The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1585: Pumped your dragon tendons and smashed your dragon palace!

Jun Changxiao not only learns the magical steps of Tianying in a short time, but also learns how to get better!

It can be said that as long as it is not systematic martial arts, as long as it meets the training requirements, any cheats for power exercises will be brought to the hands of the dog leftovers. If it is not possible, the level of insight is not high.

of course.

Can be said to be invincible.

The ability to quickly cultivate the glamorous steps of Tianying can be derived from the deliberate teaching of Gongsun Ruoli.

For an outsider, he didn't do it intentionally. Even if Jun Chang laughed, he could hardly steal the knowledge even if he pulled out his eyes.


"The patriarch is so godlike!"

San Gong Jiu Qing admires Jun Changxiao like a continuous stream of water!

They can be sure that the patriarchs are out of the country and have not been exposed to the stone figure clan martial arts. Even if the old patriarch had previously taught the body, it would not be possible to cultivate successfully in such a short time!

What does this mean?

Different talents and talents!

Under his leadership, my tribe will definitely create greater glory!



Suddenly, San Gong Jiu Qing broke out with a higher cultivation behavior, and he fought with the strong dragons.

For the patriarch, for the future.

Even if Longcheng is killed today, he will not be harmed!

"My son!"

Gongsun Ruoli forced to retreat the Qingming Dragon King, and said, "Teach you some martial arts for your father!"

Now that you have learned the magical steps of the sky shadow, what's the matter of teaching others?

"Broken Stone!"

"Open the Holy Palm!"

"Sixiang Cangyun Jue!"

Various stone figure martial arts were exhibited from Gongsun Ruoli's hands, and the light and palm print instantly shrouded the martial arts field, revealing the shocking Yu Wei!

Top masters fight and often follow steps.

For example, you can do one trick at a time, interspersed with a power introduction and shocked passers-by in the middle.

Like Gongsun Ruoli, he directly displayed the bottom of various pressure boxes, and did not follow the routine at all, so that the Qingming Dragon King could only be tired of dissolving, and even became more and more embarrassed.


Jun Chang smiled, picked up a sickle, and used the power of space to restrain the dragon warriors coming from outside the palace. While studying and using, various stone statue martial arts came in handy and staged a real delivery of real school!

of course.

Because the other party has never surrendered Xiaolonglong, the dog left is no longer ruthless. When learning martial arts, he ruthlessly took away a famous dragon warrior.

In just a short time, thousands of corpses had been lined up outside Yanwu.


The Qingming Dragon King roared with anger.

These dragon warriors have been carefully cultivated by themselves, not to mention the death of thousands, even the death of one is sad!

"Jun always laughs!"

He snarled in disbelief: "My lord will crush you to death!"


The sound of dragon yin shook the world.


If Gongsun backed away dozens of feet, Liu Mei frowned.

Over the sky, the Qingming Dragon King summoned the body, turning it into a green dragon resembling a winding dragon in a dragon ball, a piece of scale armor flashing light, and the five claws gathered a powerful dragon power.

"A little tricky."

Gongsun Ruo Li smiled on his face, and did not match the words!

According to her knowledge, the Qingming Dragon King is a rare Qingming holy dragon of the Dragon family, and now inherits the body of the Dragon Emperor, and there will definitely be an increase in strength.

This is not the point. The point is that when the other person transforms the ontology and emits a roar similar to that of the Dragon Emperor, the entire Longcheng people are infected and turn into colorful bodies, with red eyes rushing towards the Dragon Palace!

For a time.

Over the city, dragons and beasts are densely packed!



The high-level dragons who were fighting San Gong Jiuqing were also infected, which inspired the body, and the dragons gathered in the sky of Yanwu immediately.

Breathing and breathing, Long Wei is mighty!

Strictly speaking, the Dragons can also be classified as monsters, so after transforming into a real person, the combat power has increased dramatically!


Jun Chang smiled, took the sickle of death, shrouded in flames under his feet, as if flying on a hot wheel, facing a huge dragon and beast, his eyes were cold: "Lao Tzu pumped your dragon ribs and smashed your dragon palace! "

Hardcore COS Nezha!


