The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1625: You are the son of my Gu Tianxing, this life has changed ...

Jun Chang laughed and knew that some of the items in the mall were stolen. For example, Qi Xuan Xia Guang broke the remnants. He didn't realize that all the items he had once visited had been stolen!

System said: "The host paid for it, can this be considered a steal?"


Xi Jun often smiled and held her chin and said, "Yeah ... a fart!"

"I'm still innocent without knowing it. Now that I know, if I buy it again, isn't it equivalent to an offender!"

"That line."

System said: "Do not use the mall after the host, and be a saint at home."

Xun Jun often laughed and got into trouble.

If there are no readers watching, you must erect the correct three views for them, there is definitely no psychological burden.

The dog walker wanted to do whatever he wanted, but was limited by moral constraints.

too difficult!

Thinking again and again, after all, Jun Changxiao didn't buy the Yuan of Life, because he needed to set an example, because ... he could go in at any time in the upper world. Why buy a reputation? It really isn't working. The people in the Fangtang Church studied it before moving to Zongmen.

System said: "Are you not afraid that someone will spray you to harm the forbidden land? Let other warriors lose the opportunity to cultivate?"

"I'm saving them."

Xun Jun often laughed and said calmly: "Isn't it good to live a few more years? Is it necessary to spend an inordinate amount of time?"

The day.

Elder Wu Taixuan took Zhen Dejun and others to Shengyuan, as long as he had overcome the formation system, it would not be a problem to settle in the back hills of Wanzong.

In fact, the reason why Jun often laughs is because he appears in the mall, does it mean he can take it away? Buy it, move it, definitely choose the latter, at least ... Save money.

The system growled: "Let's not talk more about the three views, let readers be less cautious, and say it's distressed reputation!"

Uh ...

Make sure that the items inside the mall are stolen. Jun Changxiao is even more amazed by the magic of the system. After all, many props inside are too good. Since they exist in the world, the creator must be extraordinary in strength.

of course.

I also panic.

Calculate carefully. After crossing the realm, countless commodities bought from the mall, such as the training tower, such as various secret realms, since they were stolen, wouldn't you have many enemies invisible?


Xi Jun often sighed and then refreshed the mall. As a result, the follow-up times were exhausted, and nothing good was found.

got used to.

I also accepted.

I ca n’t give up life because I do n’t use it.

Xun Jun often laughed and called the senior officials of Zongmen, telling them to be more focused.

In fact, the special practice room for elders has a good effect.

During this time, Ding Xingwang, Ge Lao, and others have significantly improved, but it is a bit difficult to break through the task value at the prescribed time.

"Damn limit!"

Xun Jun often laughs at the infinitely lower version. At least as long as there is a contribution value, you can refresh it infinitely. Although the recharge annual membership can refresh 30 times for free, but as long as the number of times is used up, you can only wait for the next month.

I want to be a gangster.

But the **** new version doesn't give a chance!

Uh ...


Gu Zhaoxiu sat in a daze in the yard alone, with a long chain next to it.

I'm right.

He took things from his grave.

Gu Zhaoxiu restored a lot of memories, but he didn't remember how to join the Eternal Sect and how he died, so he always thought about it when he returned.


Ignoring Tianxing came, and said, "Are there any thoughts?"


Gu Gu Zhaoxi pretended to have a bright smile for children.

Different from Jun Changxiao's passive shrinkage, he is truly reborn, but his adult mind is still there, and he has to perform every day. He is a bit tired.

"If you want to forget something, don't think about it, don't want to forget something, you can't forget it by force." Gu Tianxing said.


Gu Guxiu scratched his head and said with a blank expression: "It's strange what Dad said, I didn't understand."

Gu Guxing stared on his little head and laughed: "According to your father and me, there are thirty-two special spirits in the Department of the Sea, and the spirit of reincarnation should exist in you."

"Spirit of reincarnation?"

Don't look at Gu Chaoxi's surface, but in reality, the heart is turned over.

I'm finished!

I was seen?

"The reincarnation, life and death."

Regarding Tianxing, "You can get such a rare spirit, which is a great chance."

"Dad, you said!"

Gu Zhaoxiu pretended to be stupid and said, "I don't understand!


Gu Guxing star flicked his head with his finger and smiled, "Don't pretend, since the day you were born, the spirit species deposited in Dantian was discovered as the father."


Gu Gu Zhaoxi was silent.

I am so perfect, how did I find out?

Think about it, my father is so strong, and the destroyer of the Star Warrior is playful, but he is normal.


Gu Gu mother stepped out of the room and said, "This thing was meant to be waiting for you to grow up and become a talented person."

I won!

Auntie also knows!


Regardless of the child's disguise, the expression that does not match age appears on his face, saying: "Yes, I have the spirit of reincarnation." After a pause, he was rather ashamed: "I'm sorry, I have cheated the second old man for so long."


Regarding Tianxing, he stood up and looked at the sky with his back, saying: "After the death of a man, reincarnation is the destiny of heaven. You should not feel ashamed of your parents because of the spirit of reincarnation."

Gu Guxiu was a little stunned.

Since he was exposed, he also made a plan to part ways, but Dad's words obviously accepted his son who reborn by cheating?

Regarding his mother, "You can be our child, it is the fate of heaven."


Gu Gu Zhaoxi was a bit moved.

Born countless times, only this time let him experience the affection.


Ignoring Gu Tianxing turned to look at him, and said solemnly, "Remember, in this life, you are my Gu Tianxing's son. With the blood of Gu family, you can't change this life!"

The voice was strong and strong, and shocked Gu Zhaoxi's soul.


He knelt on his knees, and said to the second wife: "My father and mother gave birth to me, and I am your son, Gu Zhaoxi!"

"Gu Chaoxi?"

Gu Gu's mother thought for a moment, and said, "It seems that the name carved on the tombstone of Houshan in Wangu Zong ~ ~ At that time, she called her son to eat. She had released her spiritual thoughts and accidentally saw the tomb.


Gu Zhaoxi said: "This is the identity of the son's previous life in the upper world, elders of ancient times, Gu Zhaoxi!"

His voice is also very loud. Although it is not clear what the purpose is, the three words ‘Eternal Buddhism’ seem to contain a certain force, forcing himself to be proud!

"No wonder."

Ignoring Gu Tianxing, I realized, "After returning from the upper realm, you will lose your soul."


Regarding Gu Zhaoxi, he clenched his fists and said, "I didn't choose to stay in the Eternal Sect. I hope I can learn higher martial arts from you. I won't condescend people anymore, and I won't reincarnate anymore!"

Whoever wins reincarnation will never die.

This sounds very good, but only through real experience will you understand how painful and embarrassing, because the root cause of each death is not strong enough!

"I want to be stronger!"

Gu Zhaoxi said: "I ca n’t help God!"


Gu Tianxing turned around, his figure gradually became blackened, with an extremely solemn tone: "Tomorrow, starting to teach you martial arts for your father, this road may be very difficult. If you do n’t want to reincarnate, you have to hold on. in the end!"

"I will!"

Regarding Gu Zhaoxi, her eyes firmly said, "Hold on to the end!"

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