The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1576: Gongsun Mobai

Clan Hall.

There are about one hundred stone warriors in succession.

The three people standing in the front are older and have a strong momentum. They are not weak at first glance.

They are three men.

Taishi, Taifu, Taibao.

The status of the stone statue clan is second only to the clan leader.

If you want to say something about a coup d'état, these three are undoubtedly the most dangerous.

Of course.

Just say it casually.

The Shixiang clan has been around for so long, and there has never been any civil strife.

Jun Chang laughs though there is a natural mocking face, but it will not trigger a precedent.

Standing behind San Gong is Jiu Qing. Although his age also looks very old, his breath is obviously a little inferior.

As for the last group of people, they have a bit of civil and military taste.

"See Patriarch!"

Everyone knelt and worshiped.

"Flat body."

The stone clan patriarch's expression was indifferent, which fully demonstrated the absolute prestige of the head of the clan, in stark contrast with the previous amiable.

Jun Changxiao was arranged to sit in a separate seat, sitting next to her, and carefully looked at the top three males, secretly surprised: "From the perspective of the breath, it is not inferior to Master!"

Become the patriarch and take them to the upper world, shouldn't you walk sideways?


The system said: "Before you get to the throne, people start to float."


The head teacher of San Gong also looked at Jun Chang and smiled respectfully, so he asked, "Where is this little friend?"

"My son."

Shi Xiang clan chief said: "Mo Bai."

After her son was born, she named her "Gongsun Mobai".


Jun Chang sighed secretly.

Admittedly, the compound surname sounds compelling.

However, Gongsun Mobai prefers the name 'Jun Changxiao'.

"We prefer Jungou leftovers." The system and the readers agreed.

San Gong Jiu Qing and Wen Wu Bai Guan didn't care about the name, but more about the word ‘我 儿’, so the expression on his face gradually changed, and he shouted in unison: “Young patriarch?”


Jun Chang laughed and killed his face, his palms slowly rising from the corners.

That's right, I'm your handsome chief who is handsome, romantic, and Yushu is close to the wind.


The dog left to heaven!

"you guys."

The head of the Shixiang tribe frowned slightly, and said, "Is it rude?"



Suddenly, the civil and military officials were kneeling on one knee, performing the highest etiquette of the stone statue tribe.

San Gong Jiu Qing picked one out casually, his strength was stronger than Jun Chang's smile, so when he saw them kneeling in front of him, his heart was a little bit floating.


The dog left his throat moistened, set the shelf, and said, "Get up."

This is a real villain.

No wonder a handful of extreme readers want to see him ruthlessly pierced, then skinned and boned, and hangs the dog's head.

"After three days."

The stone patriarch patriarch said: "My son will inherit the new patriarch, who do you agree with? Who opposes?"


Jun often laughed with twitching in the corners of his mouth.

It is indeed my mother ... Father, speaking is domineering!


San Gong glanced at each other, a tangled expression appeared on his face.


Shixiang clan chief said: "Are you against?"

Taishi hurriedly said: "The Patriarch of the Dai, the young master was chosen as the chief of the young master after his birth. The successor of the chief is nothing wrong, but the necessary procedures are still ..."

The Shixiang clan chief said lightly: "I said my son inherited the clan, and this is the necessary procedure."


Jun often laughed secretly.

However, she was in a hurry to give up the position of patriarch to herself, and she always felt a bit wrong. Is there anything strange about it? What's unknown?

"I agree!"

At this moment, Gongsun Hou, who was closest to the entrance of the main hall, made a statement.

He walks in the upper world all the year round, and has no power in the Shixiang clan, but after all, he has the strength of seeking truth in the middle, so he has a little bit ... a little weight.

"I agree!"

Some people started, and many officials expressed their opinions.

"Little Lord."

Gongsun Hou Chuanyin said, "How do I cooperate?"

"I give you a thumbs up."

Although Jun Changxiao is worried about what is wrong, since he is the leader of a tribe, he will definitely not quit. After all, he can take control of the entire ethnic group. He can destroy anyone who is upset. How free and easy!

For a time, many civil and military officials expressed their support for the son of the patriarch to inherit Datong.


San Gong Jiu Qing is always tangled.

They are not unhappy with the dogs, but their ancestors have left the rules, and the successor patriarch has to go through a test.


Taishidao: "Complicated procedures can be waived, but the rule of challenging the Warriors cannot be left."

The always silent Taifu said, "If the young master can't defeat the ten warriors, how can he convince the people and get the recognition of the clan!"

Before each patriarch of the Shixiang tribe takes over, he must challenge the tribe who are rated as warriors. Only by defeating them can he rightly lead the entire ethnic group.

What about failure?

Then continue to cultivate until you win.

This is not so much a regulation as a spur. The patriarch who urges him to take over must always work hard, otherwise he will always wait.

"in this case."

The head of the Shixiang tribe looked coldly: "Are you against it?"


San Gong knelt down and hurriedly said: "The ministers acted according to the ancestor's law, and have no selfishness!"


The patriarch of the stone statue sneered, and said, "I'm pressed by the ancestor's law again, believe it or not, I'm degrading your position now, and assigned to the evil spirit valley?"


Jun Chang laughed: "Since the ethnic group has rules, act according to regulations."

Even though the head of the Shixiang tribe can pass on to him arbitrarily and arbitrarily, the San Gong Jiu Qing must not recognize it in his heart. Instead, let them see the strength of this seat.


Who am I afraid of?

What's more, the author's dad created me and didn't let him take advantage of the two chapters!

"My son."

The head of the Shixiang clan said, "Are you sure you want to fight?"


Jun Chang stood up with a smile ~ ~ and touched his bright head, and said, "As a patriarch of the stone statue tribe, if he is not recognized by the tribe, what qualifications do he have to sit on the patriarch's seat."


Shixiang clan chief said: "Then act as the ancestor!"


Outside the clan hall.

The Shixiang tribe began to get busy, setting up a ring platform in just one day.

At the same time, the major cities posted an imperial list, calling on all the people who have won the title of "Warrior" to go to the main city as soon as possible to participate in the sacred battle held two days later.

The so-called sacred battle is the battle between the patriarch and the warrior. It is only held when preparing to inherit Datong. The purpose is to test the strength of the heirs.

"The patriarch is back?"

"Come back! I heard it was found by Gongsun Hou!"

"Oh my God, this is a big deal!"


Two days later.

In the large hall outside the clan hall, thousands of stone statue clan warriors gathered.

They come from various cities and have the ‘Warrior’ Medal on their chests, representing the outstanding elite of the ethnic group.

"My son."

The patriarch of the Shixiang clan walked out of the clan hall with Jun Changxiao and preached: "I have already selected ten warriors for you, and I have specifically told them." He gave a ‘you understand’ wink.


The dog's mouth was slightly drawn.

My father can play routine!


Jun Chang laughed and took a deep breath, standing on the ring, standing in front of the warriors, and watching the lively tribe: "In order to allow you to identify with me as a patriarch, I will not fight ten warriors today." Suddenly, "I want to fight all!"

The distant flower rose leaned on the handrail, supported his face with both hands, looked at the shining dog head on the back of his head and back, and smiled, "This is my man."

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