The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1705: Wig, leftover feelings

There is a dark vortex in both the Imperial Heaven Realm and the Imperial Spirit Realm, and the connecting place is an independent station.

Strictly speaking, this place actually belongs to the plane. It possesses magnificent heaven and earth attributes and perfect order of heaven and earth. The level is even higher than the two planes.

Alas, one thing is strange.

The martial artist is in it, and can freely deploy attributes to perform martial arts.

The research of the Imperial Celestial Realm and the Imperial Spirit Realm has always been carried out, but the cause has not been found.

If the problem of incapability of ingesting the attributes of heaven and earth is solved, the war between the two races will definitely escalate, from robbing resources to robbing the plane!

There are materials and attributes.

Who wants such a good place?

Don't talk about them, even Jun Changxiao just flew in and felt stronger heaven and earth attributes than Yutianjie, and said with emotion: "The upper world can't compare at all, not even the qualification to raise shoes."

Unfortunately, spiritual thoughts pervade thousands of miles, all of them are wilderness areas, and the environment is worrying.

"No problem."

Xun Jun often laughed and secretly said: "You can transplant grass and trees for greening transformation."

"Host doesn't plan on interstellar travel, but plans to settle in here?"

"I just think about it."

The independent battlefield is good, but Jun Changxiao won't stay. There are only two purposes here. One is to find the veins of the spiritual stone.

In fact, the names of Yutianjie and Yuhunjie are only similar, not neighbours, because they are closely connected because of the battlefield.

"Fu Jun."

Qihua Rose said: "What shall we do?"

"What else can I do."

Xun Jun often shrugged with a smile and hugged her and flew towards the sky, saying, "Of course I ran away!"

It turned out that the two entered the independent battlefield from the dark vortex, and their area happened to be a stronghold built by Yutianjie. Not only were a large number of warriors stationed in it, but according to regulations, newcomers must hand over permission.

"What are you doing? Hurry up!"

A large group of martial arts surrounded the two with frowns and eyes, and the atmosphere was tense.


Xi Jun often laughs and throws out a piece of paper.

武 The military officer responsible for the review took it, and saw the word "handsome" written on it, and suddenly he disappeared. When he came back to the scene, the dog left a rose and flew out of the stronghold.

"Catch up!"

"Don't let them run away!"


Suddenly, thousands of warriors emerged in the stronghold, and the momentum and movement were really a little big.

Seeing them coming, Jun Chang laughed and collapsed, "As for you!"

There is a clear stipulation in the Imperial Heaven Realm that when entering an independent station, it must be reported, approved, forced to break in, and must be taken care of.

However, the dog's current strength may not be much in the upper universe, but when it comes to running, the one-three-meter long leg is by no means a decoration.


The firepower is on, the speed is soaring!

For only a moment, the celestial warriors were all in the air, because the dog left had disappeared, and they could not even see the taillights. They could only **** in the exhausted gas in situ.

They should be grateful that the dog brother was absent from killing, otherwise the hard-to-find sword will open and they all have to go to see Lord Yan.

Uh ...


In the sky, the flash of light passed by, and the speed of the car was staggering.


Slightly, Jun Chang smiled and stopped in a relatively safe area, and said with pride: "Follow me? Too young."

"Fu Jun."

The flower rose lying in her arms looked up, her eyes twinkled and she said, "Your hair is gone!"

Xun Jun often smiled and touched his head, only to find that the magic wig had disappeared, so he collapsed and said, "It must have been flying too fast and was blown off by the wind. You must use strong glue next time!"


The system couldn't help laughing.

Flying and flying, flying into a bald head, this picture is too happy!


Xun Jun often turned around with a smile and said, "I have to go back."

System said: "The thing is not expensive, and there is no limit on purchase requirements, find what it does!"

"You know what a fart."

Xi Jun often laughed: "This is a feeling."


The system said silently: "Don't make excuses for yourself."


Xun Jun often smiled and returned with the flower rose in the same way, and the spiritual thoughts pervaded the surroundings, looking for the blown-off magic wig.

He said that he could put people down and look for it. Why did he have a habit of not letting go when he entered Yutianjie?

"found it!"

After limping for a while, Jun Chang laughed and caught the magic wig that had fallen to the ground, so he swooped away and was about to raise his hand ...


Suddenly, the ground shook violently.


A huge mouth rushed out of the dirt, not only eating the sand, but also swallowing the wig into the stomach.

Xi Jun often laughed and stopped abruptly, sadly: "My ... wig!"



The monster on the other end of the body seemed to be chewing and felt cheeky, so I spit it out again.

I saw that my wig was full of saliva and saliva, and there was even a nasty smell. Jun Chang laughed with his two ears up, his eyes glaring, and roared, "I want to kill you!"


The flower rose was thrown away.


The dog walked into a rage and resisted the RPG bazooka to his shoulder. Pointing at the big beak was pulling the trigger crazy.

"嘭 嘭 嘭!"

"Boom boom!"

All at once, the artillery fire was sky-high, and the momentum was huge.


The system growled: "For a wig with a thousand points of contribution value, is that so many shells wasted!"

Although RPG rocket launchers rarely appear, as long as there are high-level crystal nuclei and spirit stones to recharge, the power is still very powerful, and after a while, it will blast into the big pit.

Can't stand it.

Converted artillery shells into resources, starting with at least millions of black stones.

Now the contribution value is not worth any money at all, for the wig to bombard the big mouth monster, the brain is definitely kicked by the donkey.


After the bombardment, Jun Chang smiled and retracted the bazooka, holding the Qinglong Yueyue Knife on the left and the Zhenxian Sword on the right, rushing into the rolling dust and intending to give that guy a million pieces!


The system crashed and said, "Host is crazy!"


Xi Jun often rushed in with a smile ~ ~ I found that although the ground was blasted into a big pit, there was a hole, proving that the big beak had already slipped into the ground!


I shouted, "You can't run!"

He said, jumped into the hole and pursued the past.

As for the magic wig that represents feelings, it has been turned into nothingness in the shelling just now.

Uh ...

The holes are deep and dark.

Jun Chang, who was angry, laughed and ignored whatever he was doing, and chased after him, and his killing in his eyes became more and more intense.


After a short walk, the tunnel narrowed significantly.

This shows that the big-billed beast should shrink its size and speed up the escape.



Xun Jun often smiled and waved his sword, while digging the road, he was chasing after him.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Because a lot of ore was buried underground, the weapon collided with it, not only a crisp sound, but also a spark, ah roared me giaogiao.

I soon.

Xi Jun often rushed into a place like Dongfu with a smile, and saw the big beak curled up in the marginal zone with no escape.

"You **** run!"

As soon as the utterance was finished, the dog was left dead.

Because of the surrounding walls of Dongfu, there are many inlaid spirit stones still embracing the pipa, and because of the environment, it emits a colorful light.


"I go!"

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