At this moment, the Qingming Dragon King opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, spraying out a beam of Longwei's explosion, straightly taking the dog's bare head.

If Gongsun stopped first, the tender right hand not only quickly turned into petrification, but the layers of force gathered in the punches, and the beam was scattered by extremely overbearing means. He said coldly, "You don't have the ability to let my son die."

"I go!"

Jun Chang smiled and widened his eyes.

The woman's right hand not only turned into a stone figure, but also gradually blackened, and it felt as if she had inspired armed domineering!

"My son."

Gongsun Ruoli explained: "This is the third form of the blood veins of my stone statue, which can accurately control the petrochemical site and fully gather the power to achieve the ultimate outbreak!"

"So it is." Jun Chang smiled and realized, thinking that Gongsun Hou was half normal and half petrochemical at that time, it should be the second form of stone veins!

"My blood is not capped."

If Gongsun departs, "I hope that one day for my father, you can realize the fourth, fifth and even higher!"

Previously passed to Jun Changxiao, who was anxious to take off all the burdens and go out in search of the unscrupulous man. Now that he has learned the martial arts of the Shixiang tribe in a short time, he is full of expectations for his future.


The dog's mouth was slightly drawn.

The bloodline is inherited thinly, and successful awakening is really luck. It is difficult to say whether you can understand the second form in the future!

"I will do it!"

Without self-confidence, you must make a statement at this time.



The nearby San Gong Jiu Qing also no longer hid, and inspired the blood of the stone statue clan.

They did not reach the level of the old patriarch, and could only inspire the second form and become half-human and half-petrified.

After being infected, Jun Chang laughed, the blood in his body suddenly boiled, and his cold face gradually petrified.

Hole card!

It's bright again!


Jun Chang laughed and wielded the sickle of death, gasping the rivers and rivers: "Battle!"

From a long distance, the dragons and beasts converge over the dragon palace. The mighty dragons are powerful. The patriarchs and high-level bloodstones of the stone statues at low altitude are excited.



The dragon beast summoned by the body of the Dragon Emperor came from outside the palace, and the space that seemed to have ample space suddenly became extremely crowded.

"All die for me!"

Jun Chang waved his sword with a smile, and the daomang penetrating through the heavens and earths tore away. As the force of space spread madly, the dragon warriors rushed to the stage and were unloaded by eight pieces.

A killing ~ ~ officially staged!


The deepest part of the East China Sea.

The Purple King Demon King stood solemnly.

Because the Dragon Warriors came too fast, the two Dragon Warriors couldn't bear and passed out, so ... they had to find their own entrance.

"Zhutang Lord."

Jiang Xie said weakly: "Are you reliable?"

Due to Liu Sinan's wrong way, Zongmen's high-level minds are a bit vacant. After all, the theory in Zongmen is abnormal. After all, Ye Xingchen sent first, and he sent second, not to mention ...


Isn't it just looking for entrance, why take off your school uniform!

"Listen clearly." The Purple King Demon King put his clothes and pants into a space ring, wearing only a pair of red pants, and turned the extremely serious face of the painting style, saying: "The owner of the church sneaked into the dragon realm and stole the dragon eggs. Anyone Can't question! "


At the end of the speech, the purple Cangdao changed its path, the tail was swept across the void, and a wave of energy rippled, gradually tearing out the cracks.

"I go!"

Everyone was stunned.

The two space-time worms are not present, or worship on the spot!



The space gradually cracked and gradually expanded.

When it reached a sufficient level, he heard only the roar of the Purple King Demon King: "Hidden Void!"



The powerful smashing force broke out, not only covering Ding Xingwang and others, covering 3,000 mechs, but also covering 200,000 demons, making them appear to be wearing a covert in an instant!

"Give me everything!"

"After entering, there is Dragon City. Once they are discovered, let's live and die!"

The Purple King Demon King knows that some readers have been suspicious that he has cultivated such a dish. How did he go to Long Yu to steal dragon eggs? Today, he not only needs to prove his actions, but also goes directly to the Dragon Center!

Demon King.

Not shameful!

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