The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1595: There is a way in heaven, you do n’t go, **** has no way to vote

"Large protection law, disciples of Wanzong fall on an island."

"It's kind of a place to bury yourself."

"When will we act?"

"Don't panic. Let them relax."

Members of the Zhenfa Church are setting up a teleportation array on the island, and Dafa and his men lurk in the dark like poisonous snakes.

In fact, just before he came to the East China Sea, he wanted to do something, but he was afraid that he would shock other warriors, so he could only continue to bear it until he came to the endless sea, and there was nothing to fear!

The coolest thing is.

My ancestors practiced in retreats in the East China Sea.

Eradicate the disciple of Wan Guzong and take his head to see his old man. Maybe he can win the favor.

Da Hufa became more and more excited, and more and more beautiful. About one quarter of an hour, when he determined that the time was ripe, he immediately waved his arms and said, "Kill them all!"



Suddenly, members of the funeral pavilion hidden nearby were fully opened and rushed towards the unknown island at the fastest speed.


At this time, a member of the Zhenfa Church rejoiced: "The Zongmen has been contacted and can be sent at any time."

Lord Zitang nodded.

After experiencing the mysterious realm of Dao Shan Huo Hai, he is more mature than ever.


Just then, there was a billowing wave outside the island.


The Purple King Demon King looked back, and saw a famous warrior wearing a black robe and mask pressed from the sky.

"Funeral Pavilion?"


Da Hu Fa first rushed with a monstrous magic, and the median truth-seeking strength was fully opened!

He has already determined that the strength of this group of Wanzong disciples is generally changing to Dan, not to mention themselves, even if they only send their men.

"Want to fight?"

A Zi Ma Liu took off her clothes and wore only a pair of red pants to greet them.


The pink love gloves immediately shrouded both hands, and punched directly in the void, saying, "Follow me to the end!"


The enchantment and the enchantment collided, causing the waves to rise.

"call out!"

The big protection method was shocked by Zhen Fei more than ten feet away, and her eyes were incredible!

How does that guy look like he has just entered the search for truth, and why the power of the outbreak is so brutal and so overbearing!


In that moment, the purple prince demon turned into purple light and emerged from the overlapping waves.

Every inch of muscle, every meridian bursts into a violent amount of violence, and the space of pressure is gradually distorted.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

There was a constant roar, and the waves were sky-high.

The purple prince demon king who seems to be a brother and a prince makes a dazzling series of moves, forcing Da Hufa to back up one after another, and raising a thought in his heart, this is not human!

Not bad.

Azi is not human.

He is a demon, a demon king without the Bulgarian prefix!



A Zi directly opens the Dragon Ball mode, and launches the high space fight at the fastest speed.

Although Da Hu Fa was a bit unable to adapt to the rhythm and was beaten a little bit embarrassed, the corner of his mouth raised a sneer, because his men had rushed to the island and surrounded the disciples of Wanguzong.

You are strong.

But what about them?


Da Hu Fa shouted while evading, "All killed!"


The members of the Burial Moon Pavilion flickered with brutal magic light, and gathered all kinds of energies to blast the hundreds of elder disciples together.

Many people and strong strength.

It's an overwhelming advantage!

It's just that he has behaved fiercely enough and terribly enough, but there is no emotional change on the faces of the disciples of Wan Guzong, and he does not seem to realize that he is about to die!

Struggling to give up?

Going to meet death with a calm mind?


A member of the funeral pavilion laughed strangely: "Death is a very painful thing, you have to experience it!"



All kinds of energy are coming, and the momentum is huge!

The members of the formation team responsible for the formation of the formation have never made any defensive or escape actions, and even cleverly hug their chests.

This further angered the members of the Burial Moon Pavilion, and immediately burst into stronger energy, trying to wipe them all out.


The strong magic is like a ghost crying!

However, at the very moment of the moment, the streamer flickered in the teleportation array. Only the black and white Rakshasa flew out first, followed closely by high-level officials such as Ding Xingwang.

With their emergence, the magical energy that originally converged on the island suddenly lost ground.

Da Hu Fa, who is fighting against the Purple King Demon King, has widened his eyes, because in just a short time, thousands of elder disciples have gathered on the island.


Outside the battle, Xiao Sin had set up his chair.

Jun Chang smiled, sat down, put his right leg on his left leg, and lowered his head to light a cigar. He said lightly, "If you do n’t go in heaven, there is no way to go to hell, and all the disciples will obey. Take it down! "



Suddenly, the Diablo in pocket form was called out. After the disciples got in, a huge mech filled the entire island instantly, and the picture was magnificent!

As for the members of the funeral pavilion, they are stupid now.

At first, they were very powerful, but in the face of the tens of thousands of Wanzong disciples and thousands of mechs that suddenly appeared, they seemed to turn into poor caterpillars.


Da Hu Fa hurriedly said, "Retreat!"


The voice just fell, the surrounding space was rippling, and the whole person seemed to be wrapped in plastic wrap.

With a big wave, Liu Sinan dragged him down and said, "Last time you let me run, this time I can't run away!"


Da Hu Fa's eyes were horrified.

He had played with Liu Sinan ~ ~ but came to see and beat, but found a chance to slip away, I did not expect to bully the disciples of Wan Guzong today, even ... met again!


One person was in distress and the whole family was dispatched.

This is a fine tradition that has existed for a long time.

Therefore, the only big protection method and hundreds of men in Funeral Pavilion did not make decent resistance at all, and they became captives, squatting and holding their heads one by one.


Li Qingyang came and said, "There are tens of millions of black stones in the space ring."

"OK, no loss."

Jun Chang laughed and stepped in front of Da Hu Fa, dragged him by his collar, and looked coldly, "Where is the demon ancestor?"

These people were not killed just to find the Lord.

Although Da Hu Fa is completely controlled, it is very stingy, saying: "I won't say if I kill you!"

"Can't fight?"

"... I wouldn't say that!"


Jun Chang smiled and let go of his hand, patted him on the shoulder, and smiled, "I admire the iron-bone-incarnations like you most, because it can reflect the value of my Tianyuan prison tower."

"What the hell?"

"call out--------"

As soon as Da Hufa finished speaking, he felt a sudden flower, and then returned to the dark environment.



"Kaka Lo."

Suddenly, weird and eerie laughter came from his ears, and three of them were illuminated by the light from bottom to top. The ghost-like face suddenly appeared in the field of vision, shocked by the intense coldness in his back.

The prison trio made a brilliant appearance.


Desert island.

Jun Chang smiled and sipped tea.

Since it took a piece of black stone to pass over, we must definitely enjoy the sea view, otherwise it would be a waste to go back.


At this moment, Ren Shan shouted in his ear: "I found a treasure island!"

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