The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1687: Why should I save a stranger?

The latest website: Everyone feels that Jun Chang smiles very straight. In fact, the night stars are even more straightforward. They mainly use their minds on cultivation and usually have no chance to show them.

Just today, he was taken to an unknown plane and witnessed thousands of martial arts besieging a wounded woman, but Quan Dang did not see him go.

Dog left will still care about the three views, Ye Xingchen will never.

Even because she was harmed by the Ling Yao Yao emperor in the previous life, she still has serious prejudice against women.

If you think about it, although this guy recognizes Wan Guzong and regards himself as one of them, he rarely interacts with lesbians like Lu Ye and Liu Wanshi. Most of them are gays, such as Xiao Guiji , Li Qingyang, and another example ... Soul Beast Hall.

Ye Xingchen wanted to leave but couldn't, the surrounding warriors immediately contracted the encirclement, repairing it as an eruption, staring angrily.


A warrior whispered: "Dare to help the demon girl, there is no death!"


"kill him!"

Dozens of warriors standing in the forefront rushed over, various energy bursts, and the composition of the picture can be described as imposing.


Ye Xingchen's face looked disdainful.

He didn't want a hero to save the beauty, and he didn't want to be bitten by a mosquito, so all he could do was ...


The impetuous force suddenly burst apart, the corpse and blood splattered wildly under the howling wind, and the scene was very cruel for a while, and was forced to be mosaic.


The last warrior who struck fell to the ground and lost his breath of life.

His eyes were frightened, and apparently he never thought that he would be so ordinary as a man!

Ye Xingchen stood proudly in place, her flowing black hair fluttered in the wind, her grim face flashed and killed, and the whole person was like a demon coming out of hell.

This is the serious style, this is the protagonist!

Dog left.

Learn it!

Dozens of people who smashed the past were wiped out instantly, and the remaining soldiers widened their eyes one by one.

The rescue of the demon girl is not easy!


Ye Xingchen said coldly.

Only one word contained extreme coercion, and the martial arts soldiers in the field were frightened, and fled at a speed of reincarnation.

They are lucky.

The night star after joining the Wanzong Zong, the change is actually quite big. In exchange for the impersonal character of the previous life, as long as it provokes him, it will definitely kill him.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Space rings flew out of the corpse and lightly fell into Yedi's hands. He was too lazy to investigate what was inside, and he had to leave at first.

"Thank you for your help."

The injured woman tried to stand up, her face was extremely pale, and she was very seriously injured.

Ye Xingchen said lightly, "I just don't want to be entangled with flies, not to save you, don't be affectionate."

Compared with this guy, the dogs have become warm men.

The injured woman didn't speak any more, dragged her wounded and walked deep into the mountain forest, but after just a few steps, she could no longer support and fell to the ground and passed out.

Many warriors died in this area, blood drifted into the forest, gradually seduce a ferocious beast, and came out one after the other without any danger.


It's all food!

Several fierce beasts resembling wolves came first, stopped in front of the fainting woman, their eyes flashed red, and drool came out.

The warrior likes to kill fierce beasts, because there are crystal nuclei in his body.

Vicious beasts also like to kill martial arts, because their flesh and blood have been bred by attributes, which can help improve their strength after taking it.


After a brief hesitation, a few wolf beasts opened their mouths and pounced.

"Boom ————————"

Suddenly, the violent gas wave was generated, and the dust was rolled up.


The night star, who had left, appeared in front of the injured woman, and the power of the true spirit was released. He lifted it without mercy, and then disappeared into the dust of the sky.


That night.

The moon is high and the stars are scattered.

Ye Xingchen sits outside the cave and runs a thousand shadows.

Without his lens, he is often practicing or on his way.


Half an hour later, Ye Xingchen exhaled a stale gas and secretly said, "Why should I save a stranger?"

During the day he could have left chicly, but later he did not know why he returned, rescued the injured woman who had fallen into the wolf's mouth, and took a lot of healing pills.

"Your lord saved my life again."

The woman in the purple dress walked out of the cave. Because of taking the medicine, her face had recovered blood, and her injuries had been well controlled.

With the help of luminous light, you can see that she is about twenty years old, and she has a beautiful appearance in terms of looks.

"and so."

Ye Xingchen said lightly, "What benefit are you giving me?"

Regarding a woman's wandering personality, it is certainly not contagious, but everything must be reported in return. It is absolutely inseparable from the dog's leftover.

"What benefits do you want?" Said the woman in purple.

Night Emperor is always full of arrogant special effects throughout her body, and she can calmly cope, it is not ordinary people.




Ye Xingchen is not polite at all.

The woman in purple said: "I was hunted because I got a treasure map that has been sealed for a long time. If you can find it successfully, there should be what you need."

"Meaning, you have nothing now?"



Ye Xingchen raised her hand, and the power of the true spirit erupted, buckled directly on the woman's neck.

"You want to kill me?"

"It has no value, and it doesn't make sense to live."

"This treasure map is reserved by a legendary powerhouse 100,000 years ago. It contains various martial arts and resources. If you and I can find it, it is the greatest value." An old sheepskin roll.

"Kill you."

Ye Xingchen said lightly, "I can find it as well."

He also has experience in treasure hunting. After all, he went to Taixuandong Mansion and did the uncivilized behavior of 'Yi Emperor's visit here'.

The woman in purple said: "You can't find the treasure without my assistance."


Ye Xingchen released the woman after a little silence.

He had already glanced at the sheepskin roll, apparently very dated, and maybe there was a big treasure in it.

Volunteer to come to this side, if you can find a lot of martial arts resources, you will be able to make a difference with the suzerain when you go back.

"His first name?"


Night stars are depressed.

She was obviously very brutal, and the woman was calm from beginning to end.

Seeing him silent ~ ~ The woman in Ziyi was very knowledgeable and did not ask, and introduced herself: "My name is Xie Lingyao."


Ye Xingchen turned his head suddenly, and said hoarsely, "What's his name?"

Killing intentions emerged in the body instantly.

Although Ling Yao Yao had been wiped out by him on the spot, and even the burning ashes were extinguished by smoke, hearing the words 'ling Yao' would still greatly stimulate the nerves.

"Xie Lingyao."

"锵 ————————"

The three-foot sword came out of the sheath and lay on the woman's neck.

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