The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1715: Wasteland

Ji Xuanyuan World.

Wu Wanzong's high level and his disciples stood in the yellow sand of the sky, and their expressions were wonderful.

Xun Jun often laughed and took Ren Shan to the battlefield. They went through all kinds of things and they didn't know, so they were suddenly brought in, and they would definitely be on the spot.

"how about it?"

Walking the dog left a smile: "Our home is good."


Everyone is still in God.

"Master!" Su Xiaomo said, "Although the properties of heaven and earth here are very strong, they can't be taken at all."


Xun Jun often slaps his fingers with a smile.

For a moment, the attributes of heaven and earth that had been extremely resistant to the warrior became docile.


Su Su Xiaomo said emotionally: "Such a strong attribute is definitely better than ingesting Tao Shi!"

"Dao Shi?"

Xun Jun often laughed dismissively at Gu: "It has become history."


The pervasive properties of the heavens and earth in the Shanxuan Realm are enough to kill the stones of the Upper Realm.

This is due to Gu Xuanyuan.

Before the fall, he hid all living things in the ground, and made hands and feet inside the source, so that the properties of the scattered heaven and earth could not be ingested by outsiders.

The once glorious plane turned into a barren land, which is actually a kind of retrogression.

However, because all the souls have gone, all living things can be preserved underground, but in the endless years, they still function normally, and even continue to evolve.

The most typical example is that the veins grow wildly.

There are also veins in the upper realm, but the properties of heaven and earth released by the source were first snatched by the warriors, and then over-exploited, and they could not keep up with the rhythm over time.


Xun Jun often laughed with a big hand, pointing at the vast wilderness, and said, "Such a big place, how you build it!"

青 Li Qingyang's excited fingers were shaking.

While practicing martial arts, I often research all kinds of architectural drawings, and today finally come in handy!


Xun Jun often laughed and said, "So much soil, eat as much as you like!"


Page screamed with excitement.

The Xuanyuan Realm looks deserted, but the soil contains the properties of heaven and earth, and it must taste great!

越 The more it eats, the stronger it becomes, and at the same time it can open up wasteland for construction.


青 Li Qingyang said: "We are going to build a gate here?"

"No need to be so troublesome." Jun Chang laughed: "I went back to the upper world to bring Tiegushan in."

Wan Guzong has been built well, so naturally, there is no need to rebuild it.

of course.

Xun Jun often laughs at the expense of returning to the upper world. There is one more important thing to do, which is to send in all the star warriors from the continent!

The world of Xuanyuan is extremely wide. The 100,000-scale Zongmen lives here, and it seems a bit lonely and cold.

Pluto fell from the continent.

I have a very high status in Jun Changxiao's heart.

So, today, we have a plane. First of all, we want to take over all the creatures in it.

Of course, there are people left in the upper world who care about dogs, such as the real people in Tonggu and the real people in chess field, and they will naturally ask if they are willing to move.


After learning of the suzerain's thoughts, Su Xiaomo cheered excitedly.

Although fiancee Xia Shuiyun joined the Wanzong ancestry, and everyone is still around, but the parents are still in Tieguzhen. If you can take them over, the children can also be filial.

青 Li Qingyang and others also have relatives in the starfall continent, so they strongly agree with the suzerain's approach.

Can't stand it.

Only Xiao Xiao's emotions faded.

The Xiao family in Liyang City still lives in the cracks. The day is not as good as one day, but it is no longer a relative for him.

Murong Xin.

履行 Since fulfilling the three-year covenant, the two have not met again.

Calculate carefully, Xiao sin has no relatives and no reason in the starfall continent, no wonder he will be sad.

"What do you think?" Jun Chang smiled and asked.

"No ..." Xiao said, "I didn't think of anything."

Xun Jun often patted his shoulder with a smile, and said, "Qing Yang and Xiao Mo both have the other half. Even the stars are no longer the previous stars. You need to work harder."

It happened that Wei Lao came over and heard the suzerain's words, and his expression suddenly turned bright.

Am I right?

He is an emotional quotient for the suzerain, and even gives his disciples an emotional lesson?

"Old Wei."

Xun Jun often laughed: "Is there something wrong?"

"Sovereign, although the attributes here are strong, but the land is wild, do you need to transform it?"

"It's needed."

The clear water show of Laoshan is better than the yellow sand of Mantian, so it is necessary to transform the ecological environment of Xuanyuan.

"Old Wei."

Xun Jun often laughed: "This matter will be left to your medical hall, if conditions permit, you can plant full of medicinal vegetation."


The corners of Wei Wei's mouth twitched.

It is definitely a big project in such a large world!

However, the thought of medicinal materials everywhere, the air was full of fragrance, and immediately said: "No problem!"

Uh ...

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

In an open area, Page digs back and forth on the ground according to the design plan planned by Li Qingyang.

Here, there will be the first city since the seal of Xuanyuan Realm, which is also a feng shui treasure specially chosen by Jun Changxiao.



Ye Yexing and Xiao Sinji and others were not idle. UU read the book www.uukanshu. Com temporarily acts as a construction worker, condensing the power of the true spirit to beat wooden stakes.

别 Don't say anything.

This is because Li Qingyang will pull them over every time he builds the ancestral gate, not to mention beating wooden stakes, changing the mountain beams, interior decoration, repairing nuclear bombs, and cell phone filming.


At this moment, the space in the sky was distorted, ten warships were sent in, and then hovered in the air quietly.

The Xuanyuan Realm is not only a new home of Wanzong, but also a dock for warships.

Uh ...

建造 The construction of the first city takes time. Jun Changxiao didn't supervise the whole process, and took the original road of Wangu to return.

As for the disciples, in Xuanyuan Realm, they either worked hard to help or promoted cultivation.

"Fu Jun."

Yanhua Rose walked into the cockpit and said, "Since you are going to pick up the stars of the continent, why not bring my soul tribe together?"

"no problem."

Xun Jun often laughed and thought about it.

As soon as he finished speaking, the flower rose kissed his face.

This move was too sudden, leaving the dog left unprepared, as if stinging his chrysanthemum stand, jumping directly from the chair, angrily with an authentic bowl: "What are you doing!"

"Thank you, of course."

Flower Rose turned around, put her hands behind her, and left like an innocent girl.

Xun Jun often laughed and rubbed his kissed face vigorously with a hand, growling, "Flower roses, I am the master of a case, can you give some respect!"

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