pale, with a sarcophagus behind him, bound by heavy iron chains and special spells, and looked a little scary.


Gu Zhaoxi stared intently, "Liu Sinan!"

As soon as this remark was made, the members of the funeral pavilion gathered over the face changed greatly, and fearful eyes appeared, including four nine-turn Zhuan-dan border!


憔悴 The middle-aged man gently took out the handkerchief, and coughed a few times, covering his mouth, his voice desolately said: "Heavy magic."

The delicate patterns on the handkerchief are obviously for women.

With a smile, Jun often felt a chill in his heart, and said, "This guy doesn't have any special quirks?"

"I heard that the scholar said." Gu Chaoxi said: "The delicate handkerchief that Liu Sinan carried with him was used by the dead wife during his lifetime."

Jun Chang smiled and wondered, "Isn't the warrior in the upper world a single dog?"

"He has a wife."

Gu Zhaoxi looked at the sarcophagus from an angle, and said with a serious gaze: "Later, for unknown reasons, he was sealed in a sarcophagus made of special materials.


Jun Chang smiled and widened his eyes and said, "This guy really has a special hobby!"


At this moment, Liu Sinan standing at the gate of the city corrected: "My beloved wife is still alive, but she is temporarily in deep sleep, and sooner or later she will wake up and accompany me forever."


Gu Zhaoxi was silent.

His wife is clearly dead, and she is still paralyzed. It is worthy of being called by the upper world, the most infatuated man in the world.


Jun Chang laughed: "The people who buried Yuege Pavilion seem to be very afraid of him."

"That's because of his other identity."

"What identity?"

"The biggest nemesis in the magic road is one of the three great destroyers of Jietang."


"This is a special profession that exists inside the Jietang. They don't obey the church master's assignment. They have only one task on a weekday, which is to eradicate the martial arts martial arts that have lost their good deeds and made troubles."

Jun Chang laughed and understood.


Gu Zhaoxi said: "I am afraid this person has already entered the real world."

"Is it so strong?" Jun Chang smiled with surprise.

In the past, all ethnic groups surrounded the eternal ancestors, and the Jietang side also sent someone over, but the only way to behave in the presence of the Master made him think that there was nothing to be able to do. As a result, an exorcist would find the truth to repair!

The system said: "Jietang controls the upper world. If there is no high-power combat, how long will it exist?"

"So too."

Jun Changxiao's impression of Jietang has changed, thinking that it is similar to the naval headquarters, and he may not have emerged as a number of generals.

"young people."

Liu Sinan looked at him and said, "You are the daughter of Ling Yao, and I will never let you be bullied."


Jun Chang smiled a little bit suddenly.

Routinely, this guy believes it?

The dog's left head melon reacted quickly to the thief, and hurriedly said, "This time the land of the demon is opened, Jietang is worried that everyone in the demon road will be in disorder, so I specially sent me to maintain stability!"

"So it is."

Liu Sinan's eyes sent a hint of enlightenment.

Although he is a member of Jietang, he has been punishing ten evil and unforgiving demon martial arts all year round, so it is naturally difficult to distinguish the true identity of Jun Changxiao for the time being.

of course.

This is not important. What is important is that he was besieged by the funeral pavilion he always investigated. Whether from a colleague's point of view or an outsider's point of view, he must help him to make a siege, because this is the real thing.


The heavy sarcophagus fell to the ground, and a cloak with the word "Chivalry" engraved on it floated behind him. His hands dangled the scattered black hair, his face suddenly became refreshed.

"Destroyer Liu Sinante came to enforce the law, and the demon gangster quickly seized it!"


The raven is silent.

Because when he was at the beginning of a line break, the members of the funeral pavilion gathered over the street, including the four nine-turn-over-border Danjing strong men, had disappeared without a trace.


Jun often laughs silently.

Brother, can you stop posing when you grab someone!

"Can you run it?"

Liu Sinan smiled indifferently ~ ~ Both hands smashed into the void with a fist-like shape, only to hear the sound of '嘭', the space suddenly rippled, quickly covering the entire magic edge city, interweaving a pot-shaped streamer Enchantment.


Jun Chang smiled and widened his eyes.

"Sure enough, as the storyteller said!" Gu Chaonan said in shock. "This guy has the spirit of space, and can quickly close the world!"


Jun Chang laughed in his heart and said, "Brother, where is the storyteller you said, I really want to visit it now!"


Liu Sinan spread his hands, as if seizing the space, his hands were forced together, only to see the enchantment in the diffused city rapidly shrink, and bound thousands of funeral pavilions fleeing.

Jun Chang smiled and said in shock: "Now!"

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