The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1524: This seat is here again, are you welcome?


In the cold snow, Jun Chang laughed out a sigh of heat, and there was a memory of the past in his eyes.

Yao Mengying stepped down from the warship, looking at the white surrounding environment, wondering: "Sect, why stop?"


Jun Chang laughed: "This is the place where this block just came to the upper world."

On September 9, 12028, the star meteor went up to the upper world with a large array of heaven and earth, and the landing point was here, belonging to the Yujian Xuanzong site.

"So it is."

Yao Mengying didn't speak any more, giving her time to remember the past and remember the past.

Jun Changxiao, who first came to the upper world, had a clash with Yu Jian Xuanzong here. He finally stole the flying sword and has not returned it.

In fact, the dog left to break into the realm of the people can not be said to be wrong. After all, they were randomly transmitted and could not control themselves. At the time, they apologized.

How about this time?

Knowing that it is Yujian Xuanzong's realm, he also forcibly broke the array and swung in with a warship, obviously it was looking for something!

Do not!

I'm here to visit!

You arrange the array at the door, I won't break how to enter.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Streamers flew in.

Obviously, Yu Jian Xuanzong also realized that the formation was broken, and sent a large number of disciples to come over.

They were as angry as last time.

The territories were deliberately circled, which meant that unauthorized entry was not allowed. As a result, some people were bold and arrogant, and they must be provoking the authority of Xuanzi Zongmen!

"I ate the bear heart leopard gall, and dared to break into my Royal Sword Xuanzong!"

"It must be severely punished!"

Disciples of Yuxuan Xuanzong scolded and flew until he came to the scene, saw the ancient warship proudly in the snow, saw Jun Chang with a mink on his shoulders, and his anger suddenly turned into panic and terror.

It's him!

Elder Suzerain!

"You all."

Jun Chang smiled with innocuous human and animal smiles on his face, and said, "This seat is here again. Are you welcome?"

We welcome you!


Yu Jian Xuanzong has been very low-key recently, as low-key as to be disconnected from the entire world.


Because the guy who once broke into the realm and sent people to hunt down Fengqi Xianshan, there is another master who is a real person from Tonggu!

This is a big man, and he can't afford to mess with it!

In particular, the top powers of various ethnic groups and all over the world gathered in the Eternal Monarchy, and they let them spend their lives in fear every day, for fear that the guy suddenly came to find trouble.

Fortunately, after more than three years, the other party never came and seemed to forget the grievances between each other.

"You all."

In the main hall of the Royal Sect Xuanzong, the supper Qiao Baishou solemnly said: "Recently, there is restlessness in this place, which is probably an ominous sign."

Several elders said in unison: "I feel the same way when I wait."


At this moment, exclaimed outside the hall: "There are ... someone who breaks into the gate ..."

Qiao Baishou and several elders hurriedly went out and saw a battleship flying from the gate of the mountain. It was hanging brightly over the Yanwu field. When the light gradually dissipated, the four characters "Tonggu Warship" were clearly visible.

It's over!

That guy is coming!

Suddenly, Qiao Baishou and several elders finally understood why they were restless recently!

Can't escape the first day, but can't escape fifteen!

"Master Joe."

Jun Changxiao appeared on the bow of the boat, arching his hand, "Lingfeng Mountain is a far cry, and I miss it so much, so I came here today to visit."

Regardless of the forced entry just now, this guy is actually quite polite.


Qiao Baishou's face was ugly.

Driving a warship and standing over the gate of his family, so arrogant behavior, surely not to come to the scene?

Several senior executives are also angry, but dare not be angry, after all, this guy seems to be not weaker than himself.

The high-level strength of Xuanzi Zongmen is generally at the level of two or three turns, so Jun Chang, who has seven turns, can still deter them even without bringing his disciples.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Qiao Baishou said Shen: "It seems a bit wrong for you to visit like this?"

Your master is a real person from ancient times, you are awesome.

But my Imperial Sword Xuanzong is also a Xuanzi Zongmen in the upper world. How can I let you be so insulted!

"call out!"

"call out!"

Just then, several sword lights flew from the battleship.

Qiao Baishou and several elders thought that each other was practicing a certain sword skill and hurriedly broke out to repair.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Yujian Xuanzong, who was gathered near the Yanwu Stadium, also sacrificed his own weapons. Various special effects gathered in the sword body, making the atmosphere instantly kill.

The results of it?

Fei Lai Jian Guang did not attack anyone, but just stuck outside the hall.

After the light had dissipated, several swords were revealed.

"Master Joe."

Jun Chang laughed: "This is the first time I came to the upper world, and I am grateful to your ancestors for giving me a few flying swords. I am also willing to return them today."


Qiao Baishou almost vomited blood.

These flying swords were obviously stolen by you, and I have never sent them!

Jun Chang laughed: "It's one thing to borrow a sword to return a sword, and it's another thing to chase and kill this seat, so ..." Standing in Yanwu Stadium, he laughed: "You need to be clear."


Come and hit the ground!

When you have no strength, you can only go for it. If you have the strength, if you still install your grandson, that is not the style of laughter.


The system said: "The host has his feet off the ground again."

"Sovereign monarch." Qiao Baishou frowned: "On the Lingfeng Mountain, you said that the grievances between our ancestors disappeared!"


Jun Changxiao said frankly: "This place said."

"But ..." He paused and smiled. "If I remember correctly, Master Zong seems to have said when he first came to Lingfeng Mountain. Are there a lot of accounts between us that haven't been calculated yet?"


Qiao Baishou could see that this guy was going to play tricks, and intended to make my Yu Xuanzong deliberately difficult.

"Jun always laughs!"

A senior executive finally couldn't help, roaring: "Don't bully ..."

The sound stopped abruptly, because Yao Mengying suddenly appeared in front of him, and raised his small hand to fight lightly. The whole process broke out without any breath and looked very weak.


The Elder Xuanzong Xuanzong flew out of the hall like a shell, and then his right face swollen and fainted outside Baizhangkai.

"Who dare to call my family's name no longer taboo."

Yao Mengying clapped her hands, her eyes flickered coldly, and she said, "The end is death."

She completely inherited the innate holy demon body, she did not deliberately release the magical energy, but her eyes and words exuded an extremely sultry breath, which shocked Qiao Baishou and others into the soleplate of their feet.


Jun Chang laughed and fell from the battleship ~ ~ laughed: "Master Qiao, your parents are always unruly, is it reasonable for this disciple to give a meal?"

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Qiao Bai keeps his anger: "I read that your Master is a real person from ancient times. This place has tolerated time and again, but I must think that Yu Jian Xuanzong is really so bullied!"

Jun Chang smiled indifferently and said, "Listen to the meaning, it seems that there is a back trick?"


Qiao Baishou took out an exquisite jade card and said coldly, "Do you know what this is?"


"The Medal of Honor from the Imperial Hall, if the recipient's Imperial Hall encounters a crisis, they can be protected unconditionally by the Imperial Hall!"


Jun Chang sniffed with a smile.

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