The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1549: Try Dan! The crisis release mode is turned on again!

A speed of Chengdan is refined.

But the toxicity is too strong, so someone needs to test the medicine in person.

And there are many more to try, because there are more than ten kinds of detoxification medicaments prepared by Miaotang master.

"I come."

Outside the hall, Lu Yan, who was dressed in white, came over.

During this time, she has been practicing in the nine-day secret, so she rarely appears in the same field of vision.


Li Qingyang said, "I'll come."

"I come!"

Su Xiaomo took a step forward.

Other disciples have stated their willingness to test the poison by themselves.

If this is to be replaced by other schools, many disciples learn that elixir is made from various toxins. The toxin content is extremely high, and they will be very hesitant.


Eternity is different.

This is a sect gate that integrates sand sculpture and happiness, and will not care about life and death in this kind of thing.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "How about you?"


Ye Xingchen was silent.

As a core disciple, he should have stated his position early, but never spoke.

Slightly, Ye Xingchen said, "If this elixir will poison people, can the disciples not test it?"

"Reasons," Jun often laughed.

Ye Xingchen shook his fist, sternly, "No revenge has been reported."

Even if Cheng Dan would not kill someone at a speed, it would also cause unpredictable negative effects because of toxins, so he didn't want to waste time.

If there is no resentment, Aniu will certainly not hesitate to take the elixir and yell at the same door: "I'll try Dan, don't grab it!"

Jun Chang stood up with a smile, pinched the elixir, and laughed: "Of course this dangerous thing needs to come here in person."

The disciples scrambled to test the drug, which made him very relieved, so the most dangerous thing needed to be done by the parents. The task of the children was to thrive.


Miao Saifeng frowned: "It's very toxic, don't be reckless."


Wei Lao said: "You are the ruler of the ancient emperor, and you must not make any mistakes."

The flower rose was standing nearby, and did not prevent the husband from testing the poison by himself, because she knew that he valued his disciples and would not let them test it.

"I'm determined." Jun Chang laughed.


Everyone was silent.

With such a long time with the suzerain, everyone knows what temper.

"Eat raw?"

"Take it in warm water. The poison will be lighter."

"What about wine?"

"... It should be OK."

"Qingyang, drink!"


A bowl of drunk dreams was sent.

Jun Chang smiled and lifted up, looking at his apprehensive disciple, said: "It is not necessary to die, no doubt, all laugh to this seat."

Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo were both laughing and looked more ugly than crying.


Liu Wanshi cried directly and said, "Sect master, if you have any shortcomings, I will present you a lot of delicious Chinese food in front of the tomb every day!"


Jun Chang smiled and collapsed.

This girl has long grown into a big girl, and she still speaks so childishly!

The atmosphere in the hall was very painful. High-level officials and disciples were praying silently in their hearts.

Miao Saifeng carefully identified the refined antidote, and then arranged it neatly on the table, saying: "There are numbers on it. The host must take the medicine in order."


Jun Chang smiled and nodded.

On the other side, Sun Bukong and his medical team are already in place, striving for the most timely treatment of the suzerain after an accident.


Liu Wanshi choked with tears in her throat and said, "Second Brother, would you send someone to clean up the Spirit Beast Hall in advance?"


Jun Chang almost fell and laughed.

In order to prevent this girl from continuing to be childish, she hurriedly held the bowl in one hand and picked up the elixir in one hand.


The disciples shouted in sorrow, as if parting with life and death.

At the same time, Erquan Yingyue's tunes rang throughout the hall, and tears of smell filled his face, heartbreaking.

Farewell, dear disciple!

Jun Chang opened his mouth with a smile and passed the elixir slowly. Just as he was about to enter the mouth, a voice came from outside the hall: "I am a purple Cangdao, and it is stronger than the suzerain in terms of toxicity. Let me try the medicine."



The owner of Zitang carried the audio, playing aloof BGM in it, his expression resolutely step by step.


"OK for sure!"



As the camera turned, the owner of Zitang stood in front of the test table, and his face was very exciting.

He saw that his disciples were a little emotionally broken, and he couldn't help but tried to take the initiative instead of the suzerain. As a result, the guy didn't even shirk and let himself come!


So long emotional pavement, feelings are prepared for me?


The Lord of the Purple Church just said: "You still come."

"Don't get ink."

Jun Chang sat down with a smile and said, "You said you would try the medicine, everyone heard it." After speaking, he took out the erhu, pulled up the sad rhythm, and braved the prince of Zitang.


Liu Wanshi and Yao Mengying cried sadly.

The situation now is that the Lord of the Purple Church is not dead yet, and they have begun to enter the hall of condolence.


Ah Zi turned his eyelids up.

However, since it was said, it must not shrink back, so note down the order of antidote given by Miao Saifeng, and immediately throw the elixir into the mouth.


The sound of swallowing came.

Jun Chang laughed and stopped pulling the erhu, staring at the Purple Demon King.

Sun Bukong and his medical team were subconsciously close to each other, and various first aid equipment had been prepared.

A pair of eyes were all placed on A Zi, deserving of being the most beautiful and shining puppet of Wanzong.



Suddenly, the purple prince demon king covered his neck and screamed with sullen expression.

"Eat antidote!" Miao Saifeng hurriedly said.

The Purple King Demon King walked around, raised his hand and grabbed the nearest antidote bottle, but accidentally knocked it over, and then kneeled in pain on the ground with a bruised face on his face, looking very scary.


Jun Chang laughed and rushed forward, took a detoxifying dan from the No. 1 bottle and put it in his mouth, but it had no effect ~ ~ The other party was still very distressed!

"Change another!" Miao Saifeng hurriedly said.


Jun Chang laughed and took the No. 2 and No. 3 bottles one after another, until he had eaten the detoxification dan, and the face of the Purple Demon King was still terrible.

"It's over."

Miao Saifeng said: "No effect."

"What to do!" Jun Chang smiled anxiously.


Miao Saifeng turned around and said in a heavy tone: "Be prepared for the aftermath."


Jun Chang laughed and immediately hesitated.

"Purple Tang Lord!"

Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo and others shouted in sorrow, and the tears in the corners of the eyes were not forcibly squeezed out.


Jun Chang laughed and growled in his heart, "What to do!"

"It's simple."

The system said: "The host buckled on his wrist and turned on the crisis release mode again!"

As a life-saving hole card at the cost of losing three, not only can he help Jun Chang laugh to resolve the crisis, but also help others resolve the crisis. Refer to Yao Mengying, who sits on him, referring to the land of magic.

"So what are you doing!"

Jun Chang rushed over with a smile, clasped it on the wrist of Ziyu Demon King, and shouted, "Open it!"

"Ding! Are you spending all your contributions to resolve the current crisis."


"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 0."

"Ding! Does it cost all achievements to resolve the current crisis."

When life is off, how come there are so many nonsense!

Just as he was ready to shout ‘Yes’, the Purple King Demon King suddenly stood up and laughed: “Su Xiaomo, are my acting skills OK?”

Jun Chang laughed and widened his eyes instantly, then turned his head stiffly, and saw that the goods were normal as before, and there was no poisoning at all. Then he realized that he was cheated, so he shouted a few words from his mouth: "I! Alas! Your uncle! "


PS, 5th more.

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