The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1636: Great breakthrough for Taixuan elderly

Latest website: After returning to the ancient emperor, Jun Changxiao properly placed Dao Shi's mother.

This stuff can produce Dao Shi, but it takes a long time like the mother of real stone, so it is difficult to bring benefits in the short term.

to be honest.

Predecessors planted trees, and later generations enjoyed the cool.


Zhen Dejun said, "The elders have made a major breakthrough!"


Jun Chang laughed and hurried to Zhenfa Tang.

As soon as I walked in, I saw the elderly Taixuan lying on the table full of arrays of laughter.

Be a dad?

"Master, what's going on?"

"Come here and show you something!"

Taixuan Zhenren said, sorting out the formation method drawings, and then took out the first page to start the introduction: "This is the formation method reproduced from the inside of the Astral Warship. After my unremitting efforts, I finally found the law of operation. "

"Isn't it found?" Jun Chang laughed.

The old man Taixuan shook his head and said, "I didn't understand the formation system of the iceberg before, but now I don't say I have full control. At least I have to understand it!"


Jun Chang smiled with a thumbs up and said, "It is indeed a 10,000-year-old single technical house!"

That's all for technical homes. Why do we need to be single for 10,000 years?


Jun Chang laughed: "Is there any benefit to mastering the Astral System?"

"You think you have an idea." Elder Tai Xuan opened another drawing and said, "This is the battleship formation that I recently copied from a gourd."

There are a lot of strange lines and drawings on the drawings, and the remarks are dense and dense, which makes Jun Chang smile suddenly and look at heavenly books.


Elderly Tai Xuan opened the third and fourth pictures one after another, and said with emotion: "As long as I find high-level ore and match these formations, I am confident to build a battleship!"

Jun Chang laughed and heard words, his eyes widened gradually.

Build a battleship?

The thought and idea never rose in his mind!



Mr. Tai Xuan later added: "However, the material of the ore must be high, otherwise it will be difficult to withstand the shuttle of the universe."

The advantage of the astral warship is that it can soar in the upper universe, so he has to create a warship of this specification, not a real warship that flies around on the plane.

"You keep researching."

Jun Chang laughed: "I will solve the high-grade ore!"

If the old man Taixuan can build warships, it means that he can have a huge fleet in the future, and then travel to the vast upper universe, and even ... attack the spirit world!

Do scientific research for the benefit of self-interest.

It must be regardless of cost and support!


The old man Taixuan said, "The Star Spirit Matrix System has inspired me. It can completely transform the Diablo and thus have a stronger combat effectiveness."

"How strong can it be?"

"At least ... no problem with five or six!"

Jun Chang laughed and his eyes brightened again.

Although the current Dark Demon has been upgraded many times, due to the limitation of the formation method, the runaway mode is comparable to about two revolutions. If the overall strength is increased to five or six revolutions, the overall strength will inevitably go to a great level!

"Then stop building warships!"

Jun Chang laughed: "Hurry up and study how to increase the combat effectiveness of Mech!"

The formation of a huge fleet for interstellar travel, there are currently mainline missions have not been completed, it is destined to be the future, do not have to rush.

Ascension to Diablo is not the same. After all, they have grabbed the ten immortal Taoist mineral veins. What actions might they take? The improvement of Zongmen's mech power will undoubtedly better deal with them.


Taixuan said, "I will study mech first."

"However, although the Astral Matrix method is strong, everything is built on energy. Don't be reluctant to use Tao stones at that time."

"As long as I can figure it out, I'm willing even if it's Xianshi!"

That's it!

After receiving his guarantee, the elderly Taixuan called Zhen Dejun, Shangguan Yiyao and other core personnel from the same day to temporarily set up a new generation of mecha research team.



Back at the residence, Jun Chang laughed and put his little feet on the table. He opened the epic mission and saw that there were only three months left before the settlement date, and he secretly said, "There should be more excesses."


Over the next month, high-level officials and disciples entered the simulated battlefield to practice one after another, and the realm was rising steadily.

"Ding! The high-level median seeks truth 105."

"Ding! The core disciple seeks the truth 3210."

Hearing that all the values ​​were stable and excess, Jun Chang smiled with a bright smile on his face.

According to these years of experience, as long as the epic mission value exceeds the limit, it will give higher experience and props, and there may be a big breakthrough after this settlement!

"not enough!"

"Continue to practice!"

In order to be able to reach the extreme excess, Jun Changxiao temporarily stopped the internal and external disciples from entering, but let the high-level and core disciples go in advanced, strive for the final time to sprint, and complete the epic task.

Li Luoqiu, Wei Lao and other church masters also belong to the high-ranking ranks, so naturally they must be arranged in.

There are more core disciples.

Such as Mu Honglian, such as Chu Xiunan and Huo Ling.

"Ding! The high-level median seeks truth 145."

"Ding! The core disciple seeks the truth 4010."

As time passed, the ranks of high-level and disciples continued to rise, and the upper limit of the task repeatedly broke new highs.

The dog remains a little awkward.

He is now subordinate to seek truth.

Looking at the entire sect door, the seniors and disciples who are stronger than themselves have broken the double early.


Jun Chang smiled helplessly and sighed: "If this epic task can't help me jump, what face will they face in the future when they are higher than me?"

"Host is faceless."

Systemically: "Don't worry about that."


Jun Chang laughed and ignored the vomiting mad, came to the opposite courtyard, saw that the woman who was trimming the roses was different from the past, so he was quite sad: "You broke through the middle?"


Hua Rose turned around, picked the forehead blue silk, and laughed: "Thanks to the simulated battlefield prepared by my husband, I successfully broke through to the middle to find the truth yesterday."

"Oh, right."

"Are you still looking for truth?"

Ding! Crit damage to target dog left × 99999!

"Ha ha."

Jun Chang smiled and chuckled, then left with a painful chest.




On the playground outside the battle riding hall, Zhong Yi, who was standing No. 1 aircraft, was fighting with Jing Zhi, who was driving No. 66 aircraft. The two had entered the realm of the operation of Diablo.


Jun Chang, who was sitting in front of the generals, smiled, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

These two mechas have undergone a special transformation. The internal formation system is taken from the Astral Realm, and the energy drive is changed from real stone to Tao stone. The combat effectiveness that erupted was no less than that of the five or six revolutions.

"Technology is mature."

Taixuan said: "It can be spread to other mechas."

"The transformation will be completed as soon as possible."

Jun Chang laughed from his chair and looked back at the sky in the distance. "I always feel that something will happen in the near future."


At this time ~ ~ Li Luoqiu hurriedly came up and said: "According to the eyeliner, the top ten Sects are appearing one after another in the East China Sea."


Jun Chang laughed and became wary.

In fact, after snatching the top ten immortal veins, he had a hunch that the other party would not give up, and now there is a sudden movement, maybe he came by himself!

"Except for the entrance and exit of stone statues and dragons, Donghai seems to be nothing?"


Jun Chang smiled and patted his head, and said, "The Ten Immortals would not want to block off the two ancestral lands, and then they would just do it to me Wan Guzong!"

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