The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1582: Something big is coming!

The ceremony of the succession of the Dragon Emperor was held three days later, so Jun Chang laughed and had nothing to do, and took a flower rose to stroll through the city to experience different customs and customs.

During this period, the Dragon clan did not send any more people, and the San Gong Jiu Qing was very upset.

We come with congratulations to congratulate, none of your high priests came to entertain in person, who is this look down on?


The teacher said angrily, "Why the Dragon clan neglects my stone statue clan, why bother with a cold face!"

"No rush."

Jun Chang took a sip of tea and calmly said, "After all, people will hold a succession ceremony, and there will be no time to entertain them at half past one. It is understandable."


The patriarch said so. Although San Gong Jiu Qing was very angry, he could only press his anger to continue.

After waiting another day, he still did not wait for the high priest, even the four dragon kings did not show up.

"What the hell!"

"You shouldn't have come to Long Yu from the beginning!"

Privately, the seniors of the Shixiang clan fought one after another.

Speaking of overall strength, my clan is not weaker than your dragon clan, but was left out in the cold. Is this the way to treat guests?

Just when San Gong Jiu Qing was extremely unstable, the high priest of the Dragon tribe finally came to the mansion, and as soon as he entered the hall, he blamed himself: "It's a busy business, please take it easy, please forgive me."


Taishi and others were unhappy.

Do you know yet?


The high priest was a little embarrassed. In order to ease the atmosphere, looking at the first-ranked monarch, he smiled and said, "This young friend is awe-inspiring, and Yushu is near the wind, should he be the new chief of the Shixiang clan?

The Shixiang tribe changed patriarchs. After the dogs left, the dragon tribe knew.

"Good." Jun Chang laughed.

"Heroes are young!"

The so-called non-smiling people are so polite. It is difficult for San Gong Jiu Qing to find faults even if he is upset.

"The high priest."

Jun Chang smiled and asked, "Can the noble Dragon Emperor have time? I want to see you here."

Originally intended to surprise Xiao Longlong when he succeeded Dragon Emperor, but everyone came to Dragon City, which is close at hand, and the feeling of nostalgia in his heart became stronger and stronger.

The high priest apologized: "Dragon Emperor's succession is imminent and it is inconvenient to meet guests."

This remark made San Gong Jiu Qing unhappy again!

The head of my clan came to attend the ceremony, it has been very face-saving, you dragon emperor dare to stand up?


Jun Chang laughed and understood. After all, he was also busy when he took over as the patriarch, so he understood Xiao Longlong's current situation.

After a little communication, the high priest resigned and left.

If Gongsun Li walked in from the backyard, he said, "This high priest looks a bit wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"Can't say."



Two days later.

The Dragon King Succession Ceremony begins.

Unlike the stone statue clan, the dragon clan leader ascended the throne in the clan hall.

Jun Chang smiled and led everyone to come over and send the congratulations. When the dragons reported them one by one, they immediately shocked the dragon warriors because the gifts were too generous!

There is something to be said about it.

It's rare to have a shot like a dog left.

Thanks to the succession of the Dragon Emperor, he did not invite the major forces in the upper world, otherwise everyone would follow a thousand, he would follow 100,000, and hit everyone's face properly.

"Gongsun patriarch, please!"

There are many members, and the treatment given by the Dragons is different immediately. It is arranged directly in the front position, only two or three meters away from the dragon throne.

"Little dragon."

Jun Chang sat down with a smile and secretly said, "I'll see for myself that you will become king of the Dragon King!"

"Succession hall."

Just then, the high priest shouted, "Start now!"



The strong dragon clan in the congregation's hall rose up with serious expressions on their faces.

"Your Dragon Emperor is invited!"

In the solemn atmosphere, the side door of the clan hall slowly opened.


The dog was laughing.



The heavy steps sounded, and a figure in a robe with gold rims came over surrounded by dragon warriors.

The smile on Jun Chang's face gradually solidified.

What came out was not Xiaolonglong, but a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face!

Jun Chang smiled and saw that when various ethnic groups came to Wanguzong that year, he appeared, and listening to the Master said, it seemed to be called the Qingming Dragon King.

