The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1689: 1 group of roadblocks, the easiest to cut off

Tens of thousands of forces from all sides of the heavenly realm gathered in the treasure path, the only way to come, came out to wait for the rabbit.

Someone will ask.

既然 Why do they grab the sheepskin since they know the location? Because I ca n’t get in without it.



The martial arts gathered in a large battlefield, and there was a slaughter in the air.

In order to show respect, Ye Xingchen inspired special effects, put on the battle armor, and sacrificed Fangtian Huaji.

"Mr. Pei ..." Xie Lingyao's eyes widened, then weakly: "How is there a word on your forehead!"


Yan Ye Xingchen wanted to raise his hand to cover up the word "attack" inscribed on his brain.

Seriously, he was very depressed. He replaced the perfect body shaped by the demon ancestors, and the text special effects followed.

Come here, come and come, but it is always printed on the forehead. On the other hand, Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others are printed on the back of the hand without exception!

怎么 How can I be more special than them!

"Less nonsense."

Ye Yexing chuckled coldly: "Get out of here!"

"it is good!"

Xi Jie Ling Yao hurried back very far.

After ignoring the obstructing woman, Ye Xingchen's gaze was even colder, and he raised Fang Tianhua's halberd and said, "Come on if you want to die."

Sheepskin rolls, because they have hidden treasures, will not say anything to others, so today there is nothing but killing!

Each person faces tens of thousands.

At that moment, the Emperor Ye inherited the strength of the suzerain.

"It's not worth fighting for a demon girl to fight the world!" Said a certain powerful man.

Regarding Xie Lingyao, the warriors in the Tianyan world know more about it and have never heard of any powerful helpers, so I guess this man has only recently been deceived.

of course.

Everyone agrees that they should be seduced by beauty. After all, they really care about the treasure. You can grab it directly, so why protect yourself?

In short, the night stars at this moment in the eyes of the warriors of Tianyan World is nothing but obsessed with beauty.


Someone bitterly advised: "There is a knife on the head of the word, please return to the shore."


Night Ye Xingchen's vision is even better.

He is not an idiot, he can naturally guess what the other person thinks of himself.


Ye Yedi.

Can I be that kind of person!


Yan Ye Xingchen did not justify himself, because this is not his character, so he directly waved Fang Tianhuaji and jumped to kill him.

Take a bunch of road grass and cut it off the easiest.

"咻 ——————"

The Fang Tianhua halberd, who poured in power, was madly swept by the force of sweeping thousands of troops, and the momentum formed was rock-shattering, and the faces of the warriors in all directions were shocked.


"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The chanting voice did not fall, the violent force exploded in the crowd, and the warriors in various places were instantly shocked. Under the slow motion, it seemed to be a dandelion flying in the sky. The picture was magnificent.

When Xie Lingyao saw the stars do it overnight, he was ready in advance, but when he really saw him killing and killing in the army, he was still stunned.

too strong!

This man is too strong!

Every act of the night star in the fight will be deeply imprinted in her heart.



The streamer flickered, and the stubble flew.

It was only a moment that thousands of warriors from all sides of the sky fell.

In the face of the magnificent and murderous man, the remnants of the warrior were frightened and frightened, but they retreated backwards desperately!



Suddenly, a streamer bypassed the night stars and rushed towards Xie Lingyao.

The purpose of the interception of the parties was to **** the sheepskin rolls that entered the treasure site. Naturally, they would not fight with each other, so they first captured the Lord.


强 The strong man is very fast, his energy is turned into a big hand and pressed down hard.

But, just when Xie Lingyao was about to be bound, a wave of terror suddenly appeared behind him!

"not good!"

His face changed.

"Bash ——————"

There was no chance of reaction at all. His body was quickly penetrated by streamers, inserted on the ground one yard away from Xie Lingyao, and when the light was gone, the blood-stained Fangtianhuaji was revealed.


The martial arts roared in the crowd.

"You guys, I have no weapons at this time, I must wait for it to be resolved!" An old man shouted, instantly inspiring everyone to fight!

In their opinion, Ye Xingchen is so brave. It is nothing more than relying on weaponry. Now throwing the war halberds and holding them up, they must be hacked to death!



The morale of warriors and warriors from all sides has soared and gathered various energy to kill the past. The luster formed is extremely gorgeous.


Ye Yexing raised her hand and said coldly, "All have to die!"




For a moment, the palm prints of the Wanzong Wuxue crossing the sky filled the entire sky, and brought down the force of Wanjun.

The Fangtian painting halberd just helps Ye Xingchen harvest weeds. Without this weapon, it can also be solved in other ways.

Uh ...

Docked on the Wangu outside Tianyan Realm, Jun Changxiao and others always saw the video light curtain and the pictures of Ye Xing killing the Quartet.


Xiao Xiao was worried and said, "Would you like to assist Master Ye?"

He doesn't want to grab the night stars, but at this moment, facing tens of thousands of people, he will be in danger if he is not careful.

"No need to."

Xun Jun often laughed.

Xun Jun often laughs and is very optimistic about the night stars. After all, as the absolute representative of the Wanzong disciples, if even a group of enemies like Zhuanjing could not be solved, it would be too disappointing.

of course.

Promising and optimistic, defense measures must be prepared.

As long as Ye Xingchen is in danger, she will definitely arrive at the scene as soon as possible.

如果 Those warriors who fought for sheepskin rolls, if you know, there are still eleven warships in the universe, all of them are talented people, and they speak nicely, and they will certainly collapse to despair.

Uh ...

外 Out of the pristine mountains, the blood is full.

A corpse lined around, like a cruel slaughterhouse.

The warriors from all sides who came to intercept the dead were dead, and the rest were scared away.

Time, half an hour.

Xie Lingyao stood distantly in the distance. His clear eyes looked at the back of Aoli standing in the corpse, his mind was completely shaken.

Are you a human!


At this moment, Fang Tianhua's halberd inserted on the ground flew up and landed next to Ye Xingchen. He grabbed and retracted it with one hand, and said lightly: "The obstructing flies have been resolved ~ ~ Go . "


Xie Ling Yao Yao calmed his mind and walked over the body.

The two entered along the entrance to the pristine mountains, and there was no communication at all.

"Mr. Pei."

After a long time, Xie Lingyao said: "These forces will not give up, we might as well wait for a while before looking for treasure."


Ye Xingchen said, "Look now."


Xie Lingyao silently said, "Okay."

She took out the sheepskin roll, and according to the coordinates and map markings, she walked in the primitive mountain forest for half an hour and stopped at an ancient ruin with vines, mosses and moss.

"Mr. Pei."

After comparison, Xie Lingyao said, "This is the treasure place."

Hey, let's walk around the ruins by ourselves.

"Mr. Pei!"

Before long, Xie Lingyao said, "I have found the entrance to the treasure!"

When Ye Xing heard the news, she saw that she was parked in front of a stone wall, so she instinctively looked at it, and the whole person stood in the same place instantly.

The ruined stone wall looks a bit old, but the depicted pattern is clearly visible. There is a person sitting on the throne, and everyone worships it. The remarks are: under the heavens, the land of the king, the shore of the earth, the king of the king.

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