The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1717: Welcome to all ages, for you


"This one……"

Inside the Jijidao Cave, Tonggu real people think about their chin like constipation.

Su Jun often appeared suddenly, making him very surprised, and even more unexpected to take himself away from the upper world.

"Monarch Sovereign."

The real chess player shook his head and said, "I haven't entered the half-step world yet, even if I can leave with the help of a battleship, I'm afraid it will not survive well."

The universe is so big, they also want to go out for a walk.

However, without touching the third step, even the ability to break the barriers of space is lost.

Xi Jun often laughed: "The seniors don't have to worry, everything is up to the younger ones."


The real chess player looked at the old man and said, "Would you like to go out with you to see the world?"

He's already excited.

Don't look at playing chess all year round, it is actually a kind of practice.

If I can get a chance to go out and get permission, I may get a certain touch, so that I can touch the threshold of the third step.


Tonggu real people are still thinking about constipation.


In the end, I still agreed.

"Master, senior."

"Relax, I'll take you to a place."


The ancient real people of Tongtong and the real people of Qiye are stunned, but they still do it according to the regular smile of Jun, only feeling a flower in front of them, people have appeared in Xuanyuan Realm, in front of which is a new city just completed!


The two of them appeared, and Ye Xingchen was on the sound of the magical reformer, and the dynamic sound came out instantly.

Yao Mengying sat on the city wall, raised her little hand to make a heart shape, and smiled at you outside the camera with a sweet smile, and sang, "Welcome another morning dawn and bring new air."

Wei Wei, who is planting medicinal herbs, got up and sang, "The atmosphere changes and the flavor remains unchanged, and the tea fragrance is full of friendship."

"My door is always open, open arms are waiting for you."

The charming Li Luoqiu leaned in front of the gate and blinked at you.


The mouths of Tongtong real people and chess wild people twitched.

A group of neuroses!

青 Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, Ye Xingchen and others appeared in the camera one by one.

They either stand on the mountain peak or sing in the city, rendering the atmosphere extremely sand sculpture.

When the rhythm of music is about to reach its peak, Jun Chang smiles and stands on the back of the tower, turning around with the rhythm, spreading his arms slowly, raising his head and singing boldly: "Welcome to all ages, open up a world for you, ah, oh —————— "



Tong ancient real and chess wild real spurted on the spot.

In fact, the high-level and disciples sang well. As a result, the dog was left open, and the atmosphere was instantly gone!

It seems to him that being tortured by the blood of the demon has not changed his incompleteness, even more terrible than ever.

Uh ...


"It's incredible!"

The ancient man in Tongtong squatted at the gate of the city, his expression on his face changed again and again, his inner shock was beyond description.

虽然 Although the welcome ceremony was just a sand sculpture, we cannot deny that the heaven and earth attributes existing on this plane are dozens of times stronger than the upper world!

"Old boy!"

Qi Qiye real person sang God for a long time, and said, "Dream ..."


The real man in Tongtong started first, hitting his face with a shake, and asked, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts!"

"Not a dream!"

The two were even more shocked.


Xun Jun often came over with a smile and said, "The city has just been built, and the internal facilities are incomplete, so I have wronged you for a few days."

Tong ancient truth: "Smelly boy, what place is this?"

"Eternal World."

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "The plane of the child."


After Xuanyuan Realm still did not escape the fate of being renamed.

However, it is quite reasonable, at least much better than the dog world.

"Your plane?"

Tonggu real people and chess wild people are staring.


此时 At this moment, the two suddenly disappeared at the gate of the city, suspended in the sky, and then disappeared in place, appearing in the barren land.

"Did you believe it?"

Xun Jun always smiled and stood beside, with a smile on his mouth.

Tongtong ancient real and chess wild real are not half steps, but they have also experienced strong winds and waves. This kind of shuttle with yourself is only one possibility. I really control the origin of the plane and can control the space at will!

What a god!

How long has He left the Upper Realm, and what has he experienced!

Tongtong ancient people calmed down and said, "My disciple has a plane, doesn't it mean ..." He paused, and said, "Master of plane!"

"Ran too."

Xun Jun often laughed at the forty-five-degree angle and looked at the sky, pretending that the atmosphere reached its peak.

Uh ...

The preliminary construction of Tancheng Pond was completed, but due to the large size, it took a lot of time to build the interior.

As for the real people in Tonggu and Qiye, they have been shocked by the rich world attributes. Even 撵 can't leave.

"Tuer, can you send Jidao Dongfu in?"

"Can't you live in the city?"

"As a teacher, I have already jumped out of the Three Realms and are no longer in the Five Elements."

"it is good."

Xi Jun often laughed and sent Jidao Cave Mansion to a mountain peak hundreds of miles away from the city.

After I was busy, I went to the misty Seven Sages again.

In the beginning, these people refused, but were sent to the ancient world, feeling the rich nature of the heavens and earth, and the words 'True Incense' appeared on their faces.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Qi Jingxuan came, weakly, "Can you also include my Master?"

The grand aerospace era started, and the woman got on the ship, but because her plot was still in line, the appearance rate was almost no.


"Thank you."

Uh ...

Unlike the real chess player, they have a good relationship with Jun Changxiao. Gu Hong's real person is very strange. As soon as the dog left to say something, he was impatient and said, "Come on, the husband is not interested in going out to see."


Walking the dog is a bit difficult.


Special circumstances can only be treated specially.

"Senior, look at the gray machine!"


Wu Guhong looked up.

"嘭!" Jun often laughed with a knife and cut it on his back. The man suddenly fainted, and was then carried back to the ancient world.

Simple and rude, with excellent results.

Uh ...

"What are you doing?"

On the mountain peak, Qing Wei said coldly.

Jun Changxiao, who had just fallen down, said, "In those days, people from various ethnic groups came to commit crimes, and their predecessors helped each other. This kind of kindness is always remembered in the heart."

"and so."

"In order to repay this kind of gratitude, let the disciples kill my apprentice?"

"The predecessors are also considered to be well-informed strong men. At that time, the Emperor Ling Yao was desperate to die, should you see it?"


Wu Qingwei was silent.

It's true that it is no wonder that the disciples are trying to die.

"The junior came here this time, wanting to take the senior to a place, maybe it can help him to enter the third step." Jun Chang laughed seriously.

Although the real person of Qingqing Wei and the emperor Ling Yao are masters and apprentices, UU reads


Qi Qingwei was really moved.

In fact, she knows that it is easy for Jun to laugh at her current strength and kill herself easily, but it is very face-to-face to speak as a junior, so she still promises.

Uh ...

Luo Dantang.

Xi Bai Chaoyang's eyes widened.

"You heard me right."

常 Jun Chang, who is sitting next, took a sip of tea with a smile and repeated: "Call all the people in Dantang here, and I will take you to a good place."

For a plane, the strong cannot be less.

的 The elites from all walks of life are also indispensable, especially for elixir.

Bai Chaoyang said: "Are the monarchy a joke?"

When he shouted all the members, when he entered the eternal world and felt the rich nature of the earth, he was sure: "Not a joke!"

Uh ...

Just a few days.

Wu Fan and the ancient warriors involved were all sent into the ancient world.

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After dealing with the upper bound, Jun Chang laughed aboard the Vanguard, shuttled through the void, and flew towards the lower planet starfall continent.

"Wang Dasao."

"Leave me a bowl of noodles!"

Xun Jun often laughs and has no close relatives in the starry continent, but she came across and was rescued by Wang Dazhen, so she was regarded as a relative, and if there was a woman under her knee, she would definitely be considered a sibling.

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