The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1526: How about house? Tease me?

The strong man who turned around from Jitang 仈 jiu flew in one step, and was bombarded back one step at a time, unlocking various postures and falling in the mountains and sags in the stone walls.


The outer warrior stunned.

That ’s the warrior sent by Jietang. Let ’s not talk about the strength of the warrior. Anyway, it represents absolute authority and was ruthlessly bombed out.

Qiao Baishou, who had just been relieved, also widened his eyes.

In the short time that he appeared in the Jietang, he thought about many pictures, such as negotiating with Jun Changxiao after the other party fell, so that he left with fearfulness.


Too arrogant

Jun Chang smiled with a finger and said, "If you think Jietang can serve as your umbrella, you are totally wrong."

The tone was very bland, but it made Qiao Baishou sweat coldly behind, because that guy's sharp eyes were really scary, like a downright lunatic



The followers of the Jietang martial arts stopped at the outer edge of Yujian Xuanzong, with an angry and dreadful expression on his face.

When the companion was beaten out, they saw it, and when Jun Chang laughed, they heard it too, so he really wanted to go in, but his body was standing honestly outside.

The enemy is not moving, I am not moving

"Jun often laughs"

"What do you mean" Shen said, a powerful man with a job in the world hall.

He had been there when major ethnic groups besieged Wanguzong, so without looking at the ancient warships, he could immediately recognize that Jun Chang laughed.

"Don't understand?"

The dog left faintly said, "This seat is dealing with the grievances of the rivers and lakes."

"Yujixuanzong is now protected by our Jietang, and no sectarian door is allowed to make troubles," the strong man yelled.

The eight high-ranking martial arts warriors hanging above the gate of Zongmen were very strong, which made him very daunted, but since there were so many warriors on the scene, they must not be weak.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "This sect has offended this seat, not to mention your temple, even if the King of Heaven comes, he cannot protect it."


"Smashed the plaque of this door to this seat"

The dog left was supposed to save some money to leave. After all, the enemy should be solved or not settled, but since the world is shocked, it may be worth raising the problem to a very serious level.


Yao Mengying took a leap, gathered strength into a big hand, and grabbed the long-standing plaque hanging on the hall.

Qiao Baishou and his face changed greatly.

The plaque engraved with Imperial Sword Xuanzong represents the face like the main hall. If it is to be smashed by the Eternal Sect, it is equivalent to trample on the dignity of Zongmen


Must stop

Although Qiao Baishou and others had this heart, they did not have this power at all, and could only watch Yao Mengying grab the plaque at the fastest speed.

"Girl, Hugh has to be wanton"


A powerful breath emerged from the back of the Royal Sword Emperor Xuanzong. A vicissitudes of the old man flew out quickly. The dry palms gathered the power of the true spirit and directly met the power released by Yao Mengying.


The muffled sound came immediately.


Yao Mengying landed on the performance martial arts field, and the old man who appeared appeared to slump in front of the main hall, almost stiffened and fell to the ground.

"Too Elder"

Qiao Baishou and others were overjoyed.

As a sect of Xuanzi Sect, the surface strength may be two or three, but there must be hidden old strong men behind it.

The old Emperor Xuanzong's strength is not weak, and has reached the level of eight turns. If Yao Mengying did not use the dignity of the ancestral gate, he would definitely not force a pass.

"Monarch Sovereign"

Elder Tai Shang said solemnly, "Since you and I have grievances, why not talk peacefully?"


Jun Chang smiled and said, "I want 1 billion Xuanshi for this seat, will you Yu Xuanzong give it?"


Too elders decisively.

This sentence not only made Qiao Baishou stunned, but also made Jun Chang smile.

"It's the so-called wrongdoer's solution or not."

Elder Taishang said, "Since the monarch said to the billion, I will take it out."


Qiao Baishou just spoke and was interrupted. "If you still recognize me as an uncle, close your mouth quickly."


Master Qiao was silent.

Although he was the leader of Yu Jian Xuanzong, the elder Taishang was an uncle after all, and there was help from others when he was able to serve.

Jun Chang laughed and was depressed.

I just said so casually, he was cooperating, and knew that the direct asking price was 10 billion yuan.

There are also depressed people who come to help. You crushed the medal of honor. Did n’t you just let us support it? Now that people are here, they are planning to spend money on things.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Taishang Presbyterian said, "One billion Xuanshi is not a small number, it takes time to raise, so please wait a moment."


No, uncle, you are so cooperative, the villain atmosphere that I have managed to cultivate is completely useless.


Jun Chang smiled and said, "This is waiting."

People are like this, if it is difficult, it will be very unreasonable.

"What are you still doing?" Elder Tai Shang gave Qiao Baishou a glance and scolded "Hurry up and get the black stone"


Even though Qiao Baishou was unwilling, but since the uncle said, he could only wink at a few elders.

One billion Xuanshi is indeed not a small number. It takes time to raise it. Jun often laughs and can't afford to wait, and he has nothing to do with it. "

"The monarch ruled a ancestral gate at a young age, and it was a hero." Elder Tai Shang laughed.

The two talked lightly and calmly, but the Jietang strong stood flushed outside the gate.


Yu Jian Xuanzong crushed the Medal of Honor and deliberately let us come out

After a quarter of an hour.

Qiao Baishou fetched a billion basalts, and there were tears in the eyes of the elder Tai Shang. It seemed to be saying, uncle, this large sum of money was given to others. I'm afraid we can only scratch the bark in the future

"What to see"

"Hurry to Monarch Sovereign"


Qiao Baishou clenched his teeth tightly, and threw a space ring containing the basalt stones in a painful state of mind, looking like a little daughter-in-law who was greatly wronged by the heavens.

After making an inventory, Jun Changxiao said, "From today on, all the debts of my Wan Gu Zong and Yu Jian Xuan Zong have been settled."



He took Yao Mengying and others back to the Tonggu warship and flew away in the eyes of everyone.

"This is over"

"I thought it would fight"

Seeing the lively warrior failed to watch the battle, he was quite annoyed.


A soldier from Jietang whispered "What shall we do?"

The person in charge who was embarrassed in the midst of the Jietang glanced at Qiao Baishou ~ ~ shouted "Go home to sleep"


The hundredth warrior flew away.

They came out of the headquarters in a mighty manner, and as a result they did not do anything but went back again. I am afraid that the toll alone will cost more than 100,000 yuan.

"It's over, it's over."

Qiao Baishou leaned weakly on the pillar outside the hall, collapsed and said, "We have offended Jietang."


Suddenly, the elder standing in front of him spurted out blood, his entire face paled to the extreme, and finally fell to the ground, weakly saying, "That girl is definitely seeking truth."

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