The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1506: Demon ancestor is about to rise again

One of the plans for the resurrection of the demon ancestor is to find a carrier for resurrection by many demon blood and soul. The place is the land of the devil. In the end, it was not only destroyed by Jun Changxiao, but also Yao Mengying inherited the innate sacred body.

The second plan for the resurrection is to wait for ten innate monster holders to ascend to the upper bounds, and then reshape the flesh with the blood pool and reproduce the sun.

The two plans have one thing in common, and that is the physical body.

This also shows that even though the demon ancestor is still dead, it cannot be resurrected without a body.


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head and sighed, "It is extremely difficult for such big brothers to resurrect. How can Ye Xingchen be separated from Pei Aniu?"

"and many more!"

His eyes lighted and he said, "Since the demon ancestor has a way to reshape his body, why can't I?"

The coexistence of Ye Xingchen's and Pei Aniu's soul can be completely stone hammered, but the current problem is that only one is not enough. If one can create another one, will the problem be solved?

Systemically said: "The host intends to grab the reincarnation of the demon ancestor and use it as a carrier for one of the souls?"

Jun Chang, who was still thinking, laughed, and when he heard it say that, he immediately patted his brain and rejoiced, "This is a good idea!"


The system said silently: "Did I talk more?"

Not only talked a lot, but also provided Jun Changxiao with a very bold plan, that is, if the demon ancestor is going to be resurrected, he can completely **** the reshaped body, and put one of Ye Xingchen and Pei Aniu's soul into it, so Let the two separate!


The danger must also be great.

More importantly, no one knows when the tenth innate demon owner will rise. If it is thousands of years and tens of thousands of years later, it will be absolutely distant.

The system said: "So rely on the mall, not to mention brushing the flesh, at least there are ways to separate the two souls, the difficulty factor and risk will be smaller."

Although there are suspicions of sales, others are justified.


Jun Chang smiled and sighed again, and said, "It can only be so."

Separating Ye Xingchen and Pei Aniu to become two people depends on luck and timing.

However, the resurrection of the demon ancestor and the reincarnation of the flesh was also left in the mind of the dog, and asked again: "Where is the blood pool you said?"

"Fun Yuege Headquarters!"

"Where is the headquarters?"



Erya waved out the town whip and hit the ground, her face was covered with frost.

The burial master of the funeral pavilion hurriedly said, "I haven't been to the headquarters. I only know that there is a more important branch in Neptune City. I will go to participate in regular meetings every year!"

A dark organization that has fought with Jietang for so long must have done a good job in keeping confidentiality measures. Non-absolute core members can hardly know the location of the headquarters.

As for the second demon ancestor plan, why does the rudder master know?

Because this is not a big secret, after all, just the land of magic, many upper-level big brothers know that this is the opportunity for resurrection.

Know one thing.

Whether it can stop it is another matter.

The land created by the demon ancestor is related to the origin of the heaven and earth of the upper world. It is telling the Ten Immortals and all ethnic groups that I will be resurrected. No one can stop you.


The plan is very good, but he often laughs when he encounters him.

In the face of such persecution, instead of occupying Yao Mengying's body, he gave the other party a benefit, and even merged the blood of the stone statue family.


"Neptune City."

In the hall, Jun Chang laughed and took out the map, and soon determined that this city is one of the western coastal cities. From the location, it is the closest to the West Sea.

"Devil's Realm was sealed in the West Sea, and an important branch of Funeral Pavilion was set up with this, what should be the intention." Gou Yu speculated.


Li Qingyang shouted: "Come out and see!"

Jun Chang laughed out of the hall and found that the black light rushed into the sky from the west side, until it reached the top and spread around, forming a weird pattern, so he was surprised: "The treasure is born?"


The color is wrong!

The visions of heaven and earth are generally dazzling. Nowadays, the black light is soaring into the sky, and the patterns formed are very gloomy. It is hard to remind people of the treasure, and more is ... disaster strikes!


Jun Chang smiled and changed his face, and said, "Are the ancestors resurrected?"

If this is heard by the parties, they must growl, "Why use it again!"


Thinking about it, he summoned the helm of the burial moon pavilion in the prison tower of Tianyuan Town and asked, "What's the situation?"

The other person stabilized his body, saw the natural vision of the West, and hurried to kneel on the ground, shouting reverently: "The tenth innate demon appears, and my ancestor will be resurrected soon!"


Jun Chang smiled and frowned.

I was still thinking that I might have to wait thousands of thousands of years. Now that the vision of the resurrection of the demon ancestor should have been happy, why are you frowning?

Because, the pace is too fast!

If the reincarnation of the demon ancestor can help Ye Xingchen separate from Pei Aniu, he must grab the enemy and bury the Moon Pavilion.

The fight with Jietang has not been terminated for so many years. The strength of this organization must be strong, and it may not be able to compete with it now.


Liu Wanshi hurriedly ran and said, "Sister Yao is gone!"


Upper Bound.

Soaring black light appeared and formed a complex pattern in the sky, all martial arts were clearly visible.

Like Jun Chang, they do n’t think that this is the rising vision of the birth of the Supreme Treasure, it is likely that some kind of disaster is coming!

"It's still here."

Outside of Jidao Dongfu, there is a rare dignified color on the face of Tonggu real people.

Unlike ordinary martial arts, you can only judge by the color, he has realized the seriousness of the problem from the faint magic.


Kisano shook his head and said: "The failure of the land that I thought was a devil would delay the arrival of the day, and the result would only be a delay."

"The demon ancestor's hatred for the Ten Immortals and all races must be unprecedentedly strong. If it succeeds in resurrection this time, the disaster it brings will necessarily affect all beings in the upper world." Tonggu is humane.

"A mess."

Kisano said: "The upper world is going to be messed up."


"the host."

Outside the Lingyao fairy's sky, the old man stood in mid-air, and looked at the black light toward the west, saying, "I'm afraid the world will be in chaos this time."

"The upper world has been quiet for too long, and only after experiencing turmoil will a new order be re-established." Ling Yao, the female emperor, said.


The old man was silent.

He knows that his master hates Jietang, but he wants to mess up the upper world and even establish a new order, which is a bit exaggerated!


"call out!"

"call out!"

Not long after the soaring black light rose, all the streamers flew from Tiannandi to the north and headed for the West. From the perspective of breath, the strength is all in the level of seeking truth, among which there is no lack of peak levels!

Who are they?

The Ten Great Emperors of the Sect of the Sect ~ ~ They initiated the era of the Devil Exorcism. Now the resurrection of the demon ancestor is imminent. Even if the final result or the inability to prevent it, it will certainly not remain indifferent.

Soaring black light gradually releases a breath that can disturb the mind, causing a large number of magic eyes to fly red.

For a time.

Flying treasures can be seen everywhere on the sky, and traces of streamers can be seen everywhere.

Of course, there is a heavyweight in the team heading to the sky and black light, that is, Jun Chang laughs. At this moment, he stands on the bow of the ship and frowns: "That girl must have gone!"


The dog is left out of the city, and no grass is born.

We can only pray silently for the demon ancestor, and before the death, we have arranged the resurrection plan three four five six seven eighty nine.

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