The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1656: Die without repentance

锵 ———— ”

The King of the Birds screamed between the sky, and the hot flame fell like a cannonball.

The distant practitioners at a distance are all dumbfounded, because from their field of vision, it can be clearly seen that the power of the flames that touches the top ten immortal warriors will eventually become nothingness!

"too terrifying!"

"This is a unilateral slaughter!"

"I am afraid that the top ten immortals will be finished this time!"

With so many deaths all at the immortal mountain, the foundation of Zongmen will inevitably be shaken, and I am afraid that there will be a slump from it!


Suddenly, a burst came.

The casual repairers looked one after another, and they saw the ground in the distance. A master of the Celestial Sect was lying in the depths, with striking sword marks on his chest, and people completely lost their breath of life!

This is ... the fourth one to die!

The crowd hurriedly looked up, and saw Jun Chang smiled proudly in the sky, and was surrounded by darkness, like a demon walking out of hell.

Lin Haoyan and four other suzerains exuded cold sweat on their foreheads, which seemed calm on the surface, but actually panicked into a dog.

Killing the pinnacle to find the truth is like searching for something.

Who can bear it?

For others, I have long begged for mercy.

However, after all, it is the top ten Sovereign Sovereigns who rule the upper world. Even if the situation is very unfavorable to them at this moment, they will not put down their feet and ask Jun to laugh and forgive.

Of course.

Even kneeling down and scratching your head won't help.

Jun Changxiao has already set his heart, killing all the enemies and telling the upper bound with actions. If he commits eternity, he will kill him!

Then again, the main task is to reach the Zongmen level within a hundred years. Now, stepping down on this level of power is not tantamount to completing it in disguise!


At this point, Jun often laughed and killed even more angry.

"One will succeed."

"Today, I will use your corpses of the Ten Immortal Sects to cast the throne of my eternal ancestors to the top!"

"All swords return!"


"Everything is a sword!"


Under the blessing of the magic weapon, in the first and second styles of Wanjian Guizong, Jun Changxiao harvested two immortal suzerain instantly, and did not give the other party a chance to hide.

After breaking through to the pinnacle to find the real world, what the upper world can do, I am afraid that only Gongsun Ruo will leave this class of strong.

"Two more dead!"

The warrior watching the distance saw only three people standing in the sky, Lin Haoyan, and his expression became more and more exciting.

Pinnacle seeks the real world, the top powerhouse in the upper world.

Now, in a short time, Jun Changxiao always laughed and killed six. What a horror!

Someone will ask.

Aren't they ten masters? How come it's only nine.

That's because Jun Chang laughed and stepped down the latent fairy lord.

The guy was lying in a deep pit at the moment, pretending to be dead, and occasionally took the opportunity to pull the dirt to cover his face, praying secretly: "Don't find me, don't find me ..."


Jianguang flew and penetrated his chest.


The power of the blood eruption brought the dirt to the ground, revealing the face of the latent immortal suzerain, and roared in his heart before dying: "Who asked, it killed me terribly!"

So far.

The Lord of the Ten Great Sects died seven of them.

Powerful men of this class existed in the blasting days, but now they are turned into corpses and lie in the mountains.


Jun Chang smiled and held up the Zhenxian Sword, pointed at Lin Haoyan, and said coldly, "It's your turn."

He has spoken the most since playing.

This left Gou Gu guessing that he would commit eternal crime and should be planned by him.

That's right.

It is true that Lin Haoyan is responsible for the dog killing operation.

The first time I did not kill it was to let the other party witness the death of several suzeraines, so that I deeply realized how ridiculous it was to commit my eternal suicide!


Jun Chang smiled and said, "I ask you, do you regret it?"

The system is speechless.

Suddenly this section of the eyes suddenly laughed, it is easy for readers to suspect that the host is the villain.

In fact, the Ten Great Immortals and Wanguzong did not say that they were decent, because one was to defend authority and the other was to challenge authority. No matter who died or lived on both sides, they would not be involved in justice.


"I regret it!"

Lin Haoyan clenched his fists, and his eyes were broken: "I knew that you would grow to such a degree in a short period of time, and this seat should be wiped out in the void when Juzong soars!"

"You are not remorseful." Jun Chang laughed and poured power into the sword body, said coldly: "You call death unrepentance!"

"call out---------"

The sharp swordman cut through the void and mercilessly chopped to Lin Haoyan.

According to the several suzerains who died earlier, he has almost no possibility of avoiding it, even if they offer various treasures, they will be crushed together.

However, when Jianqi tore past and traversed the body of the sovereign, it disappeared like an afterimage.

Jun Chang smiled and frowned, "Run the magical power?"



At the same time, the other two surviving immortal monarchs also exerted some magical power, and the whole person disappeared in situ, leaving only smoke similar to the car exhaust.

"You can run a monk, can you run a temple?"

Jun Chang laughed and put the fairy sword into the space, and said coldly: "When I clear up the battlefield, I will visit in person!"


After the speech, a spit of blood spurted out.


The breeze blew, her green hair fell off, and her head became bright again.


Systemically said: "Excessive force, old diseases relapse!"


Jun Chang laughed and took out the magic hair reformer, squeezed out a ball, wiped it in his head, and ordered: "Kill all the rest, one is not allowed to let go!"


"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The disciples rushed to kill him immediately.

The King of the Birds is bound in the sky, and the Xianzong Warrior who lost the command of the general is destined to be completely destroyed.


"Finally arrived!"

"Strange, why is Van Gonzong still alive?"

After half an hour, more casual repairs rushed to the scene and saw the mountain gate engraved with the plaque of ‘the most powerful ancestor of all ages’ still intact.

"You came too late," said the first comer who gradually returned from the shock. "Eternal Emperor Sect has completely destroyed the ten immortals."

"So it is ..."

"What? The Ten Great Emperors were all destroyed by Wan Guzong?"


This day is doomed to be extraordinary.

This day is destined to become eternal.

However, all the disciples of Wanguzong completely destroyed the Ten Immortal Warriors and completed the world-shocking achievement. At this moment, they collected scattered space rings in Xianshan.


Inside the Zongmen Hall, Li Qingyang came and said: "According to statistics, more than 600 new-type fighters have been lost, 10,000 soldiers have been killed and one disciple has been injured."

"Who was injured?"

"Just know."

Jun Chang shook his head with a smile and said, "He was injured alone, and he was too embarrassed. After the injury, he followed Mao Xiaodao to clean the latrine for ten days."


Li Qingyang retreated and went to the Medical Hall.

Originally, the quietly aware of the real life was aware that the brother was coming, lying on the bed as fast as possible, pretending to be weak: "Although I die ... I am still ... a disciple of Wanzong ..."

"Master Jing."

Li Qingyang said: "The suzerain has a decree, and he will clean the latrine for ten days with Master Mao after the injury."


Jing know ‘蹭’ and get up ~ ~ 嗷 嚎 said: "Why!"

"Are you okay?"

"Uh ... no ..."

Jing Zhi pained over her chest and said, "My head hurts ... maybe it hurt my soul after the mech explosion ..."

Li Qingyang growled: "What is the relationship between head pain and the chest!"

"... Suddenly transferred!"

"In my opinion, my brother deliberately lied about his injury. This is to be sent to the commandment hall, at least for a month."


Jing knew that she jumped out of the hospital bed and hit a set of military fists, saying, "Suddenly it doesn't hurt anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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