The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1552: When this ancestor repairs, he will destroy eternal life ...



In the dark mountain forest, there were heavy footsteps, and only saw a few feet of mech pushed away from the tree, its eyes twinkled and matched with the dark color, just like the ghost walking out of hell.

"call out------"

A figure flew from a distance and landed on a big tree, and then issued some order to the big guy, and saw that it rushed into the depth, then raised its palm, sent out a beam of energy waves, and moved the leopard at high speed The monster monster was killed on the spot.


Zhong Yi nodded with satisfaction.

Use Diablo to kill a monster in the void, have nothing to do when you are full and idle?

No, no.

This time he came to the forest thousands of miles away from Zongmen to test whether the mech operated in a soul mode and disconnected from the party, and would obey his orders.

The result is very satisfactory.

A member of the Xiyutang near Zhongyi Chuanyin said, "Back to Suzerain, everything is normal."

"Roger that."

Following the continuous transmission of the information network, the news was quickly delivered to Van Gonzong, which made Jun Chang smile with a sip of tea and laughed: "In the future, you only need to let them merge into your soul."

Taixuan said, "Although it is very convenient, if the mech is severely damaged, the soul will be frustrated, and it may cause irreparable harm to the disciples."

"It's all right."

Jun Chang smiled calmly and said: "As long as the soul-hardening sacred power is cultivated to the level of the soul, the separated soul will not affect the body even if it is obliterated."

This is why Gou Yu has always been committed to researching unmanned mechs, but unfortunately, his mind is so inscrutable that he hasn't realized his soul's situation yet.

of course.

The avatars formed by Daqianyingjue are comprehending, even if they have been worrying about the ancestors and are neglected to practice sooner or later.


Jun Chang laughed: "Thousands of mecha created previously and those created later must be added with this soul formation."

"Zhen Lao, they have already begun to act." Elderly Tai Xuan said.

"That's good."

Jun Chang smiled and told him again before returning to his residence.

He is free.

The medicine hall, refining poison hall, foundry hall, and battlefield hall are starting to be busy. After all, it is necessary to refining elixir, researching warframes, and placing battle formations.

This is the Eternal Sect. Some of the halls may be very busy, even without any sense of existence, but when they come in handy, they will be exhausted.

Compared with the spirit beast hall, they are relatively happy.

Because Zitang test Dan's operation, Niu Lao and others now take a broom to clean up on the mountain peaks for a month.

These jobs were originally done by Dukong. Since they were replaced by the Spirit Beast Hall, they had to use their minds to practice the Dharma.


Wan Guzong is working as usual, and Jun Chang laughs rarely to calm down and practice martial arts.


The Ten Great Celestial Sects began a large-scale search of Funeral Pavilion, and the whole world was full of anger.

Jun Chang laughed that although the door wasn't out, Xiyutang was always acquiring information, so he knew everything about the world today.


One day, Li Luoqiu walked into the study and reported: "Just received the news, the soldiers and horses of Jietang found the funeral pavilion branch in Neptune City last night. Both sides had a fierce battle with the outside of the city.


Jun Chang laughed: "It wasn't a waste to find a branch."

Li Luoqiu laughed: "The investigation of Funeral Pavilion was initiated by the Ten Great Celestial Sects. They certainly dare not be lazy, so it is normal to find a branch based on the information provided by the lord."

"Now, let's do it."

Jun Chang smiled, put his legs on the table, and laughed, "This seat is looking forward to picking up leaks."

The Ten Great Celestial Sects will never allow the existence of the demon ancestors. The two sides will ultimately decide the winner. What they have to do is watch the fire from the other side. The timing is almost the same.


Lingyao Wonderland.

"the host."

The old man frowned and said, "The Ten Immortals are really moving this time. I am afraid that the Burial Pavilion may be destroyed."

