The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1542: The universe of the upper world

Elder Tai Xuan's research on drones has been enchanted.

Next, he put all his thoughts on it, not even eating.

The main reason is that the structure of the internal matrix method is too special, and it is completely different from the previous study. It makes him feel like he is in the ocean of knowledge.

of course.

Research alone is definitely slow.

So Zhen Dejun and Shangguan Yunyao are also in charge of assisting.

Three tanners, one Zhuge Liang.

Finally, when Jun Changxiao was about to set off for Jidao Cave, the elderly Taixuan successfully mastered the entire driver.


For a moment, the fighter plane lit up.


The elder Taixuan said proudly, "How?"

Jun Chang walked in with a smile and saw all kinds of complex instruments running. Thumbs up and said, "Master is really amazing, it was cracked in such a short time!"


The elderly Taixuan shook his head and said, "It can only be started and cannot be controlled."

He now has only mastered the means to turn on fighters, and cannot control and fight. As for the study of the battle method, it also takes time to crack.


Jun Chang laughed and stopped on the cockpit, his expression suddenly dignified.

After the fighter jet was started, it seemed that the radar screen gradually gathered a broad starry sky pattern, and there were obvious bright spots, which seemed to indicate the current position of the fighter jet.

"Is it the universe in which the upper world is?"

"Exactly," said the system. "It's a map of the sky."

Jun Chang smiled and sat down, carefully observed the situation above, and pointed to the light spot: "This location is where the upper world is located?"


Because it touched the light curtain, the picture instantly shrank, showing a structural map similar to the mainland.

"I go!"

Jun Chang smiled and surprised, "There is also a zoom function!"

He was just guessing just now, and now he has absolutely affirmed, because according to the enlarged pattern, the area where the light spots are indeed in line with the environmental terrain features of Wanguxian Mountain.


Jun Chang laughs like playing a tablet computer. Putting **** on the light curtain and zooming out gently, the map suddenly enters the distant view state until it is retracted to the extreme. The picture presented is piece by piece, and notes a lot of text, such as the sea, Qingyuan Department.


Systematic Road: "The universe in which the upper world is located is very large and is divided into many galaxies."

Jun Chang laughed and understood, and inferred from the fixed light point flickering: "From the current positioning, does the upper world belong to the Canghai Department?"

"Good," said the system.


Jun Chang smiled and surprised: "Although there is no distance labeling, from the perspective of reduction, the distance between each galaxy is extremely far away."

"Without advanced flight technology, don't want to go to other galaxies in your lifetime," the system said.



At this moment, the zoomed-out star map flashed in the upper left corner, and a voice came: "This is the headquarters of the Protoss Mothership. The Third Fleet heard it, please answer it quickly, if you hear it, please answer it quickly."

Elder Tai Xuan and Zhen Dejun were startled.

Jun Chang laughed not only very calmly, but also frowned.

The flashing area must be the source of the signal. Looking at the map to see a distance of 108,000 miles, it can send messages. The level of technology is a little bit awesome!


Click in the upper left corner to enlarge quickly.

Soon, a larger continental terrain appeared than the upper bound, with the words "Astral Spirit" written on it!

Jun Chang smiled, "It turns out that this is the Protoss World."

"It's a long way from the upper bound," the system said. "How did they find it?"

Jun Changxiao continued to shrink the starry sky map and explore other galaxies, but found that many places were dark, so he couldn't understand: "This starry sky map is incomplete? Didn't load the planes of other galaxies?"

"The host can try to see if there are other planes in the straight distance from the Protoss to the Upper Bound." System Road.

"it is good."

Jun Chang smiled to zoom out the map, and then searched it carefully. Some areas were there and some areas were not. This gradually made him realize that there was a problem ...


System Road: "Star maps are not incomplete, but many galaxies have not been explored and cannot provide detailed terrain data!"

Jun Chang laughed into silence.

He remembered the voice from the main battleship before, and mentioned the name Shuttle. Could the other party not control all galaxies and is in an unknown state of star exploration, so he would inadvertently appear in the upper world?

"Drip! Drip! Drip!"

Just then, strange noises came from the map.

Jun Chang smiled and looked down, and found that a few streams of light appeared in the direction of the Astral Realm, such as ants crawling slowly down.


"I won't send someone here?"

"It should be."


What makes Chang Chang smile is that from the zoomed out map, the speed of several rays is too slow. It may take a long time to reach the upper bound.

Systemically said: "At the current speed, it takes three years to reach the upper bound."

"So fast?"

Jun often smiles dumbfounded.

Although it is impossible to determine how far the two worlds are, but many galaxies are separated, even the speed of light may not be reached in three years!

The system said: "Although I don't want to hit the host, there are still some things to say. In this world of martial arts and technology combination, don't use the science of your previous life to measure it, because it is really vulnerable.

You can't deny that Jun often laughs.

There used to be airplanes, rockets, and nuclear bombs in the lower world. It might be a bit powerful in some high-level martial arts worlds. On the continent of stars, it was rubbish.

The astral spirit world is obviously at the same level as the upper world, or even higher. Martial arts and technology are combined, let alone the speed of light, even if it is faster than the speed of light, the speed of light seems to be normal.

This is not the point.

The point is, they may come again in three years!

"It's just right." The system said: "Maybe the host can take the opportunity to save the upper world, and get huge benefits from it."


Jun Chang growled with a smile: "I have no soul bomb!"

"Besides, even if there is a bomb, no one can carry it and throw it after three years!"

The solution to the nine battleships originated from soul bombs, but the real success depends on Gu Zhaoxi's self-denial. If you come again ~ ~ If you find a rebirth, you will be only three years old. What can a big child do?

Gu Zhaoxi, who is enjoying the crazy love of his parents in another world, if he remembers the memories of previous lives, if he hears what the dog has left in his heart, he will definitely spit out the Jiuling Shenggu in his mouth and growled, "Brother, have you regarded me as a bomber! "


At this moment, the light curtain appeared with the text:

The Fourth Fleet discovered a new world, and its location and terrain were being loaded into a starry sky map.


Slightly, the corner of the Canghai system is uninterrupted and shiny.

Jun Changxiao's habitual expansion expanded quickly, showing a continental terrain labeled "Shanhaijiejie", so he held up his chin and said, "Sure enough, the Protoss and other fleets are exploring crazy unknown galaxies around them."


Small village.

Gu Gouwa was lying in her mother's arms, absorbing the Jiuling Shengguo juice that strengthened Dantian, and secretly said, "Is the mountain and sea world? The properties of heaven and earth here don't seem to be weaker than the upper world."


At this moment, Gu Tianxing leaned over and showed a jade card, and laughed: "Dad ordered you a doll kiss. When you grow up, you take this jade card to Shanhai City. You are the master of Shanhaijiejie. Son-in-law. "


Gu Zhaoxi frowned, wow crying.

This dad is so kind to me, and even the wedding arrangements have been arranged in the future, but ... can you ask for my opinion!

Gu's mother frowned, "How important is it to have a marriage?"


Gu Tianxing grinned: "Daughter, although the daughter of the Lord of the Mountains and Seas has not yet reached the full moon, she has extraordinary talents and has a bright future, and she is a perfect match for our family!"

"is it beautiful?"

"Her father is the first beautiful man in the mountains and sea world, and her mother is the first beautiful woman in the mountains and sea world. It must be beautiful."


Gu Zhaoxi immediately stopped crying, a bright smile appeared on his face. Magic Moon Academy

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