No, no.

The protagonist should not have appeared yet!

Jun Chang stood up with a smile and looked deep into the side door, but ... was closed!


The plot is wrong!


At this moment, the middle-aged man in gorgeous costume stopped in front of the throne of the Dragon Emperor, and a powerful aura emerged all over his body.

"It really is him."

Gongsun Ruo no accident between words.

Among the four dragon kings, the Qingming Dragon King has the strongest strength, and it is logical for him to succeed the Dragon King.

Jun often smiled.

What is this guy doing in front of the Dragon King's throne? Is there a procedure to go? Xiaolonglong finally made his final appearance?

"The high priest."

Qingming Dragon King said: "Announce it."


The high priest turned around and faced the warrior of the Dragon tribe, and said loudly: "I formally announce that as the dragon priest, the Dragon Emperor is inherited by the Qingming Dragon King. Do you agree?"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

The crowd bowed their heads and put their hands on their chests.

Qingming Dragon King smiled, and then sat on the dragon chair with both hands.

"I don't agree!"

Suddenly, a dissonant voice sounded in the clan hall.


King Qingming's body was stiff, his face was dark, and he looked at the source of the sound. He immediately locked on Jun Chang's smile, and said, "Is it you ?!"


Jun Chang jumped up with a smile, stood on a chair, and said angrily, "You are not a five-clawed dragon. What qualifications do you have to sit on the Dragon King's seat!"

Ruo Gongsun was gone.

San Gong Jiu Qing was dumbfounded.

Although they are very uncomfortable with the Dragon family in recent days, but because of their lack of love, the patriarch of the succession ceremony not only publicly opposes it, but also roars at the new Dragon Emperor, which is a little ... something big!


The strong dragons present were unwilling.

An old man got up and said angrily, "Indulgence!"

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

All the dragon warriors all smiled at Jun Chang, their eyes flickered with anger.


If Gongsun gets up, smashes the table in front of her, Mei Mei blinks coldly, "What do you want to do?"

The former patriarch is domineering!

But ... there was still room for adjustment. As a result, when she slaps the table like this, the direction of things can't be controlled instantly.

"Should we ask this?" Said the high priest Shen.

I invite you to be a guest, but in the sacred succession ceremony, I objected to ~ ~ and I was rude to the Dragon Emperor.

Right now.

The atmosphere of the clan hall was extremely killing.

The strong dragons from all sides glared at the king and often laughed. Gongsun Ruoli and San Gongjiuqing stood up one after another, a look that we would never counsel.


At this time, the Qingming Dragon King raised his butt, motioned for the tribe to sit down, and laughed: "I did not expect the monarch to come to participate in the succession ceremony, the emperor is really a bit surprised."

Jun Chang smiled coldly and said, "What about Xiaolonglong?"

Dragon Emperor is not his own contract animal, there must be something wrong in it!

"Monarch Sovereign."

The Qingming Dragon King laughed: "My emperor respects the public opinion and accepts questions, even if you are an outsider, so today I will show you whether you are eligible to sit on the Dragon King!"

He looked up, his expression sloppy.



Suddenly, dragon air gathered around and five dragon claws gradually emerged!

Gongsun Ruo said: "It really is a five-clawed dragon!"

The five-clawed dragon in the dragon family does not have five fingers or toes as humans do, but has five hands and feet. Now the Qingming Dragon King appears, which is enough to represent the real five-clawed dragon, which has inherited the Dragon King. Qualifications.

"My emperor lives forever!"

"My emperor lives forever!"

The dragon racers knelt on the ground and shouted.

However, in the face of the iron evidence, Jun Chang smiled his eyes gradually emerged to kill.

The dragon family only has a five-clawed dragon. Since the Qingming Dragon King is, it means that the dragon is gone, or ... he was snatched by him!


Suddenly, the turbulent weather covered Jun Chang's smile, and when everything was gone, the sacred drape was wrapped around him, and the fourth form of the sword was held in his hands, as if he had no feelings of death: "I only give you a quarter of an hour , If you do n’t see the dragon, the entire dragon family will be destroyed! "

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