The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1627: 1 must kill

Hua Zhao Xin Jing, Du Tian Zhang Yin.

Complete the reward given in the upper world version of the epic quest to help Zongmen first come to the high plane and have martial arts skills that can be matched with it.

I finally stole it from Gu Tianxing.

Big thousand shadow tricks.

Complete the hidden rewards given by the side missions. After training, you can condense the shadows, so that you can practice martial arts and medical ethics faster.

I ended up stealing it from Gu Tianxing again.

what is this?

Hold a sheep and slap wool!

Twenty-three martial arts are all given as rewards, and they are not obtained by actively spending three values, so it is no wonder that Jun often laughs, and even Gu Tianxing would like to thank him because ...


In a place of nothingness, Gu Chaoxi waved his little hand, the energy gathered between the five fingers, and instantly made a very standard print of the cross of the sky, and smiled brightly: "Dad, I learned!"

Gu Tianxing, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, was dumbfounded.

He just taught him the recipe, and it takes a tea time to calculate the time. He learned it again, this qualification is too wicked!

"Two types of martial arts may be just right for him, try another one." Gu Tianxing is relatively stable, and was not anxious to make a conclusion on his son's qualifications, so he passed Hua Zhaoxin's tactics to him, and as a result ... I learned it later.


"Super Genius!"

Gu Gu Tianxing was so excited that he ignored his facial injury and forcibly turned into joy.

Regarding Gu Zhaoxi's rapid cultivation and success, it originated from what he had learned in Wanguzong. Although the memory is not there, but the knowledge of martial arts is still in contact. Once again, he comes in handy.

and so.

Gu Gu Tianxing must thank Jun Changxiao for teaching his son in advance.

完毕 Our point of view is finished, thank you.

Uh ...

The camera cuts back to the ancient history.

Xun Jun often smiles like a devout believer sitting in the study, starting a new moon refresh, and praying for useful goods.

最近 He has been in a hurry lately, and he has become constipated in a hurry.

三 Only three or five months remain until the epic mission is settled. Although the core disciples have reached the standard, the other few have remained motionless, so it is up to the mall to complete it.

"Ding! Ding!"

Refresh sounds one after another.

Judging from the frequency, obviously nothing is good.


After 20 full brushes, Jun Chang laughed and hugged his bare little brain with his hands, and growled, "Lao Tzu is a VIP user for a year, why can't I get a good thing!"

System said: "This matter can not be rushed."

"No more rush, the task is coming!"

Xun Jun often laughs very low, but looking at it 10 times, she can only forcibly raise her spirit to continue refreshing. As a result, she pulls down and jumps up ‘嗖’, her expression gradually exults, gradually changes, and changes.

When I saw this description, the reader of a certain surname was extremely unhappy, because it foreshadows that the dog left must have a great harvest.


After countless refreshes and failures, Jun Changxiao finally moved to heaven and was finally given the power of Ou Huang, and brushed out a box with a big question mark directly in the mall.

It's coming, it's coming.

It came with supreme goods!



鹅 In the study, there were screams of geese.

Coincidentally, Hua Rose passed by from the outside and looked down the door. He found that the husband was squatting on the table, covering his face with both hands and laughing wildly, secretly: "So cute."

Uh ...

Throughout the book, the number of times the Supreme Commodity appears is not clear to the author himself, but there is no denying that the props released are absolutely top-selling, such as the first life and death secrets, a one-punch kill, and Azi always Wearing red underwear.

of course.

Extreme goods are not the first time to be sold in the upper world. Previously, the task was rewarded with a right to purchase. From it, the big day came out, but because it was too inscrutable, Jun Changxiao has not been used in actual combat.


"How expensive is 2000 again!"

Looking at the big question mark at the price of 14000 reputation, the dog collapsed immediately.

"Don't buy it."

System said: "Dare to refresh."


Xi Jun often laughed and cursed, and finally pressed the distressed, the pained, the whole body hurt, and spent the reputation to buy it, and Xi's reputation only had 1,000 points left.

If it's other conventional prestige products, dog leftovers may still think about it, but the products from Supreme Products have not been disappointed, so it is worth spending a lot of money to gamble whether or not you can sell products that help improve the realm.


