The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1463: Jun often laughs and is in danger

Yao Mengying sat on the throne, the intensity of the magical energy in the palace reached the extreme instantly. After eight rounds of transition to the Dan Kingdom like Gu Zhaoxi, he could only tire of resistance and couldn't move at all.

Jun Chang laughed and was disturbed by magic.

However, he can act normally, because one of the small evil and the small fire in the body can be refined and the other can be purified.

For the time being, Yao Mengying was sitting on the throne. It should be the start of the resurrection process of the ancestral ancestor, so when the dog left rushed over, the first thought was to pull her down.


The man was pulled out of the throne and held in his arms.

But when Jun Chang laughed and turned to prepare to retreat, a strong suction broke out, leaving him to sit directly on it.

Dog emperor ascended the throne, all beings worship!


Between the electric light and the flint, magic blood and soul demon roared, and surrounded Jun Changxiao and Yao Mengying, forming a **** water polo that was inaccessible to outsiders.

It's over, it's over!

Gu Zhaoxi and his disciples were astonished.

Although they don't understand what the situation is, the magical energy in the converging water polo must be very strong, and the suzerain is not a magical repair, and it will fall down because of it.



The dog barking rang in the palace, and it made people shudder!


Li Qingyang and others are limited by the magic pressure system, they can only keep their eyes open, they can only growl in their hearts!


Gu Zhaoxi clenched his fists and said loudly, "I will take good care of the elders, and I will inherit your will!"

The disciples almost vomited blood.

Before the suzerain is cold, the uncle started to arrange funeral?

Strange to say.

Sitting on the throne and covered with red water polo, Jun Chang laughed and screamed. Yao Mengying, who was sitting on him, didn't move at all, even faintly seeing a comfortable expression on his face.

This is the case.

The throne is an opportunity for the resurrection of the demon ancestors. As long as he sits up, the demon will take the body as the lead and accept the demon blood and soul infusion.

Yao Mengying sat on it, it must be an introduction.

But at a critical moment, Jun Chang laughed and pulled her down, instead he was pulled over and replaced.

In other words, the dog remnant has now become the medicine for resurrecting the demon ancestor. The energy of magic energy gathered around him. Yao Mengying, who was sitting next to him, not only did not suffer substantial damage, but also benefited from overflowing magic energy.

Pot, Sovereign's back.

Yi, disciple won.

This selfless behavior is really touching!



Demon anger and demon soul poured into the body frantically, and the pain caused was stronger than that of Jun Changxiao, who had once merged with the spirit of the fire soul, and the entire face had been distorted to a level that parents could not recognize.

At this moment, the majestic magical energy is like a group of crazy bison, ramming in the dog's left meridian and blood.

Xiaoxie and Xiaohuo were not idle. They turned into guardians and tried to stop at various points, but because the numbers were too large, they could not be suppressed at all.

This has to be replaced by Yao Mengying. Suddenly accepting so much magic, she has long lost her defense and completely lost herself.

"Although a little accident happened."

"However, as long as this orthodox demon repair falls, the baby girl can still be affected, and my resurrection plan can continue."

The thick voice sounded, and there was relief in his words.

The so-called resurrection is to gather the blood and soul of the demon repair, and then find a suitable body to serve as a carrier. Jun Changxiao suddenly sat up. Although it disrupted the original plan, it has nothing to do with the current time. Trend.


Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others are suffering.

They can see Jun Chang's smiling face through the crimson water polo. It must be an indescribable pain!

"One hundred thousand years."

"When I come back to life, the world will tremble!"

The voice of the demon ancestor always sounded in the palace, and it seemed a bit taciturn. He didn't seem to know the law of `` the villain dies with too much talk ''.


As a villain, if you do n’t say a few words and just fart, there is really no sense of existence, so everyone should not contradict this setting, after all, it is not easy for anyone.



Outside, when the giant iron gate was under the siege of strong magic, the pattern on the outline became brighter and brighter, which also made the major gates' faces more dignified.


Tonggu's real man was worried and said, "You must be alive, or who will go for a ten-year appointment!"


Kisano shook his head and said, "This time the demon ancestor is resurrected, anyone who enters it will be sacrificed."

"Can't speak, just don't say it!" Tonggu real man growled.



At this moment, a more powerful magic gas appeared on the surface of the demon gate, which made the strong players in the field agree that the demon ancestor is about to resurrect, and the entire upper world will probably cause a great disaster!



Inside the palace, Jun Changxiao still screamed.

The soul, meridians, and flesh are madly disturbed by the magical energy, madly tempered, and the mind is in a state of collapse at any time!


"Be sure to hold on!"

Xiao Xie and Xiao Huo shouted in their hearts.

The magical energy is too violent. As long as Jun Chang laughs and loses his heart, it will inevitably fall on the spot, because this intensity has long exceeded the tolerance range.

For a while.

The dog left seemed to be in a nihilistic environment, and the gods stood beside them, smiling, and said, "Brother, we're here to pick you up."

"Can't die!"

"I can't die!"

"I have to develop the sect, I have to be the strongest!"


A new round of magical anger disturbed my heart again, making Jun Changxiao's pain and screaming happen again, and his eyes became gradually red, as if he would be caught in an endless place at any time.

"call out!"

At this moment, the space shook slightly, and the stone statues existing in the ring appeared out of thin air, then quickly turned into powder, adhered to the exposed skin and quickly integrated into the body.


For a moment, Jun Chang laughed like a gargoyle, and waved his wings to cover him with Yao Mengying.


Gu Zhaoxi saw this and was surprised: "Brother has the blood of a family of stone statues?"


Jun Changxiao still screams in pain, his eyes are red as blood, his teeth gradually become sharp, and even the appearance has begun to ghost, especially under the enchantment of the magic, it is simply not personal!

"Under the influence of magic, is the bloodline of my brother's stone statue family going to be excited?" Gu Zhaoxi was surprised.

As three of the most powerful ethnic groups, the Shixiang tribe is the most mysterious, especially after awakening the blood, they can be transformed into a violent warrior at any time.

"It turned out to be a descendant of the Shixiang tribe. No wonder it can last for so long, but when can my delusional tribe inspire the blood of this tribe?" There was a puzzle in the voice of the demon ancestor.


At this moment, a faint sigh that could penetrate the soul came through the palace.


There was surprise in the voice of the demon ancestor.

Gu Chaoxi, Li Qingyang and others also heard, but did not find anyone else in the palace, so they secretly said, "Will not see the ghost?"



At this time, a majestic breath came out, instantly covering Jun Chang smile.

The current situation is that the first layer has red water clusters, the second layer has a stone statue form, and the third layer is shrouded by special energy, and the dog remains are completely sealed to death.

However, under the envelopment of multiple energies, the magical energy and the power of the stone statues in the body were effectively suppressed, and a prompt came from the ear: "Whether it takes all contributions, achievements, and reputation to resolve the current crisis ~ ~ Yes. "

The respondent is not a regular laugh, but a system!

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 0."

"Ding! Zongmen achievement value: 0."

"Ding! Zongmen Reputation: 0."

During this time, all the rewards obtained by Zongmen were gone.

"Ding! Crisis release mode is active!"


Suddenly, Jun Chang laughed with an unbelievable attribute suddenly appearing in his body, devouring the power of refining magic and stone statues, and stunned Xiaohuo and Xiaoxie with wide eyes: "What kind of power is this!"

The system proudly said to itself: "The power of science!"

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