Blue sky and white clouds, beautiful mountains and rivers.

This is the environment where Jun Changxiao enters the stone statue domain.

It is completely different from his imagination, because the ethnic group is related to the nature of the stone, the ancestral land should be relatively desolate.

For example, the Devil Realm, although it has been sealed for a long time, but after entering it, the internal environment is dark and the magic is disturbed, which is obviously different from the upper climate.


The breeze blew and the spirit refreshed.

The flower rose closed her eyes and felt the fragrance of flowers in the air, Tao Ran said, "It's beautiful here."

"It's like a paradise." Jun Chang laughed.

"The suzerain has no idea." Gongsun Hou said: "The environment of the former stone statue area was extremely harsh. There were wasteland and wind and sand everywhere. After the tireless efforts of the patriarchs of previous generations, we have today's picturesque scenery.

now it's right.

Jun Chang laughed with relief.

The barren sand meets his previous fantasies, and can even understand why stone statues are formed, after all, special circumstances create special groups.

If this was the world of birds and flowers from the beginning, the dogs would never believe that stone statues would be born.

"Without the harsh environment, can the tribe still awaken the blood smoothly?" Jun Chang laughed.

Is indeed the young patriarch!

When I first came to the ancestral land, I started to care about people's livelihood!

Gongsun Hou revered his heart and said, "After the environment has improved, the blood of the people has become much harder to awaken.


Jun Changxiao asked tentatively: "Does this seat need to awaken or verify the purity?"

Gongsun Hou said: "Master Zong, you need to verify the purity before awakening the blood, because it is about the success rate, and you have awakened the blood to represent purity."


Jun Chang smiled a sigh of relief.

Failing to be as willing as the system and well-known dog black, made him feel at ease.

When it comes to awakening, Gongsun Hou has a stronger respect in his heart, because the awakening of the people in the ancient times has been in the field of stone statues, and there is no precedent for awakening outside!

No wonder he was designated as the patriarch from birth, and it really has something extraordinary!

"call out!"

"call out!"

At this moment, several streamers flew from a distance and ran across the ancient warship, and gradually appeared four warriors in their early twenties, wearing plain clothes.

They were hostile to the warships, but when they saw Gongsun Hou, they rejoiced, "Uncle Hou!"


Gongsun Hou smiled and said, "I haven't returned to my ancestors for a few years, and you guys have grown up."

Jun Chang smiled and was surprised.

He began to think that the four were older, and now listening to what Gongsun Hou said, they seemed really young.

Great, my home.

Fly over to a few young people, and you will be transferred to Danjing Xiuwei!

"Uncle Hou."

A stone statue tribe looked at Jun Changxiao and Hua Rose, and said, "What are these two?"


The dog left his collar trimmed and raised his chest.

Gongsun Hou hurriedly introduced rightly: "You little kids have heard clearly, this is the patriarch of my stone statue family left!"


"Less ... the patriarch?"

The four clan eyes widened.

When it comes to age, they are a dozen years younger than the patriarch, but since they remembered, they often heard their parents and elders say that the heirs whom the patriarch had chosen disappeared for decades, and the entire ethnic group has been looking for it.

"Uncle Hou."

A tribe grinned and said, "The guy who is such a dish would be the patriarch? Are you playing ..."


As soon as the words fell, the whole man went flying.

Jun Chang smiled and stood in his area, gently retracted his feet, and turned the peak of Dan Jingxiu into a full-scale explosion. Various special effects blessed the whole body, calmly saying: "He is not kidding."

Domineering, domineering!

The three clan members standing nearby were dumbfounded.

When did this guy come down, and when did he hit Fei Ling, they didn't catch it at all!

Gongsun Hou looked strangely.

When he first came to Wangu Zong, he realized a problem. The breath of the suzerain seems to be only the peak and turn to the realm of Dan, but after releasing the aura, it gives people a sense of realism!

The reason is very simple. Jun Chang laughed at the two true spirit cores in Dan Tian. There are two powerful spirits. They are invincible in the same realm.

of course.

If there is nothing special about the dog leftover, the protagonist may have been replaced with a dog doll. After all, there are Super Cow's father and mother, and Super Cow's father-in-law and mother-in-law, which are indeed winners in life.


"call out!"

The ancient warship flew across the mountains and headed south.

Gongsun Ling, who was kicked, leaned on the deck with his three friends, and looked at the bow of the ship with a dreadful smile.

Is this guy a young chief who has been missing for decades?

"Little Lord."

Because he came to the stone domain, the Gongsun Hou changed his name and said, "At the current speed, it can reach the main city in about half an hour."


Jun Chang smiled and nodded.

On the way, I passed many cities.

In terms of overall scale, it is not as good as the Magic Land, but the streets and architectural planning are good, and it looks neat and comfortable.

Stone statue family.

Just listening to the name makes people dare.

The habitable ancestral land is beautiful scenery, picturesque, which really makes Jun Chang laugh unexpectedly.

What surprised the dogs most was that the stone statues living in the city lived in harmony, being polite, and even the air was exuding a sense of peace.


Jun Chang smiled and said with emotion: "Would you like to live in seclusion after finishing everything here?

Flower Rose said: "I am with you."


After half an hour.

The ancient warship slowly fell outside a huge city.

That's right.

This is the main city of Shixiang Domain ~ ~ In terms of scale, it is not as good as the main city of Devil Domain, but it is full of life because it has a million people.


Jun Chang laughed and walked in with a flower rose. He saw the end along the main street and saw a life-like statue in the form of a woman with a hood giving out a baby.

"Little Lord."

Gongsun Hou whispered: "This is made by the old patriarchs who ordered artisans and has stood in the square for decades."

Jun often laughed and remained silent.

He understood that the female prototype must be the mother of the Shixiang tribe, and the baby prototype must have been the chief of the minority.

"Fu Jun."

Hua Rose whispered: "You look cute when you are a baby."


Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile, and secretly said, "Make the wife and son into a statue to remember, the patriarch of the stone statue tribe must be a good father who values ​​love."

Tear gas, ready.

"Little Lord."

Gongsun Hou said, "Let's go to the clan hall."

The clan hall is the most sacred place of the stone statue clan, a bit similar to the imperial palace.

However, due to advance notice, Jun Changxiao and Hua Rose walked in unobstructed under the eyes of the embargo.

"Little Lord."

Stopping in the magnificent hall, Gongsun Hou whispered, "Master Clan is coming soon, please wait a moment."


Jun Chang smiled and nodded, looking at the historical palace.

"The patriarch is here!"

A little, Hong Liang sounded.


A figure flew from the side door, and then stopped lightly on the throne, waiting for the light to clear, revealing a beautiful woman with a shawl and luxurious hair.

"I go!"

Jun Chang smiled that his eyes almost stared out of his eyes.

The flower rose was silent.

Who is this woman? Why are the dog couples so surprised? Want to know what happened and listen to it next time.

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