The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1638: Hot man, back again!

Latest website: () Wan Guzong.

Jun Chang smiled and sat in the hall.

The Ten Great Celestial Sects are preparing to seal the two major ethnic groups. Obviously, they are about to get ready for the shots. They must not succumb to their demands.


Li Luoqiulai newspaper: "They have begun to put seals."

Gongsun Hou anxiously said, "Let's notify the ethnic group and let them come out and stop!"


Jun Chang laughed: "This seat has them sealed."


Gongsun Hou was dumbfounded.

Jun Chang smiled and jumped down, holding his hands proudly: "The Ten Great Celestial Sects believe that I have two ethnic groups to support each other, so they will seal the ancestral land. This seat must let them understand that there is no stone statue and dragon family to help, but it is still difficult for me what!"

Domineering, arrogant!


Gongsun Hou no longer spoke, but whispered in his heart, "This is going to be sealed. How will the people come out in the future?"

Some people will say that relying on the teleportation array, in fact, this is wrong, because from the beginning to the end, the supertransportary array exists on some islands in the East China Sea and does not extend to the small world. The reason is that it is technically difficult to support it.

"Fu Jun."

The flower rose solemnly said, "Don't be careless."

She even hoped to prevent the Ten Immortals from blocking the ancestral lands of the two ethnic groups, and then gathered the strength of various ethnic groups to compete with them.

"Everyone in the world thinks that I have a soft persimmon, I don't know ..." Jun Chang smiled and waved softly, the ancient sword appeared out of thin air, and his eyes were cold: "There are still many hole cards, let alone Xianzong, even if there is any fear of Shenzong ! "

"this is?"

Liu Sinan and Gongsun Hou said.

The sword was unpretentious, but the breath it made made them extraordinary.

With one hand clasped on the hilt of the sword, Jun Chang smiled proudly, "This is the treasure of the ancestors left by the ancestors, the ultimate sword!"


The system did not hold back.

"锵 ——————————————”

The long sword came out of the sheath, very crisp.

Everyone hurried to look at it with wide eyes, and saw that it was a sword of ordinary specifications. The sword body was as simple as the scabbard, but the outline of the small lines seemed to have a certain meaning. As for the sword front ... it didn't open!

"Don't start?"

Liu Sinan and Gongsun Hou muttered in their hearts.

Can a sword be regarded as a real sword?

Since the suzerain took it out, it is also called the treasure of the town ancestors. Don't belittle it, maybe it has amazing power!


Somewhere on the mountain peak.

Zhou Hong was settled as if turned into an old monk.

As one of Zongmen's many disciples specializing in Kendo, he came to the upper world with almost no lens.

no way.

Kendo is different from martial arts, and every day is boring and enlightenment. Naturally, there cannot be too much pen and ink to describe, unless ... when upgrading!


Just after Jun Chang smiled and pulled out the Zhenxian Sword, Zhou Hong felt some kind of power, and suddenly opened his eyes, and joy reappeared on the vicissitudes of his face, saying, "I realized it, I realized it!"



The sword air permeates the world.

On this day, Jianguang suddenly appeared and merged with the sky, which can be clearly seen thousands of miles away.

"Not bad!"

Jun Chang smiled as he stepped out of the hall and saw Jianguang soaring into the sky, a reassuring smile appeared on his face.

In the situation where the sect's door is generally open, only Zhou Hong persisted in his heart and devoted himself to kendo, and finally successfully entered the lower level to find the truth!


Ma Yongning leaning in front of the kitchen looked disdainful.

As a swordsman, he rarely used the resources of Zongmen. Although he was not looking for the truth at this moment, he was very close. What was missing was the key insights and opportunities.

"Fu Jun."

Hua Rose came and said, "Even sword nerds have caught up. When can you break through the median to find the truth?"

Jun Chang, who was immersed in joy, immediately laughed. It seemed like Wan Jian was piercing his heart. He immediately returned to the study while covering his chest, almost crying on the table.

The simulated battlefield appeared, and Zongmen's strength advanced by leaps and bounds. Only his suzerain had stayed in place for almost two years.

"Epic mission!"

"Hurry up for me!"


A few days later.

Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others returned to Wanzong, and brought the news that the covenant beasts were willing to help each other to counteract the Ten Immortals.

In fact, this result is inevitable.

"Master Ye."

Su Xiaomo said suddenly, "Why are there sword marks on your neck?"

"Do not ask."

Ye Xingchen said, "I don't want to say."

He first set the sword on the beast of the ancestral contract in the ancestral land of Panyuyu, but later saw that the reader said in this chapter that he uttered a flute and immediately put it on his neck again. After all, I died and Erha died!

This method is simple and rude, and at the same time it is very effective. The Panhu patriarch immediately agreed.

"everything's ready."

Jun Chang smiled, leaned his calf on the table, and said lightly, "Wait for the Ten Great Sects to come to me and ask me for trouble."


Above the East China Sea.

The Ten Immortals sent a large number of array mages to lay out complex seal arrays.

Their every move was under the control of Jun Changxiao, but no one was sent to stop or destroy it. It was a bit of a missed opportunity, a bit too sandy.

"Seal a domain, not a small project."

The elderly Taixuan analyzed: "At least it takes several months."

"How many months?"

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "The mission is settled early."

What really prevented him from stopping the seal of the two ancestral lands of the Emperor Xianzong was that the epic mission was settled, and he was willing to make rapid progress.

The standard of task completion is 1, 5, 10, and now not only meets the standard but seriously exceeds the standard. According to past experience, the completion degree is at least 500%.

Not to mention breaking through the peak directly to find the truth, at least it must be high, and the author's dad also gave himself a higher-level halo ability. At that time, it will not be easy for them to do it?

"You fight ten?" Said the system.


Jun Chang laughed and became silent immediately.

If it is a higher-level search for truth, it may be difficult for one peak to work, and ten difficult for it.


Time goes on.

One day, two days, three days ...

"Ding! Epic mission settlement!"

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, Jun Changxiao finally looked forward to a wonderful sound.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully improving the sect's strength within two years, meeting the defined conditions, the epic mission is completed, the completion degree is 1000%, and the host has gained 20,000 reputation."

"Ding! Zongmen Reputation: 31,000."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the Upper Epic Epic Mission 6 and obtaining the Symbol of the Opening × 1, the purchase right of the Supreme Product × 1, and the Tianling Quenching Ore × 100 tons."


After hearing the reward, Jun Chang laughed and became speechless.

1000% completion, only gave 20,000 reputation points, gave a supreme commodity, and a hundred tons of certain ore, it is simply not proportional to the previous 500% reward!

"Be content."

Systemically said: "It's enough to be a Supreme Product alone to kill everything."


Remembering the previously launched must-kill and simulated battlefields ~ ~ The value of the Supreme Commodity is indeed very high, and I may be able to open props that are conducive to the promotion of Zongmen.


Jun Chang laughed out of the study, jumped to the roof, and made a coquettish gesture.

The three values ​​and prop rewards given by the epic mission are nothing more than appetizers. The real big part is the realm of improvement. Now the completion rate is 1000%. If you do n’t break from the lower to the higher level, you ca n’t justify it!

"Ding! The host successfully broke through the median to find the truth."

"Ding! The host successfully broke through the higher level to find the truth."

"Ding! The host successfully broke through the pinnacle to find the truth."

When frequent reminders sounded in his ears, Jun Chang laughed and changed his young body again and again, until he was fixed on the peak to find the real world, and he returned to his adult appearance before the dedication of life. Even his bare head grew back. Dark flowing hair.

Hot man, back again!

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