The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1470: The identity of Jun Changxiao?

In the beautiful scenery, Jun Chang sits alone on the stone with a smile, looking far away like a decadent old man who is about to die.

The three values ​​were emptied, which hit him too much.

It has been several days since he came out of the Devil City, and his spirit has been in a state of weakness and collapse.

It's not easy to make money these years, because what kind of broken mode is turned on and it turns into a poor egg in an instant, and the dog must have a bitter heart in his heart.

"Second Brother."

Yao Mengying took a sip of roasted chicken drumsticks and filled her mouth with greasy grins, "The suzerain doesn't eat or drink for a few days, and I have no appetite for the pain."

"Want to persuade?" Su Xiaomo said.

"You go?"


Su Xiaomo approached carefully, and before opening his mouth, he saw that Jun Chang laughed suddenly turned around, curled around his neck, and growled, "Lao Tzu and you!"

Magic barrier!

Meeting people is like meeting the system!

"Zong ... Zongzhu ... is ... it's me ..."

Under Su Xiaomo's intermittent shouting, Jun Changxiao finally recovered his senses, then kicked him with one foot, crouched on the stone, covered his face, and shouted, "My three values, my three values!"


The system sighed: "If I knew it would cause such a big blow to the host, I would never activate the crisis relief mode!"

"Don't give me any patterns!"

Jun Chang smiled and hugged his chest and said, "Heartache!"

Systemically said: "Although the three values ​​of the host are cleared, they have obtained great benefits."


Jun Chang growled and laughed: "So many contributions and achievements, if it doesn't give me any benefit, it won't make people live!"


"It also allows the disciples to obtain a system to increase the strength of Xiaoxie and Xiaohuo. This benefit is compared with millions, and it can hardly bear to look straight!"

The cause of the dog's leftover collapse is that it is cleared when it is cleared, but how can it be more beneficial? As a result, Yao Mengying was only allowed to inherit the body of the demon sacred demon, let Xiao Xie and Xiao Huo evolve into the juvenile body.


If millions of contribution values ​​are used in the mall, the benefits will definitely be greater than the benefit of one disciple and two spirits.

"In my opinion."

The system indifferently said, "It can protect the lives of the host and the disciples, even if no reward is given."


In these words, Jun Chang laughed and could not refute.

It's really the best deal to trade three values ​​for safety.


Jun Chang sighed and said, "I seem to have become overly marketable."

"not to mention."

The system said: "The host also unexpectedly awakened the blood of the stone statue family. How can this sale be considered not to be lost?"

Mentioning the stone statue tribe, Jun Chang smiled and became serious at once, and said, "Why do I have this bloodline? Does the original owner have any unspeakable identity?"

Although I don't want to admit it, the dogs are indeed human.

It is totally unintelligible to confuse the bloodline of the awakening stone statue in the land of the devil, which is contrary to common sense.


The original owner was not human from the beginning.

"I understand!"

Jun Chang smiled and realized suddenly: "I'm actually the prince left by the stone statue tribe. The whole tribe is waiting for me to revive!"


The system crashed: "The host's brain hole is a bit big."

Jun Changxiao had previously imagined that Dad is the emperor, and his mother is the queen of the heavens. He is the son of the heavens who live in the world. Now the awakening stone statue family blood is slightly different from ideal, but it is still acceptable.


The system couldn't help spitting sputum.

Jun Chang laughed: "You may think I'm whimsical, but how to explain the awakening blood?"

"It's simple."

The system said: "When the magical gas was disturbed, the stone figure flew out and merged into the body, and the host awakened the blood of the stone figure family, so in the final analysis, the reason lies in that stone statue."

"Stone statue?"

Jun Chang smiled quickly looking into the space ring and found that something like a gargoyle was gone!

The system said: "If you are not mistaken, the stone statue should contain the blood of the stone statue family and successfully merge with the host when the crisis mode is activated."

"What do you mean?"

"Yes, although the host now has the blood of the stone statue family, but in the strict sense, it is not the true stone statue family. At most, it belongs to the blood inheritor or carrier."


The rational analysis of the system analysis made Jun Chang smile for nothing.


He sighed and said, "It's so difficult to find a little background background."


After systematic bitter persuasion and possession of the stone statue family blood, Jun Chang smiled badly and gradually improved.

In fact, spend three values, get the blood of the stone statue family, this point alone is super profitable, after all, the blood is not inherited by others casually.

What's more, the stone statues that were used in the past will gradually be defeated by power and lose their rationality. Now they are inherited by bloodline. Although a bit cruel, they can at least control their thinking and do not hurt innocent people.

"This is my hole card."

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "Inspire the blood and get the domineering color of the armed forces!"

"Will you lose?"

"No loss, make a lot!"


Jun Chang smiled and jumped from the stone, slammed his fingers, and said loudly, "Baby, come back to the gate!"

After figuring it out, refreshed!

Seeing the suzerain recovering from frustration, Li Qingyang relieved first and secretly said, "Master Su has not been kicked for nothing!"


"Is there a forbidden area on the way back to Zongmen!"

"Yes, a lot!"

"Just go in and see!"

The eyes of Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, etc. suddenly lighted up. This time the suzerain took him to the forbidden area, and there will be great gains in martial arts and resources ~ ~ The major forbidden areas said that we are a little panicked.


When time returned to Yao Mengying's inheritance of the innate sacred demon body, the blood pool in the ancient altar boiled again, and sputtered bright red blood, again adding a huge shadow to the wall.

"Although I could not resurrect my Lord by the land of the devil, it still did not hinder another resurrection plan!"

The old man in the black robe sitting in the oriental position blinked excitedly.

"When they successfully bring back the remnant soul of our Lord, and then cultivate it with demon blood, it will be the nightmare day for the upper world!"

The old man in the black robe sitting in the other three positions is also very emotional, and seems to have fallen into a beautiful fantasy of the future.


An old man from the Orient said solemnly: "We must find a way to enter the delusional realm as soon as possible and unblock the million delusional army, so as to assist the demons after the resurrection to do a great job in the upper world!"

"The method of sealing is only known to Jietang, and let Jin Hao investigate it as soon as possible.

"That kid has been investigating Gu Zhaoxi lately. He really considers himself a Jietang person?"

"Undercover for a long time, do you still want to be a good person?"

"As the order continues, be sure to let him find the method to break the magic domain seal as soon as possible, otherwise ... see you with your head in it."


On a mountain peak, Jin Hao, who was sitting on a chariot in gold armor, had been ordered, and his heart was quite dissatisfied: "If the cracking method can be easily found, how would I have been undercover in Jietang for so long!"


Just then, strange noises came from afar.

Jin Hao learned the information from it, and smiled coldly, "That guy dared to go to the forbidden area, wouldn't he be afraid of some accidental death?"

"call out!"

The chariot cut through the sky.

The direction he went to was the forbidden area where Jun Changxiao brought his disciples into. Magic Moon Academy

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