The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1534: Outsider

Ten huge battleships ran across the sky, and with dark clouds, the atmosphere was quite strange.

"what is this?"

The warriors of the entire upper world were all crippled.

They have seen warships, but they have never seen such a size and volume!

Jun Chang smiled and frowned.

As a modern person crossing the Blue Star, I am quite familiar with this scene, because there is a sudden taste of alien civilization in science fiction movies!

Why didn't you think about the helpers called by the top ten immortals?

It is true that there are flying warships in the upper world, such as the Master's Tonggu warships, but they are more traditional in terms of workmanship and specifications, and only by joining the complex formation system can they have special power.

In contrast, the sudden emergence of the battleship, the whole body is cast out of steel-like materials, which definitely represents a very high-tech level!

"Muffy ..."

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "Apart from the Upper Realm, are there other civilizations?"

System Road: "It is nothing more than a star-stellar continent with a higher level and stronger attributes. It still exists in the universe, and nature is not unique."

Jun Chang laughed, "Why haven't you heard of it before?"

"Is it necessary to say?"

"You didn't know it at first."


The system is too lazy to argue with him.

Ten battleships traversed the sky in the Upper Realm, and all the real people from ancient times, real chess players, and even the strongest of the Ten Immortals were stunned.

Only He Wudi is calm.

At this moment, although he is examining foreign warships, he is guessing: "People in other circles?"

Unlike the system's hindsight, this guy knows things beyond the upper bounds, and even knows that the planes in the universe are divided into continents and bounds.

For example, the stars and continents belong to the lower universe, and the upper universe is named after the boundary. For example, the upper boundary that you are now in is actually a plane in the upper universe.

Now a huge vortex gathers in the sky, and the unknown warship suddenly appears, killing someone from another world.


He Wudi secretly said, "How did they come here?"

The distance between the realm and the realm is extremely far, and there are restrictions on the heavens, and no intersection is allowed under non-special circumstances.

"It took so long to find such a place where the birds don't shit. It really disappointed Ben." A cold voice came from the largest battleship in the sky.


Jun often laughed with twitching in the corners of his mouth.

The upper world is described as a place where birds don't shit, and this talking population is not small!

However, it also made him realize that the other party is not good!

Sure enough, a cold voice came out again: "No matter how small the mosquito is, it is necessary to take some supplies since it is here."


After moistening his throat, he said, "All the creatures here have listened well. Within three days, you should hand over all the resources, otherwise ... there is no need to exist."


The top ten Xianzong strong men and Tonggu real people frowned.

Is this a robbery?

And in tone, it seems very arrogant!

"of course."

A cold voice came over again: "You may disagree, or you are deeply questioning. In order to let you see your smallness, Uncle Ben first sent a generous gift."

"Ka! Ka!"

As the words fell, the bilges of ten battleships slowly opened.


Suddenly, streams of light flew from it, as many as locusts crossing the border.

Jun Chang laughed and released his thoughts, his eyes suddenly widened.

In those streamers, it turned out to be a fighter-like thing!

Flying warships are already very high-tech, and now there are so many fighters. Does this sudden robber come from the world that takes the technological route?

The best thing is that there are no pilots in the fighter, is it unmanned?

This is the fantasy world of Gao Wu. There are both warships and drones. Are you planning to change to science fiction?

"call out!"

"call out!"

The flying fighters suddenly flew in a stream of light, contacted the ground at high speed, and heard the blasting sound of “Boom Boom”. A very wide range of mountains were suddenly blown up.

"Nima ..."

Jun Chang laughed and collapsed and said, "Still a missile!"

Thousands of unmanned fighters leveled a mountain forest thousands of miles in the shortest time. This destructive force is quite strong.


The Ten Great Emperors of the Sect were immediately angry!

It is unbearable to dare to destroy your own home!



The ten pinnacles of seeking truth turned into a streamer and flew out of Wanxian Mountain. With the drone closest to the hordes of drones, the power of the true spirit turned into a palm print relentlessly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, dozens of fighter planes exploded in midair.

They are fast, but can only be abused in front of high-level warriors.

Therefore, in a world dominated by martial arts, strength is really strong. The so-called technology is nothing but an auxiliary means, and it cannot replace the souls who understand the world!

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

In the sky, the explosion of light continued.

The top ten Xianzong strongmen who originally wanted to fight with real people such as Tonggu Reality suddenly turned into fighters, and the style of painting changed a little bit faster.

"Dare to resist."

A huge battleship murmured: "The only thing to destroy is the world."



At this moment, the Lingtian Xianzong strong had already rushed up, his hands suddenly opened, and the extremely powerful true spirit's power quickly gathered, drinking, "You go to death!"

"call out--------"

A shock wave similar to the turtle-style qigong erupted instantly from both hands, and the power contained directly tore the space!

"too strong!"

Jun Chang smiled and frowned.

If such a powerful energy wave explodes on the gate, it will definitely die out instantly!


In that moment, the majestic power of the true spirit penetrated the heavens and the earth, violently banged on the bottom of the huge battleship that heard the sound, and the ripples visible to the naked eye instantly rippled from the air in the air, permeating far away.

At the same time, all the warriors in the upper world looked and were shocked!

What they were shocked was not that a peak seeking truth could erupt an energy wave that seemed to split the sky and the earth, but was shocked that in the face of such a terrorist bombardment, the huge battleship stood intact and did not even retreat!

"how is this possible!"

Ling Tianxianzong was stunned.

If you go on with this move, not to mention an eternal ancestor, even Fengxi Xianshan will be razed to the ground, the target being attacked will not move, what kind of terrorist defense it has!


Leng Sen's voice came: "You are not weak, but the shuttle number to hurt Uncle Ben is too far away."



Just then ~ ~ Nine other strong men flew over and said in unison: "I'll wait for a shot together!"

"it is good!"

Crowds burst into practice, gathering energy and hands.

A force cannot shake a huge war halberd. Isn't ten forces still good?

OK, I do n’t know, but the other party will definitely not give them the opportunity to launch a second attack.



At this moment, the bilges of the ten warships were opened, each of them protruded from a huge cylinder, and the front end flashed a dazzling light. Due to the material and workmanship, it was full of high-tech atmosphere.


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "They're going to be unlucky!"

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