After the disciple Liu Wanming spoke, Jun Chang laughed and lost his thoughts.

In recent years, he has also scourged many forbidden areas. He knows that there is an unwritten rule in the upper world. Who will get in to get good things? Will the disciples know?

Not to mention, Di Yingshi is not a valuable thing.

I quarreled with my eternal disciples for this shit, and finally started to do it. How do you look like ...


Ye Xingchen frowned: "In terms of disciples, they are deliberately looking for my stubble!"

After this guy occupies the body of the demon ancestor, he feels that the IQ has improved significantly.

"The master of this seat is a real person from ancient times. It is impossible for Tianhua Daozong to not know, and to deliberately find faults in the forbidden area. This is afraid that someone is standing behind him." Jun Chang smiled and guessed.

Before the birth of Dao Shimin, there were many forces. Among them were Dao word-level. After defeating the elder Ling Tianxian Zong, haven't they all obediently gone, how could Tianhua Daozong come unless his brain was kicked by a donkey? Take the initiative to trouble?


Li Luoqiu walked in and said, "It has been investigated clearly."


"Tianhua Taoism was established 50,000 years ago. After being promoted to the real word level, climbing up the tree of Ling Tianxian Zong, it has become a Daoji level in just 10,000 years."


Jun Chang laughed with interest.

Li Luoqiu also said: "Tianhua Daozong will send outstanding disciples to practice Lingtian Xianzong every ten years. The two seem to be in an alliance relationship, but many people know that it is actually a subordinate relationship."

"Dog legs?"

"You can think so."

Jun Chang smiled and leaned on the back of his chair, and then tapped his right hand on the table. A smile gradually appeared on his face, and he said, "The truth seems to have surfaced."

Ye Xingchen said: "Because Ling Tianxian is backed by Tianhua Daozong, why dare not fear me forever?"

"No, no."

Jun Chang laughed and put his chin on the back of his hand, and said, "The Ten Immortals are sealing the ancestral lands of the two races in order to be ready to start, but if there is no reason, how can they explain to the world?"


Ye Xingchen realized: "Tianhua Daozong was ordered to target my eternal Buddhism, so as to give the Ten Immortals a shot."



Ye Xingchen said coldly, "Only garbage can play conspiracy."

Because he was hurt by the Emperor Ling Yao once, what he hated most was playing tricks on the tricks.


Li Qingyang heard the message, "Tianhua Taoist Sovereign visited!"

"So fast?"

Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin, squinting his eyes and smiling, "I'm going to take a look at this seat. How do you sing?"




In the sky, ten high-ranking Tianhua Taoism headed by Ji Shangyi stood proudly, and the breath released by the whole body was extremely unfriendly.

They are not here to redeem people, they are to stimulate contradictions!

However, when seeing the door of Wan Guzong open, the elder Huang was lifted out by the Wu Guzong disciples' five flowers, and the irritable breath released suddenly weakened a lot.

The lower truth-seeking realm is also considered to be a midfielder for a Taoist sect. If there are any three strengths and two weaknesses, it will definitely not hurt.

"call out!"

Jun Chang flew out with a smile and hovered outside the mountain gate.

His courteous pilgrimage Shangyi arched his hand, saying, "His majesty is magnificent, and he is extraordinary and mighty, presumably the lord of Tianhua Taoism?"


Wu Shangyi's tone was not cold.

Jun Chang laughed: "I don't talk too much nonsense in this seat. Redeem the four elders of Guizong, please pay one billion Xuanshi."

If it is the Xuanzong true sect, the price may be lowered, but since it is the Taoist sect second to the immortal sect, the lion must be open.

Let the dog left to take the initiative to stab innocent people, he can't do it, but if you have festivals with each other, you are definitely welcome, refer to the Nether Demon Gate, slap the wool again and again.


It's even more straightforward for them to pick things first!

"Jun always laughs!"

Xu Shangyi scolded his eyes coldly: "You and my two disciples have just a little contradiction. Four elders in my case, asking for one billion black stones, isn't it excessive!"

Jun Changxiao just guessed just now. Now when he sees the other party, he declares to win the army, and then he firmly believes that the other party is deliberately asking for trouble. I am afraid that he will make the matter bigger and bigger, so that everyone can have a reason to appear.


With you.

"Not too much."

Jun Chang smiled embarrassingly.


Tong Shangyi suppressed the anger and eased his tone: "If it is my ancestor who made mistakes, he will naturally apologize, so he also asked the monarch to release four elders."

Acting must not be over, otherwise it is easy to expose flaws.

Brother, as long as your disciples are okay to find a problem, the elders will be rescued instantly, even if his IQ remains low, you can see it!

If you use a word to describe it, this properly pig teammate did not run.

"You can let go."

Jun Chang laughed: "You have to pay the ransom first."

I am not afraid that others will act embarrassed, I am afraid that someone will cooperate.

The dog left guessed their intentions and naturally wanted to make things bigger, because ... he also lacked a reason for action.

to be honest.

The top ten immortals want to laugh all the time, so why don't they want to make the top ten immortals.

The two sides hit it off, come, come, everyone can perform!

of course.

Jun Chang doesn't need to deliberately do it because the blackmailing is so familiar that it is a pure performance.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Wu Shangyi said coldly, "Your Master is a big man with a head and a face in the upper realm. As an apprentice, he makes extortion and extortion. Are you afraid of losing his face?"


Jun Chang smiled: "Master His elderly has jumped out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements. He has long looked down on his face."


This sentence made Wu Shangyi unable to pick it up.

"This patience has limited patience." Jun Chang smiled in front of the mountain gate with one hand resting on Elder Huang's shoulder, and said, "You better cooperate, otherwise ..."


The bones were cracked and crisp and loud.

Elder Huang's expression flickered, apparently he didn't expect this guy to suddenly strike himself.

"Doesn't it hurt?"


Elder Huang screamed in pain.

"Jun always laughs!"

Wu Shangyi saw this and was angry.

Jun Chang laughed and walked to the other side of Elder Huang, clasped his shoulders and said, "No matter what is right or wrong, this dare to bully my elder disciples must pay a price."



The two shoulder bones were crushed, and Elder Huang not only looked pale, but his arms naturally fell down.

Four other companions tied around, forehead and cold sweat behind their backs.

"Don't worry."

Jun Changxiao walked in front of one person ~ ~ laughed: "As long as your suzeraint doesn't pay the money, it will be your turn."

This smile.

It looks like a demon.

The four elders were trembling with horror, and looked up at Su Shangyi with difficulty, seeming to begging: "Master, give me the money as soon as possible, we are afraid we can't carry it!"

The main thing is to be temporarily sealed, which is no different from ordinary people in terms of resistance to pain.


Suddenly, a dagger was inserted into the chest of his companion next to Elder Huang.


Quickly pulled out, blood splattered.

Jun Chang smiled and shook the blood-stained dagger, looked at the angry Wu Shangyi, and grinned, "If you don't pay the money, the next knife will hit your heart."

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