The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1608: Externalized

From the appearance to the shot, the storyteller always gave everyone a hidden overhaul, an unfathomable feeling. As a result, he was approached in all directions to worship and lie on the ground.

反转 This reversal was too fast, and almost made Jun Changxiao and all warriors fall to the ground directly.

"Peak seeking truth?"

Tong Gongsun Ruoli's expression on his face became wonderful.

its not right!

It looked very deep just now. Why is the momentum of the hair being worse than myself?


Xun Jun often laughed and collapsed: "This guy's decent ability is not to pretend to be an elephant by inserting two onions in his nose?"

"Change me!"

"I can do it!"

狗 That year, the dog left for Dantang, and deliberately spent 500 points of prestige to buy a bluffing suit, which was simpler than Huyou, and he was not weaker than others.

Why isn't it useful?

People came from the spirit world to show that they hit the ground.

如果 If you use it as a pretense, unless it is overwhelming, you will definitely show up immediately.

not to mention.

Even if you can disguise yourself as a master with a bluff suit, how can you disguise yourself as a third step strong?

Therefore, the use of this flickering props depends on the occasion. If they are used arbitrarily, the end will be the same as the storyteller.

of course.

It is already good for the storyteller to have the pinnacle of seeking truth.

But the upper world is at stake at this moment. Obviously, a strong man of this level cannot create miracles, let alone become a savior.

"Abominable guy!"

The general's eyes standing in midair gradually became angry.

When the storyteller appeared, he regarded it as a strong opponent, but ended up deliberately playing with himself!



General Puppet raised his hands in anger and gathered the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, like a shell blasting towards the sunken earth.

"Boom boom!"

He carried the force of anger and bombarded the ground again and again, and the depression range continued to expand.


Xun Jun often laughs and twitches at the corners of martial arts.

Since the storyteller is not in the realm of opportunity, he is so madly bombarded that it must be cool in the end!

However, when the general stopped his hand, and when the dust around the congregation dissipated, he saw that the other party was still lying in a deeper pit that spread more widely, or the eyes rolled and foamed.


Xun Jun often laughed and waited for others.

General Wu also had a difficult look at the channel: "How is that possible!"

The true strength of the storyteller has been basically judged by the top powerful players in the field. After a round of bombardment, they can still be safe and sound, which is a bit unbelievable!

Unless ...

Is this guy resistant?



General Xun continued to gather forces to bombard, the heaven and earth spirits could roar, and the space was gradually stirred apart.

For a moment, the storyteller was still lying in the deep pit. Although it looked a bit miserable, he still maintained that level, like ... the unbeatable Xiaoqiang.


General Xuan growled angrily, "It's impossible!"

家伙 This guy is obviously not as good as himself, and it is easy to kill him, but why he has been strong for so long.


At this moment, the storyteller stood up from the deep pit.

He first patted the soil, flew out, sat on the ground and called up a small table.


The gavel was lowered.


The feather fan shook slightly.

短暂 After a brief preparation, the storyteller opened his mouth and said, "Long ago, a long time ago, the upper world opened, the world withered, and the first creatures were born ..."


Xun Jun often laughed and speechless.

Big Brother! Crisis, what do you say about the book!


General Wu seemed to have Ming Wu, and sneered: "If General Gu is correct, you should deliberately delay time."

The storyteller's eyes shook slightly, and his mind was obviously guessed.


General Xuan said lightly: "It can withstand so many bombardments and stand up. Your strength shouldn't be so weak, isn't it ... it's your deity?"

He is not the deity?

Xun Jun often laughed and laughed.


The storyteller shook his head and said, "Is it found?"


He generously confessed: "This is just an incarnation of me. Because of my love for the homeland, I leave it in the upper world."

I go!

A bit explosive!

Xun Jun often laughed and dumbfounded martial arts.

They thought this guy was a bluff liar, but did not expect the plot to reverse again!


General Wu said: "Every avatar has such a practice, this general is curious, how strong is your deity?"

"You will see soon." Storytelling is humane.

Armed with both hands, General Xu proudly said, "Don't let me down."

He has guessed that the storyteller is deliberately delaying time, it should be waiting for the deity to come over. In this case, the upper world is given a chance to stay alive.

虽 Although I came here this time in order to get revenge, I still wanted to fight against the battle force in case of war.

"Do not worry."

The storyteller said, "Bao Jun is satisfied."

Uh ...

General Wu insisted on waiting for the deity to come, so the slaves and the fighters that filled the sky never launched an offensive.

The storyteller's procrastination tactic was very successful.

Can't stand it.

I was worried in my heart: "It will take a while for the deity to come to the Upper Realm, and I'm afraid this guy can't wait to get rid of all the creatures in one step."


I'm so sorry.

I knew early on that the inmates were very strong, so they should come early.

General Bian is waiting for the storyteller's deity, Jun Changxiao and other martial arts are waiting, and look forward to him being able to save the world from fire and water.


After a few hours, the space suddenly trembled slightly, as if punctured by a sharp sword, and slight sword marks appeared.


A special air wave emerged in the gap of the, which instantly filled the entire upper boundary.

Where is the deity?

General Xun turned to look, his eyes flashed with war.

The aura that emerged was not strong, but intuitively told him that his strength should be good.

Xun Jun often laughed and the martial arts soldiers also locked the torn gap, and his expression was so serious.

"what's the situation?"

The storyteller was stunned.

At this moment, all the warriors at the scene thought that it was his deity. In fact, he knew best that it would take at least a few days to reach the upper bound!

not to mention.

Even if you come early, you shouldn't tear the space!



The space is constantly torn, and the marks gradually expand.

"咻咻 咻!"

倏然 ~ ~ Three streams of light flew from the cracked gap, then stopped in the upper sky, and the light dissipated, showing a loyal middle-aged man, a woman hugging a child, And a monster with a crocodile head.

Everyone 懵.

This storyteller has more than one deity?

Are there men, women, old and young, and no one is ghost or ghost?


The crocodile head who had just arrived in the Upper Realm was quite surprised: "I did not expect that the end of the space-time channel was connected to a plane!"


Middle-aged humane: "A bit strange."


At this moment, he noticed that there were numerous fighter planes and dozens of steel warships gathering in the distant sky, and then narrowed his eyes, and said, "This thing ... is a little familiar."

The woman next to her whispered, "Not long after the son was born, a similar warship appeared in the mountains and seas and was completely destroyed by the husband with an axe."


The middle-aged man patted his head and said, "Remember it!"

"The mountains and seas?"

General Wu's eyes grew colder, and he said, "Is the Fourth Fleet of the Astral Realm killed by you?"

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