The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1733: Marry chicken with chicken, marry dog ​​with dog

常 Regarding fighting and exploding clothes, Jun Chang laughed and despised, because he could burst his pants.

never expected.

He dealt with the golden law of the Eight Gate Supreme Condensation, and he even burst his shirt.

The muscle lines that Xun Jun often smiles are not as exaggerated as Azi and Xiao Guiji, but they look very uniform, so they have high aesthetic value.

of course.

This is not the point.

The point is, after stimulating blood, the speed of combat power surge is very scary!


The red-eyed Jun often laughed, as if the demon awakened from hell, especially the blood-stained redness, and even his hair became blood-colored.

Thriller, scary.

Such a serious node, don't ask why there is hair.


The impetuous power emerged frantically, and the big hand that stood against it kept moving up.

"How is it possible!" Bamen Extreme exclaimed.

They combined with supernatural powers and raised their strength to a level that they couldn't hold back this human!



Cover your left hand and hit it **** the back of your right hand.


For a moment, the violent energy was rippling from the mid-air, and the space collapsed again wherever it passed.

Double strength erupted, Jun Chang smiled and immediately fell down, 嘭 slammed on the ground, the depression at his feet collapsed, and his body gradually bent down.

After the eight-door supreme combination, the golden law phase transformed into an extremely powerful one, not to mention reaching the heavenly realm, at least infinitely close, so this battle is a test for him.


"You cross!"


Xun Jun often smiled against the huge palms stacked on top of each other, and the forehead appeared blue tendons, then slowly lifted it up, the spine was straight.


Xun Faxiang raised one hand, shrouded in golden light, and pressed down again with his irritability.


The earth burst and the dust was flying.

Tamarix Sinan and Gongsun Hou frowned.

那种 The situation just now may not be carried by the suzerain.


When the dust fell, they saw Jun Changxiao still standing, and there was a figure shrouded in colorful streamers next to him, barely seeing it was ... the lord's wife!

that moment.

Tamarix Sinan and Gongsun Hou realized that the breath that had emerged from the hall had ceased, and now all gathered near the suzerain.



Xi Jun often asks with a smile, and flowers roses answer.

The communication style of the two is very simple and glorious.

"That line."

Xun Jun often smiled and retracted his hand, and said, "I will leave it to you next."

In fact, the flower rose that resisted the suppression of the palm print, he did not use any force at all.

Can Mo Fei inherit the Supreme Thousand Spirits and make this woman's strength greatly improved? Can you even cope with the golden law easily?

Ye Fei.

In fact, resisting the huge palm print, the colorful light from the whole body has absolute deterrence, and the power to deter the Eight Door Supremes is all at once.

Golden Soul represents aristocracy in the realm of souls.

In front of the colorful light, Xun can only face his superiors.

"This woman ..."

The golden method flashes sky-high anger.

The Eight Doors of Fusion are very close to the flower roses, and the idea of ​​being forced to surrender becomes stronger.

"Although I am a descendant of the Royal Soul, but I have married him, I don't value rights, so I don't need to worry about my presence that will shake your status."

Enveloped by colorful light, the temperament of flower rose is more noble.

However, when looking at Wang Changxiao, he showed the gentleness and virtuousness that a wife should have.

花 For Flower Rose, the journey of the Royal Soul Realm is an opportunity. It is just an opportunity. No matter what you get, whether the state becomes stronger or not, it is also the man's wife.

Marry chicken with chicken, marry dog ​​with dog.

How could He become obsessed with rights and status.


Is the mentality of flower roses.

Therefore, she needs to make the Eight Door Supreme understand that she just inherited the opportunity left by her ancestors and then left like a passenger. It will not change the existing structure of the Royal Soul Realm, nor will it threaten their dominant position.

Speaking here, it is already clear.

But some people are too obsessed with rights and don't believe a word or two casually.


The huge Fa phase raised his right hand again under the joint operation of the Eight Door Supreme, and the powerful souls quickly gathered, forming layers of palm prints, which were pressed down with the force of shaking the world.

Anyone will say good things.

Only by eradicating it completely can we consolidate our dominance!

"Not saved." Jun Chang smiled.


The huge palm print carries the power of great force, as if Shen Dashan was pressed down.

Yanhua Rose shook her head and said, "The ancestors were right, these people are too pedantic."

Xun Jun often stopped with a smile, and turned his back to her, "So you need to reshuffle the cards and change the pattern. Only those who are capable and those who are not can make the ethnic group to glory."


The rose of Lihuahua raised his head, the clear eyes flashed with colorful light, and an irreversible breath emerged from the whole body, which directly fixed the pressed palm print in the air.


"嘭 ————————"

The word said, the huge golden phase disintegrated in an instant, and the eight-door supreme wolf flew out.

"I go!"

Wu Gongsun Hou was shocked and said, "Say what you say?"

"How ... how is it possible ..." The first Supreme clutched his chest, his eyes horrified.

Just now he could clearly feel that an irreversible force instantly melted into the sea of ​​knowledge and forcibly disconnected himself from the other seven people.

This is definitely not the suppression of the realm and strength, it may be a kind of bloodline suppression!


The Eighth Door Supreme remembered what Hua Qianxing said in the past, and then he realized that the Holy Light came to the realm of the soul, and he really had to surrender!

"Read in the same race."

The rose of the lotus flower hung above the sky with colorful holy light, and said, "Give you my death."

"As far as the Eight Door Extremes."

"From today it will become history."

"No matter the green soul or the golden soul, they will be treated equally."

The voice of the puppet was transmitted in the realm of the spirits, and the spirits of the spirits of the spirits nodded in unison, and the awe in their hearts grew stronger.

Uh ...

Xun Jun often laughs and the battle between Eight Doors Supreme is announced to end ~ ~ Unfortunately, because of the appearance of the flower rose, there is no winner.

Can't stand it.

One thing is for sure.

常 Jun Chang laughs on the blessing of blood alone, it is very difficult to kill the strong who is infinitely close to heaven.

This is just a world that is slightly stronger than the upper bounds. If you encounter a real second-class plane and a first-class plane who are really strong, I'm afraid ... it's fine, open.

"The Supreme Thousand Spirits left by the ancestors can reverse the long-changing bloodlines, and I need to stay here for a while." The flower rose fell on the tower, and the nobility weakened a lot.

I was outside, she was the empress.

At home, she is a wife.

"Wait for you."

Xun Jun often laughs, although he is eager to find his brother in life and death, but it is not bad for a year or two.


Flower rose waved, colorful holy light shrouded the Eight Gate Supreme, and flew to the most lively city in the realm of the soul.

Next, she intends to promote the research of ancestors on a large scale, so as to change the pattern that the green soul must be inferior and the gold soul must be aristocratic.


Zixiu Demon King came over and said weakly: "Yuan Gongzi has rules, and fighting is not allowed to break the clothes. Your ruler has made an exception. Can my spirit beast hall ..."


"咻 ————————"

Tamarix Sinan and Gongsun Hou and others looked up together, and saw the owner of Zitang flew to the sky gorgeously, turning into a most shining star.

"Which pot does not open which pot."

"Beast Talent!"

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