I closed my eyes and folded my hands.

After some prayer, the dog left his hand to touch it, and the surface was rippling with golden light.

叮 "Ding! Congratulations to the host to get certain kills × 1!"

叮 "Ding! Congratulations to the host for the simulated battlefield × 1!"

The big box was blurred, and a cheat book and a teleport appeared in the space ring.

"Must kill?"

Xun Jun often laughed and laughed and said, "Are you sure you can upgrade with one punch?"


Opened the cheats homepage in a hurry, the words carved inside seemed to suddenly come alive, and then turned into a stream of light into the sea of ​​understanding, and gradually evolved into a complex image.

I soon.

Xun Jun often laughed and learned this martial art.


The system chanted: "Knowing that the host's qualifications and IQ are not enough, the subsequent martial arts have begun to be forcibly instilled?"


Xun Jun often laughed and rolled her back, laughing up.

He must not only learn, but also understand the principle.

This kind of martial arts is really similar to one punch, but since it is launched from the Supreme Edition of the Supreme Product, it must be many times stronger!

I must kill.

It is not difficult to hear from the name. As long as this martial art is displayed, it must be absolutely certain.

The condition for a one-punch slay is that someone must pretend to be charged, and strictly speaking, it is a typical passive skill.

Must kill also has the conditions to perform, but you do n’t have to wait for others to provoke, you can cast it yourself, so it is an active output skill.

"Try it."

Xun Jun often laughed and ignored the prop for the simulated battlefield for the time being, and came to the martial arts field outside the main hall, posing naturally in battle.


"Zong Zhan reveals both hands?"

"Let's go!"

The disciples around me gathered up.


Xi Jun often sighed deeply and closed her eyes.


The space is slightly shaken, and the dust under the feet floats.

Tamarix Sinan just stepped out of the cafeteria, and suddenly felt a fluctuation in the Yanwu field, his frown suddenly frowned, and said, "What a strange breath!"

"It is the sovereign!"

Hou Gongsun Hou flushed and raised his trousers out of the hut.

It can be said.

Dangjun always smiled standing on the stage of the performance, as if the moment of integration with the heavens and earth, all the ancient Zongzong cast their eyes, surprised at the special atmosphere that gathered around them.


Suddenly, the dog left his hand up and stuck it to the corner, and said loudly, "Speak out loud, I'm handsome!"


The disciples fell to the ground.

The lord suzerain had been brewing for a long time in the performance martial arts field, and it turned out that this sentence really made them a little bit unbearable.


Su Su Xiaomo shouted.



The disciples agreed.

"Ding! Must be charged 5%!"

After hearing the ascension, Jun Chang smiled and shook his body. The two avatars appeared out of thin air, standing in the shape of a character.

"Two splits!"

"The lord is indeed the lord!"

The disciples of Xun became adored with strong eyes.

They have been practicing Daqianyingjue for a long time, and they have always stayed on condensing a shadow.


Xi Jun often raised her hand with a smile and said, "music!"


夜 星辰 摁 on the play button of the magical reformer ~ ~ I heard a dynamic rhythm: "Is this an excuse for breaking up, if you let me come over again, will you love me ..."

The chanting sounded, and Jun often laughed that the deity and Fenying pressed their hands in front of their waists and twisted their butts with the beat.


Seeing the disciples, the corners of his mouth twitched.

I feel so earthy, so shameful!

"Ding! Must be charged 10% ... 20% ... 30% ... 100%!"

He gathered all the energy of shame in the crowd, successfully completed the accumulation of martial arts, Jun Chang laughed, stopped the awkward dance, retracted the two avatars, and stepped on the ground with one foot.

"Must kill!"



The wind is so strong that the space is cracking.

外 Outside Wanxian Mountain, the warriors who were on their way or flying were startled, and looked at the sky with a huge crack like a peach!


Inside the gate of Emperor Zong, Jun Chang laughed and landed on the performance field. The little back and the bright light of his brain seemed great and bright under the sun.

Tamarix Sinan and Gongsun Hou stunned

As witnesses, they clearly saw that the suzerain flew into the sky and just twisted his buttocks, and directly smashed a space into a huge hip print!

This is what I called just now ... will you kill in a moment!

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