The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1677: Wealth disease

The epilepsy martial artist regained consciousness, not because of Danmaru, but Jun Changxiao incorporated a ray of fire soul power into it in advance, and successfully purified the fire poison that left and right thoughts and nerves after taking it.

He declared that it was just ordinary Dan Wan, not a pill rubbed from his arms, and the dog was not so dirty.

Of course.

I have to praise Miao Saifeng.

诊断 The diagnosis and treatment of poisoning symptoms are even stronger than Sun Bukong.

People who focus on poisoning, naturally have a hand in detoxification.

After saving the crazy fighters, Jun Chang laughed and realized instantly that this is definitely a big business opportunity!

I know from the middle-aged population just now that this kind of fire poisoning has a high incidence rate in the Red Prison world. Since I can easily resolve it, I can help them to cure the disease and earn Flint!

Sure enough.

Standing on the street for a while, the passers-by believed.

The mad madmen are cured. This is what happened in front of the eyes. They cannot be allowed to question!

What's more, the person being treated was a native of the city, and the neighbors who knew him knew that there had been signs of illness before, and there was no intentional play of double reed.

"Spirit doctor!"

"This is a **** doctor!"

For a while, the madness patient did not violently, but the news of the cure was spread in Zunwu City, and even shocked the Lord Lord. He came to the inn to visit Jun Chang and laughed that night.

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

的 Readers who have been studying the history of the Red Prison world for many years should understand that this kind of fire poisoning disease exists for a long time and will be defined as terminal illness as long as it suffers. Unless there is a breakthrough in the realm, there is no cure.

Uh ...

The main surname of Wuzun Wucheng is Wang, who is about 50 or 60 years old, and his horns have turned white.

After entering the inn of the inn, he lowered his attitude and arched, "Mr. Jun, the dog is also terminally ill, and he can give a helping hand!"

"Rescuing death and helping the wounds, my generation is responsible."

Xi Jun often laughs and needs to raise awareness as soon as possible, so as to treat more patients, naturally this opportunity will not be missed.

So I went to the city's mansion that night and saw the son of the city's owner, who was confined in the dark room. He sometimes grinned and sometimes talked to himself, like a mental patient.


The picture sent by Miao Saifeng, who was in the Vanguard, through special glasses, said: "This person should be in the early stage of poisoning and in a state of mental disorder. If he cannot be treated, he will sooner or later become mad and die violently."


The grandson burst into tears.

Xun's treatment of this kind of disease should have been good at himself, but in the end he was snatched by Miao Tang.

"King of the King."

Xun Jun often laughed and observed carefully with the appearance of a divine doctor, and said, "Linglang's disease can be solved with only one elixir."

The emperor of the king city heard the words of joy.


Xi Jun often laughed: "The medicine needed by Dan Wan is extremely valuable, so ..."

After all, the Lord of the Kings is a battle-hardened old man. After waiting for him to say something, he quickly said: "Mr. Jun, the elixir king bought it, you can ask for it!"

"Ten first-class flint!"

Xun Jun often laughs and is not a meander. He is the energy of Xun Chi prison. He is mean.

The king of the city was stunned.


How much do you want?

The King of the King ’s face changed, and he was displeased, “If Mr. Jun ’s elixir can cure the dog ’s terminal illness, giving ten first-class flints is blaspheming a **** doctor like you, so at least one thousand!


Xun Jun often laughs and jerks violently.

Ten and a thousand, the gap is super big!

The system couldn't help but vomit: "How do I feel like the author is intentionally whitewashing the host."

Uh ...

The King of the King City was very generous and promised a thousand first-class flint.

However, the premise must be based on the terminal illness that can cure Aiko, otherwise it will be regarded as a **** stick and put in a cell for a meal.

Is not ruthless, but from ancient times to the present, many people use the name of Bao Huohuo to swindle and deceive in the prison world.

Of course.

Xun Jun often laughs and has real ability.

He took out a pill from the arms that was incorporated into the power of the Fire Soul in advance, and threw it into the mouth of the Lord of the City. About a moment of effort, he gradually returned to normal from the state of dementia, saying, "Daddy ... what happened to me?"

