The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1568: Amazing crowd?

With a smile, Jun Chang shouted out, and the momentum and Fan'er would soon be available, while also attracting the warriors in the far south.

"Sovereign Monarch!"

"It looks like he's only in his early twenties!"

"Sure enough, the hero is a boy!"

In fact, after careful calculation, there are already thirty or more people left, but because of the perennial facial mask, it looks like a handsome guy who is eighteen or nineteen years old.

"Elder Liu."

Jun Chang laughed, "What's going on?"

He was a little depressed.

I was able to call for help from Zongmen, but maybe the people were injured or beaten. They were in a very dangerous situation, but came to the scene and found out that there was no fart!



It does n’t cost money to drive a warship?


Liu Sinan pointed to the mountain peak and said, "It troubles me."

Jun Chang smiled and looked in the direction, locking the slim Wanshou Demon King, wondering: "Is this man a man or a woman?"

"It's over!"

The faces of the martial artists changed.

People who have lived in the far south for a long time know that Wanshou Demon King has one of the biggest taboos, and that is to be questioned by others!

The question of the monarch and the monarch touched its inverse scale!


Wanshou Demon King's eyes flashed with anger, and said, "Boy, you are humiliating my King!"

It is a male monster, but there is a little accident in the process of transfiguring the human form, so it looks more feminine, and it is often teased by the same kind, and it becomes a pain in the heart over time.


"So what?"

Jun Chang smiled indifferently.

He didn't know the taboo of Wanshou Demon King, even if he knew what to say, because you really don't look male or female!

"I shame me, die!"

The Wanshou Demon King gave a cold drink, and the rolling black air waves instantly filled from the mountain peaks, like a group of monsters dancing to the ancient warship!

Murderous, demon, very explosive.

"Dare to arrogantly in front of the suzerain!" Yao Mengying glared and yelled, "Take him down!"


Ghost Eight will fly out.

Jun Chang laughed sitting on a chair, raised Erlang's legs, and took out a nail clipper for manicure.

There are a few powerful bodyguards who don't feel like they need to shoot by themselves.


Seeing this, Wanshou Demon King sneered and said, "Awesome people?"

As a mighty monster that dominates the extreme south, a battle group has not experienced it.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Ghost Eight will fly out of the battleship, unleashing powerful magical energy without restraint, and instantly suppress the surging demonic pressure!

The martial arts stunned, "Magic repair!"

They are far away, but they are still disturbed by the magic that is diffused. The state of the body is not high and it is difficult to suppress the blood in the body.



The martial arts soldiers retreated in the fastest time.

The camera shifts to Wanshou Demon King again, and the disdainful smile on his face has solidified.

If it's just crowded, it's not daunting, but the problem is that the eight warriors in martial arts and wearing armor are from the release breath, the strength does not seem to be under their own!


how to spell?



The monstrous magic pressure is coming, like thousands of horses!

"not good!"

Wanshou Demon King's face changed.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

Immediately, various special effects and energies bloomed in the air like fireworks.

The warrior who hid farther away turned around, watching the valley area shrouded in the magic of the sky, and mourned in silence for the Wanshou Demon King.

Although they can't determine the strength of the Eight Commanders, they can also realize from the huge momentum that there are many people and it is amazing!


It didn't take long for Wanshou Demon King to fly out of the magical spirit, unlocking a new pose that landed on his face.

"But ... hate!"

Standing up, covering her face, she said angrily, "I have the ability to single out!"

Jun Chang smiled while manicuring his nails, and said disapprovingly, "Are you fighting eight alone, aren't you singled out?"

"My King is talking about one-on-one singles!"


The dust was flying and the ground was shaking.

A ghost will fall by the side of Wanshou Demon King and pose like a fist. The latter is recessed in the shape of a '卍' in the ground, and his right face has an unusually striking punch mark.


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head, "You can't do it one-on-one."


Wanshou Demon King jumped out of the pit, with black hair roaring and roaring. As a result, several ghosts who fell after you beat me up and down.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"


After a while, Wanshou Demon King had a blue nose and a swollen face, his eyes narrowed into a line and fell to the ground. There was nothing intact on his body, and it was miserable.

Really, two fists are hard to defeat.

What's more, there are still eight powerful magic generals.

Jun Chang laughed and fell down, took out the blue dragon moon moon knife, put it on his neck, and said lightly: "This seat must not only humiliate you, but also kill you. May I have your opinion?"


Wanshou Demon King has no energy to speak.

Randomly sent eight strong magic repairs, this ancient ancestor is too scary.


Liu Sinan suggested: "This beast has good strength and can be taken back to the door."

Jun Chang smiled with bright eyes and said, "Good idea!"

"But ... hate ..."

Wanshou Demon King gathered a bit of strength and said: "The soldier can kill ... not to be humiliated ... don't think ..."

"take away!"


Wanshou Demon King was immediately **** and carried to the Tonggu battleship, and then the tail jet light flew away. The whole process can be described as hastily and hurriedly.

Everywhere martial arts stunned.

The demon king that ran across the extreme south was just captured by the elders.



The scarred Wangshou Demon King was thrown into the cell because he recovered a little strength when he came ~ ~ and snarled on the ground: "My King will not yield!"


The Purple King Demon King walked with a stern face.

Jun Chang laughed instead of throwing the guy into the prison tower of Tianyuan Township, but instead sent him to the cell of the Spirit Beast Hall. After all, he was similar to Azi, and there should be a way to surrender.


The Wanshou Demon King immediately saw the queen of the Demon King, and immediately smelled the same kind of breath.

"who are you?"

"This sentence should be asked by the owner."

Azi sat down, and the host Fan Er was very strong.


Wanshou Demon King proudly said: "I am the Wanshou Demon King in Wanshou Mountains!"

"Mongshou Mountains?"

The Purple King Demon King thought a lot: "A place full of memories."

"I still remember that there was a toad extract who was being bullied by a companion thousands of years ago. I saw that he had rescued it poorly and donated it to a few crystal nuclei, and I don't know if it is stronger now."

The moment he heard Toad Essence, Wanshou Demon King widened his eyes.


Seeing that his expression had changed, the Purple King Demon King joked: "Willn't it be you?"

Wanshou Demon King's voice trembled, "You ... Must ... is Brother Zi?"

"Brother Purple."

The Purple King Demon King shook his head and said with emotion: "It is also a title full of memories."

During the conversation, the appearance of his face gradually changed. From 20 to 30 years of age, he turned into a middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s. With deep eyes and vicissitudes of his face, he felt ‘I have not been a big brother for many years’.

"Brother Zi!"

Wanshou Demon King was pleasantly surprised: "It's really Brother Zi!"

"Are you a toad?"

"That's right, I'm the little clam that gave you my favor!"

The Purple King Demon King stood up and turned his back to it, whispering in his heart, and whispered, "In the years since I left the Upper Boundary, the vegetables I had saved were higher than mine !!"

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