The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1683: What we do today, judged by future generations

Latest website: Eleven battleships suspended in Imperial City.

The princes of all walks were 'invited' to kneel outside the city.

This scene perfectly reproduces the twenty-four deductions drawn in the Future Pavilion.


Jun Chang laughed and was shocked.

The master who supported the ancestors of the Canglan Empire for thousands of years was actually sacred, and this scene was drawn without any deviation, even as if at the scene!

"on site!"

Jun Chang laughed to release the spiritual thoughts quickly, covering the inside and outside of the imperial city.

At the time of Emperor Wanzong's disciples Qi Qi, other warriors in the city rushed after seeing the battleship, so at this moment there were a lot of people gathered outside the city, just in line with the deduction map.

"What are you looking for?"


If it is purely written language, Jun Changxiao can still express understanding, but even the scene that took place today can be accurately drawn. Maybe the deity is on the scene, and then walk through to draw everything!


The system was speechless: "The host brain hole is really big."

Jun Changxiao is now extremely powerful, covering thousands of miles around the imperial city in an instant, carefully screening a famous warrior, not even flowers and trees!

Because of the hot environment in Chi prison world, the skin of women contained in them is mostly wheat-colored, which looks unique.


Jun Chang is not smiling here, always exploring suspicious people.


Suddenly, on the hills hundreds of miles outside the city, he saw a man in a black robe who could not see his face.

With the strength of Jun Chang laughs, it is definitely an invincible existence in the world of Chi Prison. It is difficult to see the true content of spiritual release. There must be a big problem!

Appeared? Strange scene?

"is it him?"

I was about to get up and fly over, but found that the hill was empty.


Jun often laughs silly.

He locked the black robe man in all directions without any slackness, but it just disappeared like a ghost!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, hell!"

"Ding! In line with the main task, complete 1% progress!"

Suddenly, a clear sound came from my ear.


Jun Chang laughed and compared again.

Many people speculate that the dog left to help Yu Minya come to the mission?

No, there is no task, just to help a weak woman regain the rights and dignity belonging to the royal family, and earn a little extra money by the way.

However, today, all the princes were taken all by thunder, and they even dominated the world of Chi prison!


Too caught by surprise!

The hegemony of hegemony is in line with the main task, and the progress is 1%.

Does this sentence mean that we have to dominate other planes? Does it mean that there are still 99 waiting in line?

"Nima ..."

The dog hugged the dog's head and despair appeared on his face.

If it is really as you guessed, going to dominate the hegemony one by one and complete the main task will definitely be more difficult and time consuming than developing the sects!

Moreover, this is based on 100%. What if it is 1000%, or 10,000%?

"I'll say it!"

Jun Chang laughed and said in his heart: "The new mainline task will never be completed as easily as a sentence in the introduction!"

"The host should be happy."

System said: "At least I know how to complete the main task."

"I'm happy your grandma has a leg!"

Jun Chang growled with a smile: "It takes only 1% to dominate a plane, how much do you have to do to dominate it!"

In fact, the system is right, at least I know how to complete the main task, but what left the dog to collapse is, who can guarantee whether the next hegemonic level is in the task category and whether it meets the requirements?

"So too."

Systemically: "Show sympathy."

Dominating the **** world gives an example and provides an idea, but there are countless planes in the vast universe. Who is in the task category and who is not?


Jun often laughs and sighs.

Finally managed to get rid of the main task of the development of the ancestors, and now gave a task to dominate the major planes.

If he could choose, he would rather choose to continue to develop the sect, at least in fixed areas, fixed development, unlike the current wandering.

"I feel normal."

Systematic Road: "The first two missions are aimed at developing the sect, and after the host is completed, it is also inevitable to lead the disciples to the universe."


Jun often laughs and silences.

"Mr. Jun."

Just then, Yu Minya whispered, "What are you thinking?"

Jun Chang smiled back to God and said, "These chaotic thieves have been arrested. It is up to your Majesty to kill or punish. The next step will be to integrate all kingdoms and let them completely submit to the Canglan Empire!"

The dogs were very efficient in their work. On the same day, they ordered their disciples to go to the major kingdoms without heads, forcing them to surrender all their rights, and they all heard the orders of the Canglan Empire.

Resistance, kill without amnesty!

The cold side of Jun Chang laughs is fully reflected, and gives some readers the opportunity to catch black materials.

"One will be a success." Standing on the imperial city tower, the dog left looking at the distant sky, and said with a feeling: "I will do what I do today.


Under absolute means, Yu Rongya quickly obtained the rights and strength of the major kingdoms, and then he obeyed the suggestion of the husband to remove the Wanzai sub-sealing system and change it to a county system to strengthen centralization.

Is the plot very familiar?

That's right, Jun Changxiao adopted the political system after Qin unified the Six Kingdoms.

With the killing and imprisonment of the various prince kings, the era of chaos that lasted for nearly a thousand years came to an end.

The stormy blue empire rises again with the support of Jun Changxiao. As for how long it can be maintained, it is not a matter of its own concern.

The general trend of the world, the long time must be together, the long time must be divided.

He can be a savior, but he cannot be an eternal savior.


Yu Yanya saluted, and said, "Thank you for your help, so that I can continue the Canglan Empire."

"no need to thank me."

Jun Chang laughed: "Thank you Xie Fuzuo for your ancestors."

To tell the truth, the reason why the dog left to help Yu Yueya is a small part of the reasons for the resources, a large part of the reasons for the deduction map, because he is very curious, there is really a great **** in this world can be a prophet? Insight into the future?

"I have obtained the finances of the major kingdoms. How much first-class flint do you need, sir?"

"This ... you look at it."


A few days later.

All the creatures in the Red Prison world looked to the sky and made worship gestures.



Eleven warships set anchor and set sail, slowly blending into the depths of space.

For the ancient emperor, the Red Prison Realm is just a very ordinary station in starry sky travel, and it is inevitable to leave when everything is done.

As for Yu Yueya ~ ~ is just a very ordinary passenger on the road of Jun Changxiao's life. When she appeared, some readers thought that the harem would be opened. Is this too dog-friendly?

Or read more books, as long as there are female characters on the scene, even supporting roles and dragon sets have not been determined, do you think there will be some love and hatred with the protagonist? Can't there be pure friendship between men and women?

"Are you gone?"

When the eleven battleships disappeared in the sky, the Heipaoren reappeared and whispered, "I almost found him."

"Do not."

Suddenly, a voice came from behind him: "You have been found."

Heipao people hurriedly turned around, and saw that Jun often laughed and wondered when he stood behind, with a very cheap smile on his face.

"Stay pit."

He shrugged and said, "Not my character."

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