The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1509: 10th Innate Demon

Because the shampoo used by Wan Guzong was of good quality and Yao Mengying did not lose her hair, there was no need for Jingzhi in Mech 66 to jump down.


Without losing hair, it's over?

I'm sorry, Jun Changxiao already remembers the Burial Moon Pavilion, and has already remembered the deepest heart.

Because of the dog's leftover character, as long as it is remembered, it will become a cash machine in the light of it, and will be removed from the rivers and lakes, so mourn for it.


Yao Mengying said hardly: "I ... I ... I still can't control my body ..."

More than one hundred members of the funeral pavilion have been resolved. The disciples are licking the bag skillfully, but the energy existing in her body has not been relieved, which is obviously wrong with Ye Xingchen's guess, and there is no connection between the two.

"This seat is here to help you disintegrate."

Jun Chang smiled and buckled on Yao Mengying's wrist. Nothing was found after an investigation.


Why is there nothing?

So why is the body out of control?

The old man in a black robe lying on the ground sneered, "How can the calling of the will from my ancestors be resolved by mortals!"

Jun Chang laughed and dragged him in, and said, "What do you mean?"


The old man in black robe laughed with a grimace and said, "This baby girl has an innate demon body, and is destined to sacrifice for the resurrection of my ancestors. This is a life that no one can stop!"


Jun Chang laughed and punched him in the face, his face was dented, and angrily said: "I order your uncle!"


Yao Mengying held her head and said in pain: "I ... I can't control myself anymore, I ... want to enter the whirlpool ..."

She can still be sane now, but the thought of forcing forward is like an irresistible order.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "Don't let her move!"


Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others hurriedly came to Shimei to form various enchantment restrictions.

The old man in black robe smiled strangely: "My ancestor's calling will be irreversible. I will force her to stop her from doing great things. Just wait for her body to die!"



Ye Xingchen raised his feet and banged wildly on his face, and said, "I will let you die first!"

"I'm going in ... I'm going in ..."

Yao Mengying's eyes in the trapped enchantment gradually became red, and the last trace of reason was also controlled by some force, as if it had become a walking dead.

"Oh shit!"

Jun Chang smiles ugly.

Although he doubted what the old man in black robes said, he was definitely afraid to gamble, so he could only look at the vortex in the distance, and he was immediately cross-headed: "I want to see what this is!"

"Withdraw the enchantment and let Meng Ying go in!"


Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others stopped talking and could only obey orders to remove the enchantment that bound the teachers and sisters.

After being free, Yao Mengying turned to the whirlpool without turning her head, her red eyes became brighter, obviously there was some powerful force calling her.

"You are waiting here."

Jun Chang laughed: "This seat follows her in."


Gu Zhaoxi stood up and said, "It may be extremely dangerous inside. I will be with you ..."


Jun Changxiao has followed Yao Mengying and said, "This is an order."


Gu Zhaoxi was silent.

Under the eyes of high-level officials and disciples, Jun Changxiao and Yao Mengying walked one step towards the vortex containing a strong magic, and the surrounding atmosphere became very serious.


Zhong Yi shouted loudly.

"Brush! Brush!"

Thousands of Diablo stand upright and pay respect to the supreme standard etiquette. It feels like they are seeing off the hero, which makes Jun Changxiao almost turn around and kick the sand sculptures all out.




Inside the vortex, there was darkness, and the cold wind whistled and blew, like a ghost crying.


Jun Chang smiled in and stepped on the heavy slate.

He didn't have time to explore the surrounding environment because Yao Mengying, who came in later, was already heading forward, so he could only keep up and keep alert to prevent disciples from being surprised.



The cold wind blows faster, and at first glance it sounds like a weird language.

of course.

There is also a very strong magic gas attribute in the dark environment. If you change to others, you may have discomfort long ago, but there are two spirits in your body, and you have experienced magic gas in the land of magical fate. It's nothing, but more and more energetic.


The dog walked while passing the sound.

Yao Mengying didn't answer, apparently completely controlled.

"Damn!" Jun Chang smiled and shook his fist, scolding in his heart: "If it is controlled by man, I will let him die as soon as he finds the original figure!"


Suddenly, the dog left a faint light in the dark place in front of it, and the light became brighter as it got closer.

It was a round stone platform, with rows of candles burning around, and the slabs outlined intricate patterns and looked very gloomy.

At this moment, eight warriors in black robes stood in different positions. They all lowered their heads and folded their hands, as if they were praying with great pious faith.

"what is this?"

Jun Chang smiled and frowned.

Systemically said: "It seems to be an ancient altar, may it be related to the resurrection of the demon ancestor?"

"Isn't the resurrection of the demon ancestors in the West?" Jun Chang smiled and said, "Is there a reason to doubt it? Attracting the Ten Greatest Emperors to the past, is the resurrection point really here?"

"If that's the case, then send a hundred guards to the martial arts, and the Burial Moon Pavilion is too big, right?" Said the system.

The mysterious organization that has been able to fight with Jietang for so long. The mysterious organization extended by the magic delusion is definitely not short of masters. If this place is really the resurrection point of the magic ancestors, and no truth-seeking level is set, the brain must be sick!


At this moment, Yao Mengying stepped onto the stone platform, stood on a strange pattern similar to her eyes, and bowed her head into a pious believer.

Jun Chang laughed and observed carefully, and found that there was still a vacancy next to him, so he concluded, "If you haven't guessed wrong, these eight people have the same innate demon body as Meng Yao."

According to the helmer of the burial moon pavilion, ten innate demon bodies can trigger the second resurrection plan of the demon ancestors. Now that all nine are in place, there is only one left, and it seems to be the ascendant.

"Will it be an acquaintance?"

Systematicly said: "Will it come from astral continent?"


Jun Chang smiled and said silently: "Not so clever?"

Because Yao Mengying stood on the stone platform and seemed to be harmless, he also stood outside the altar and waited until the tenth innate demon appeared.



After half an hour, the lines on the slate began to flicker, forming a stream of light and involving nine people.

"To start?"

Jun Chang smiled suddenly and said, "Isn't it one more?"

"Huh! Huh!"

Yao Mengying and others standing in the battle were trembling slightly. It seemed that the vacant places could not be linked together and could not form some kind of fusion. The patterns under their feet flashed frequently, as if they were reminded by alarms.

"not good!"

The system exclaimed: "Yao Mengying's vital signs are falling sharply!"


Jun Chang laughed and rushed forward in a hurry, just as he reached out and dragged his disciple, it seemed that he had been shocked by some kind of electric shock.


The dog left to stand up hard ~ ~ There was numbness all over.

Systemically said: "The nine of them have a strong enchantment all over their bodies.

"Oh shit!"

Jun Chang growled with a smile: "Why hasn't the tenth innate demon come?"

From the frequent flickering of the pattern, he roughly guessed that this should be the beginning of some kind of ritual, but because of the lack of a person, it could not be completely connected, and thus implicated another nine.

"The vital signs have been reduced to 60%, if it is lower than 20%, even if out of danger, there will be irreparable permanent damage!" Said the system.


Suddenly, Jun often laughed and stepped forward.

Instead of touching Yao Mengying, he stood on the vacant position and shouted, "I'll be the tenth person, I'll make up the head!"

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