"My son ..."


Suddenly, the old king of the King City burst into tears.

Although his wives and wives are in groups, he only has such a baby son. Now he sees his eyes are clear, his behavior is normal, and his emotions cannot be controlled.

"Mr. Jun!" Hurriedly smiled at the monarch and said, "True doctor is also true!"

Xun Jun often laughed and urged: "Linglang has just recovered from his illness and is weak. He needs to be carefully nursed for several months."


The King of the King said, while winking at several accompanying doctors, the latter hurried to help the son, took the opportunity to diagnose the internal body, and preached: "Master, the impetuous power in the son has been completely eliminated!"

Uh ...

The emperor's terminal illness was healed, and the city's mansion became lively all at once. The monk, known as the divine doctor, laughed, and it was natural to arrange a meal.

On the feast.

The King of the King of the City offered thousands of first-class flints and toasted: "This terminal illness has troubled the world of Chi Prison for many years. Sir, if he can cure it, he will succeed in the present age and benefit from the past!"

"The king of the city has won a prize!"

Xun Jun often smiled and said modestly: "Jun is just a rural doctor, he just hopes to help more patients with his modest strength, and does not care about the so-called fame and reputation."

If he hadn't seen him collect money as fast as lightning, Wang Chengzhu would have believed it.

"Monarch Sovereign."

"The incidence of this terminal illness is extremely high, especially the most valuable of the officials. You have the ability to cure, and you will definitely be in the future."

Xun Jun often laughs on the surface and doesn't care.

越 The more patients you have, the more money you can make.

Uh ...

Xun Jun often laughed and temporarily lived in the city's mansion.

When the night was still quiet, he forced out alcohol, took a first-class flint from the space ring, and said, "Look at the effect."


He sat on the ground and released his mind.

Strictly speaking, Jun Changxiao also belongs to the fire repair. After all, there are the body of the Holy Flame and the spirit of the fire soul. This kind of martial arts resource with high fire properties can be used for ingestion.



A stream of fire-based energy drifted into Dantian and gradually merged with the energy nucleus.


Suddenly, Jun often smiled and frowned.

虽然 Although this kind of energy from flint is extremely pure, there is even a hint of irritability in it.

"Must ..."

The dog left guessing: "The reason for the terminal illness of the warriors in Chi prison world is that long-term ingestion of flint will cause the disease to develop?

"The incidence of this terminal illness is extremely high, especially for the most valuable."

The words that the Lord of the Kings said earlier on the table sounded in his ears, allowing him to affirm: "Should be inseparable!"

It is certainly easy to get flint to obtain the flint, and the intake is much higher than ordinary people, so it is easy to understand that it is the main population.


Xi Jun often laughed and said with emotion: "This is a wealthy disease."


Heavy thoughts ~ ~ The power of the fire soul is diffused, purifying the irritable force in Dantian.

"The cause of the disease has been found." Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin, and said, "If you can develop a preventive medicine to curb the irritability, why don't you become rich overnight?"

"Miao Tangzhu."

Xun Jun often laughed and asked with a voice: "Can this fire poison be prevented?"


Xi Miao Saifeng said: "But it requires the suzerain to provide the power of the fire soul, and it takes time."

"how long?"

"Fast is three or five months, slow is three or five years."

"This fire poisoning terminal illness can only be solved by starting from the root cause, so it is entrusted to you. Be sure to develop a preventive medicine as soon as possible."

Uh ...

Xun Jun often laughed and lived for several days in the city's mansion. When the news of the city's son's recovery spread, a number of first-class flints were brought to the hospital for treatment.


Fanghuo poisoning is terminally ill.

Xi Jun often laughed and healed so many patients. He had never encountered anyone with ordinary status. It was difficult to inhale flint and almost never got sick.

"Mr. Jun."

The next day, when he came back from shopping outside, the king of the city looked hurriedly and whispered, "A nobleman is coming to visit you."

"How expensive?"

"Canglan Empire Royal Family!"

:. :

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