The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1648: Born for the sword

Jun Chang laughed to give Wu Shangyi a chance and didn't kill four elders.

However, he didn't seem to realize the kindness of the dog left, and he brought the mouth coffin to trouble early in the morning.

The most unbearable is.

Elder Song apparently did not kill himself, but even dared to deliberately plant a stolen frame.


No more two.

So Jun often laughed and drew his sword to obliterate it.

The sharpness of the technique and the decisiveness of the means do not give Lin Haoyan and others time to stop it.

His eyes widened and his eyes were stubborn and unscrupulous. Shang Shangyi did not expect that the ten immortals were coming. He always laughed at why he would kill himself with impunity!

In order to obtain greater benefits, he killed Elder Song.

Now, he died sadly under the sword of Jun Chang Xiao, and it should be considered as the sentence when he first came, killing and paying for his life.

"Jun always laughs!"

Potential Xianzong said angrily: "You can't be lawless!"

Jun Chang smiled with a hand towel to wipe off the blood on the sword body, and said lightly, "You should have a reason to strike me now."


Still very full.

Of course, Jun Chang laughed and killed Ji Shangyi not to irritate the Ten Great Immortals, but he simply couldn't get used to this guy even daring to kill himself.



Hundreds of powerful men in Tianhua Daozong finally returned to God, one after another burst out of the realm to show their weapons, and rushed over with fierce light.

The lord was killed.

No **** gatekeeper will endure it!


Jun Chang laughed, inserted his sword under his feet, put his hands on the end of his handle, and said without expression: "All killed."

"Hmm! Hmm!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black and white Rakshasa flew out in a spiral, and the power of the majestic true spirit erupted, instantly gathering dense palm-prints.

He and Jun Changxiao met for the first time. The realm of the two was nothing more than a change of Dan. Now they have entered the higher level to find the real world.



The palm print was bombarded frequently and the space collapsed quickly.

Although there are more than 500 people in Tianhua Taoism, although there are many truth-seeking realities, but the middle and lower ranks are facing only the stronger superiors and they are only passively beaten.



A high-level executive fell outside the mountain gate.

They all have sunken palms on their chests, with no breath, and return to their souls for nine days.

The lord had orders and killed them all, so when the black and white Luocha started, there was no mercy at all, and he killed them with a shot.

After breaking a large number of colleagues, Tianhua Daozong finally calmed down from his anger, and an elder turned to grief and asked for help: "Lord Zong, please be fair to my Zong!"

Jun Chang smiled lightly: "There is no justice in the world of weak meat and strong food, and no one can preside over justice!"

"Zhou Hong!"

"The disciples are here!"

"Destroy all enemies!"


Zhou Hong flew out from the gate and landed firmly at the gate.

Although he was wearing the uniforms of Wanzong disciples, he had faded in many places because he hadn't changed them for a long time. His black hair was scattered and his eyes were vicissitudes.

Why describe looks and looks?

Because, this guy stands on the same ground as the wood after playing. He doesn't give any entry point at all.


Lin Haoyan and others frowned.

This guy who just came out did not release any martial arts breath and looked like an ordinary person.


"This is never easy!"

From the intuition of the top powerhouses, the ancestors of Xianzong realized that this Wanzong disciple should be extremely dangerous.


Zhou Hong took a breath.

It may be a long absence to play in the camera. The moment you put your right hand on the hilt, you can clearly see that the five fingers are shaking slightly.

Sovereign gave the opportunity, we must take good care of it!

"锵 ——————————"

In thinking, the sword came out.


The majestic sword spirit emerged from the whole body, and the whole person became extremely sharp in an instant!

People are like swords, swords are like people.

This is an extremely advanced level of kendo.

"So pure and immaculate sword energy!" Lin Haoyan frowned. "This person should be a pure sword repair!"

Few sword repairs in the pure sense are rare, because many people can't bear the loneliness in the long years to choose to train others.

Zhou Hong is different.

No matter in the lower world or the upper world, always stick to the sword, reach fascination, and even because of a trivial sword-drawing action will evolve repeatedly numerous times.

Born for the sword, for the sword idiot.

As for not giving the lens, it is too boring to draw a sword in the yard every day.

The dogs left all the way can't be compared with Zhou Hong who practiced down-to-earth. No, even the shoes are not suitable. Is the reader of a certain surname comfortable?


Tianhua Taoism seniors smelled the crisis and hurried to make his disciples retreat.


When they just turned around, Zhou Hong staggered, his body was half-bow-shaped, and his messy black hair rose from the wind without saying, "Sword style, eight thousand shocked!"

"call out--------"

The sword was like a mang, bursting out.

"Huh! Huh!"

The space collapses instantly, presenting a weird sight.

"Do not……"

A strong breath of death rose in the heart of Tianhua Daozong, and the sword was swept away in horror by shouting. His body was directly divided into two, and even the nearby space left a striking sword mark.

Wu Shangyi came to find trouble, bringing nearly five hundred people. He was beheaded and killed by Jun Changxiao. Dozens of seniors died in black and white Rakshasa. The rest, regardless of the subordinate's search for truth, or the death of Dan, died in Zhou Hong. Under 'Eight Thousands of Surprises'.

It's all elite.

Now dying in front of the gate of Wanzong Mountain, Tianhua Daozong can declare bankruptcy.

"how is this possible……"

Lin Haoyan didn't care if Tianhua Daozong was extinct. After all, he was just a dog raised by himself. What he cared about was that the Wanzong disciples seemed to have only one sword, but they shot thousands of times in an instant!

"Eight thousand times!"

Jun Chang smiled and was shocked.

The system exclaimed: "This person's accomplishments in Kendo have already surpassed the host."


Jun Changxiao had to admit: "His obsession with Kendo is a metamorphosis."

The dog left in the lower realm was raised all the way by Kendo's qualification fluid. Instead, after flying to the upper realm, Kendo was almost deserted because of the weapons he did not have.

"This guy……"

Ye Xingchen solemnly said, "Are there any median powers to find the truth?"

He and Zhou Hong are also considered to be getting started shortly after each other ~ ~ I have discovered that I am different, but I did not expect to break through to find the truth with my own feelings after I came to the Upper Realm, and even demonstrated a stronger combat power than myself .

"Do not."

He Wudi said: "The realm is difficult to measure his realm, because the true swordsman does not care whether it is to turn to the realm of Dan or seek the realm. They only care about whether they can learn more about Kendo.

Not bad.

The martial arts realm is superfluous to Zhou Hong.

He has been involved in Kendo from beginning to end, so even if the realm is cleared now, as long as the sword is in his heart, he can still kill 300 people in a second!

"锵 ————————"

Zhou Hong puts his sword into his sheath, and under the scattered black hair shows a face full of stories and vicissitudes. From his age, he is only a dozen years older than Jun Chang laughs.

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