The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1472: Brothers of Life and Death join forces against Jin Hao

After the Iron Demon King appeared, Jun Chang laughed and immediately released the spiritual thoughts, spying on every corner of the forbidden area, and easily locked Jin Hao in trouble.

Oh shit!

It turned out to be this guy!

At the beginning, Jun Chang laughed that it was Ling Yao, the empress, who played the negative tricks. After all, she was the most suspicious and never considered the golden retriever who was seriously injured by herself.

Think about it.

The other party was bombarded through his chest, and he must look for revenge.

I just didn't expect that the people in Jietang were so despicable that they would use such a trick.

Jin Hao, who was arrested, did not panic.

To be precise, he didn't care about being discovered, otherwise he would be so brazen.


"It's used in a cruel world."

Jin Hao jumped off the chariot, his golden armor was shining brightly, and the special effects were higher than the last time.

In the face of Jun Changxiao and Gu Zhaoxi, his momentum is not only weak, but even stabilized, after all, it is a genuine nine-turn, and the former is eight-turn and six-turn.

If you change to someone else, you will definitely run away, because eight and six combined will never be fourteen turns.

of course.

Gu Changxi, who likes self-harm, and Gu Chaoxi, who likes suicide, will definitely not run away. After all, it is a typical representative of being uncomfortable without death.

The goals are the same.

Must kill this golden retriever to death!


Jun Changxiao inspires the blood of the stone statue family, and the skin gradually turns into stone.

Gu Chaoxi also realized that the other party's strength was strong, Xiu was completely outbreak, and did not hide at all.

Brothers born and dead, facing the enemy together.

Although this battle did not begin, judging from the air of killing in the air, it will obviously be extremely fierce. A conservative estimate is at least three or five chapters. It is recommended that you skip it.




In the depths of Tiemulin, Xiao Sin was reinstalled, and the machine gun was fully fired, in cooperation with the insane Warrior God of War, the night star gank the Iron Armor King.

Although the five-member team had Lu Zhong in the middle of the road this time, there were more assassin Su Xiaomo, and the combination was still very strong.


The Iron Demon King was attacked more than once, and the sound of roar suddenly broke out, and the demon power broke out. He saw a tree of iron coming out of the ground, and it seemed to become a sharp thorn under the shroud of light!


"Shield stand!"

When the sharp assault came, Xiao sin had transformed from an attack state into a defensive form, and a substantial shield-shaped enchantment appeared in front of everyone.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Although Tiemu was extremely sharp under the blessing of strength, but collided with the shield knot, they were bombarded and then inserted crookedly.


While the target was out, Ye Xingchen grabbed the flaw and jumped out. Fang Tianhua's halter drew a bright arc of light in the void and swept the iron armor hard.

"Boom boom!"

The iron and wood around the erections were broken in two.

The iron shell of the iron armor demon king sword shadow only showed a faint scar. Obviously, it was not weaker in defense than the sin inspired by the text.

In terms of strength, this beast is obviously stronger than the Demon Mist King, especially in **** defense.

However, this third-class forbidden land has no magic fog and does not spread to the soul level, so it is not as good as the magic fog forest in terms of danger.

Although Li Qingyang and others can't help each other for the time being, it is hard to say if they are consumed.

the other side.

Jun Changxiao and Gu Chaoxi fought with Jin Hao.

All three are high-level transfers to Dan Realm, so they bring special effects between shots, especially when they are moving.

"Palm prints across the sky!"



The palm prints of the sky gathered together to interweave the potential of the Tianluo network.

Gu Chaoxi has also learned a lot of martial arts, and can even be described by walking martial arts, but since joining the ancient religion and practicing unique martial arts, he realized that he had learned a fart before!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The heavily-printed palm print was suppressed madly, the earth trembled fiercely after being attacked, and the irritable energy spread in waves in all directions.

The warriors who had retreated to the periphery of Tiemu Forest suddenly compared.

The fighting between the disciples of Wan Guzong and the Iron Demon King is already fierce enough, I did not expect that there will be more fierce fighting in the other direction!


Suddenly, the golden light flashed from the depths, making each martial artist close his eyes.


Gu Zhaoxi retreated, his teeth grinning and covering his chest.

In the area where the ground is full of palm prints, Jin Hao stepped out step by step. His whole body was shrouded in golden light, and a disdain appeared on his face, and said, "Can you just bear this?"

"call out!"

Suddenly, Jun Changxiao flew over from the side with his hand-written Jiangshan, writing a thunderstorm, and drawing all the big letters in the air.


Suddenly, the handwriting looked like a bomb and exploded in front of Jin Hao!


The manic energy swept across like a mountain tsunami and instantly destroyed nearby rocks and trees.

"Brother would do it!" Gu Zhaoxi was surprised.


Suddenly, in the violent waves, Jin Hao suddenly rushed out and blasted a seemingly simple right uppercut in slow motion.


The power of gold erupted, and the fist shadow appeared.


Gu Zhaoxi sturdyly applied his left face to resist the next heavy punch, and the whole man stood up, smashing more than ten iron woods in succession, and then fell extremely terribly.

Jun often laughed and attacked in exchange for being beaten.

Pay attention.

"Oh shit!"

Gu Chaoxi jumped up, clutching his swollen left face, his eyes flickered with skyrocketing anger, and then biting his right thumb, he said, "I will kill you!"


Instantly, the body swelled.

The original look of frightened wind became quite burly and solid!

"Body change?"

Jin Hao first sneered, then sneered, "It turns out that you are the rebel against Jietang, Gu Zhaoxi!"

This martial art that changes the body instantly is one of Gu Zhaoxi ’s iconic martial arts, so as long as it is displayed, it is equivalent to telling others who they are ~ ~ 啧啧. "

"Elder monarchs and rebels call brothers and brothers a bit interesting."

Jin Hao had a stronger smile on his face.

He has been playing Yin in secret, mainly on behalf of Jietang, not too brazen, and now the other party is linked to the rebels, and is completely famous!

"According to the rules of the Jietang, anyone who is related to the rebels will be classified as the same. Jun Chang laughs. Since you and Gu Zhaoxi are called brothers and brothers, I will enforce my rights today and kill you in Tiemu Forest!"



Jin Haoxiu broke out again, and the killings in his eyes were even better.

He was just in a state of 'playing with you' just now. Now he is involved with Gu Zhaoxi, and instantly enters a state of 'I'm going to be serious'.

"Eliminate me?"

Jun Chang smiled sneer: "No one in this world can do it!"


The stone veins in the body are insanely excited, and the skin that was originally just stone-colored gradually turns into stone, and the appearance has also changed from a human to a stone-like ghost.

Gu Zhaoxi said, "This guy is a stone statue?"


The words did not fall, Jun Changxiao had appeared in front of him, as if his right fist turned into a stone and banged directly.


The powerful force instantly took Jin Haozhen back several steps, and the arm used to resist the attack faintly sent pain.

Jun Chang, who was standing in his previous position, laughed, his eyes glowed with brutal bloodthirsty.

There are only six dogs left. After the bloodline is fully stimulated, not only becomes ruthless again, but people also become violent warriors!


Gu Zhaoxi, who became bigger and stronger, stepped forward. One of the two brothers seemed to kill God, and the other was a devil who sandwiched Jin Hao in the middle.


A cold gust of wind rang in the ironwood forest, as if crying for his own life. Magic Moon Academy

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