The Emperor Ling Yao sitting on the throne indifferently said: "The ancestors of the ancestors originally had to be removed, but now they are considered spies, and the situation is naturally not optimistic."

"This gentleman always laughs. It's not easy." The old man said, "In a sacred city meeting, he put a big spy hat on the demon ancestor."

The Emperor Lingyao said: "The magic delusion did not belong to the upper world, and now there are foreign warships invading, so maybe he really made him guess."

The demon ancestor is a spy, she is half-believing in her heart, as is the Ten Immortals, but at this moment, she can only believe that she has nothing but believe nothing, and that she would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

"in fact."

Emperor Ling Yao said: "I'm curious now. Jun Chang laughed at the exact method used to blow up the nine warships that were about to escape."

The ten warships that had invaded, only one of them from the upper world united the powerful and barely broke one. Gu Zhaoxi flew from the Eternal Sect and blown it up at the expense of himself. This is an exaggeration.


Star Fortress was also blown up.

Combining the two, has Jun Changxiao already mastered some kind of terrorist power and can destroy everything?

The top ten immortals were also mentioned during the discussion, but they did not go to Wanguzong to ask for an understanding. First, the two sides did not deal with it because of the demon. Second, they annoyed each other and bombed their own home. .

what is this?

Yes, nuclear deterrence!

If the dog left took out a soul bomb and yelled in the sky, yelling who dared to fight with me, the final result must be that the ancestors of Xianzong held their fists together and said they dare not dare.

"It should be some special hole card," said the old man.

The Emperor Ling Yao said: "Whether it is a card or not, this incident of foreign warship invasion undoubtedly completes Jun Chang's laugh, and Jie Tang definitely dare not offend him again."

"Willn't the master's plan ..."

"It doesn't matter."

The Emperor Lingyao said: "With a character that always laughs, I will definitely record the enemies of the Ten Immortals who besieged the Eternal Sect. Sooner or later there will be a day of torn faces, and the Jietang as a subordinate will naturally be affected.


In the dark and gloomy palace, the demon ancestor was sitting in the blood pool, and the red lines covered the whole body, and it seemed to accept some kind of power. ~ ~! "

Slightly, open your eyes and exhale a spit.

"My ancestor!"

The old man in black robe respectfully said: "It has been investigated clearly that the Ten Great Celestial Suddenly launched an offensive against the Burial Pavilion, because we believe that the delirious tribe was a companion who had previously invaded the warship."


The ancestors of the ancestors became colder gradually and said, "Those 100,000 years ago, these plausible forces believed that the genocide tribe wanted to dominate the upper world, so it united the major ethnic groups to destroy it. Now it is resurrected. What? "


"Why not want to add sin!"

The old man in a black robe stopped talking.

"What do you want to say?"

"My ancestors, the Ten Great Celestial Sects think that my demons are spies from the outside world, all because the ancestral suzerains fanned the flames at the Sacred City Conference!"


The demon ancestor did not suppress the blood in his body, and immediately sprayed out of his mouth.

The disciples of Wan Guzong snatched the innate holy demon body, but he failed to kill by borrowing a sword. Instead, he made this Zongmen a hero. Now he is put together by that guy. It is too difficult to explode.

"Abominable guy!"

The demon ancestor wiped off the blood on the corner of his mouth, and said angrily, "When the ancestor repairs to recover, he will destroy the eternal ancestors with his own hands!"


"Notify all members of Funeral Pavilion, and leave for Lingyin Island in Xihai in three days!"

Still persuaded, afraid of being found by the top ten immortals.

"My ancestor."

The old man in the black robe said: "This Lingyin Island has an ancient formation, if you approach it arbitrarily ..."

"That was set by Ben Zu."

The ancestor sneered, saying: "I am afraid that the Ten Immortals would never dream of it. I have left a way to enter the Devil Realm. As long as I can go in smoothly and control the million Devil Army, the whole upper world is waiting to be lost. Land! "


"Well ..."

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