The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1735: Mass destruction


青 Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji have come to the secret place of life and death.

Because **** mode is selected, the environment is very dark and depressed, even the wind blowing is like a ghost crying.


"Brush! Brush!"

Everyone sat down and took out Liu Wanshi's fried rice to eat.

If you compare the Hell Crash mode to a copy, then they are now in the Canadian state.

of course.

职业 What kind of food you eat is sophisticated.

For example, Xiao Xinji, the main tank of the Wasteland Regiment, eats chicken stew with mushrooms. This is Liu Wanshi's latest research. The effect is to improve defense.

The night star eats spicy fish head.

There is only one mission, and the output is crazy when the mission starts.


After eating a meal, Ye Xingchen looked at Song Dehen and said, "Be fit."

The rice dishes are only slightly improved, and the real dare to challenge the high-quality life and death secret **** mode is also supported by the Royal Soul tribe.


Qi Song De marks should be heard, and then turned into golden light and merged with it.

At the same time, other Imperial Soul clan who followed in have also merged with Li Qingyang and others, and have improved significantly in all aspects.


Xun Xiao's sin has inspired special effects, covered with full-body mech, and crossed the streamer shield in front of him, saying: "I'm on!"



Xiao Xiao had charged forward, and when he had just left the safe area, the dark and empty space in front of him suddenly condensed a huge monster, and from the point of view of breath, at least he had to find the truth!

Is well known.

The copy consists of BOSS and mobs.

The monsters that appeared at this moment were, at best, mobs.


Xiao Xiao's guilt rushed forward quickly, his right arm suddenly waved, and the streamer shield burst out, hitting one demon beast first, and then bounced to the other demon beast.



The beasts roared and came crashing.


Xiao Xiao had seized the rebounding Shield of Light and ran it in front of him. The light instantly covered the whole body and turned into a larger shield.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

Dozens of monsters collided wildly with their bodies. Although extremely powerful, they were hard to shake.

During this period, Li Qingyang and Ye Xingchen did not take action, because they were waiting for Xiao sin to stabilize their hatred, so as not to OT directly after their outbreak.


Just a few seconds later, Li Qingyang said, "Go!"



Ye Xingchen, with blond hair in her head, rushed forward first, and the tricks of Du Tian's palm prints had already been saved.

As the main output of the wasteland group, what he has to do now is to solve all the mobs while Xiao's sin is against him.

This is a very test of cooperation between tank and output.

However, the two of them attacked and defended each other for a long time, and there was absolutely no tacit understanding.

"Crossing the palm print!"

At this moment, before the night stars arrived, the two palm prints had already arrived. Although the number was not large, it was blessed by the state and the golden soul. The power was far better than ever!



Suddenly, two palm prints were crushed on the monsters gathered together.

If they have HP value, I am afraid that half of them will be cut off immediately. If the damage value is displayed, all the screens are full of Arabic numbers.

"Great!" Su Xiaomo said.



The monsters who were severely attacked bypassed Xiao Sin and rushed towards the night stars.

The output is fierce and easiest to OT.


"Be careful!"

Ye Yexing ignored Li Qingyang's reminder and stood proudly, raising the corners of her mouth to disdain: "A bunch of garbage."

With the blessing of Jin Jinhun, he felt extremely powerful. Just a few more palms, this group of monsters ...


Suddenly, the golden power in the body faded like a tide.

Yan Song Dechen rushed out of Ye Xingchen's body, and walked back with a pair of long legs.

He lost his soul and blessed, not only did Yedi ’s hair and eyebrows return to their original state, but the man was still in place.

Hit him!

I ran away!


Dozens of **** monsters rushed over, as if the stormy waves shrouded the stormy little ship.

At this critical moment, Ye Xingchen said: "Nima ..."



With dozens of forces coming in, Yedi's body suddenly collapsed into nothingness, and people were sent to the secret place of birth and death. Song Dechen also attracted all hatred because of the fusion of the two, and was sent out immediately.

"咻! 咻!"

After a short while, Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji were also eliminated, and the family was completely paralyzed on the ground.

So far.

Core disciples failed to open up wasteland.

The culprit that caused the mass destruction was naturally Song Dechen.

Uh ...

the next day.

Ye Yexing came to the study and said, "The disciples apply for a soul swap!"

The guy named Song Dehen, persuades him to be like this, and then reuniting with him is to humiliate my Yedi reputation!

Xun Jun often laughed: "Song Dehen entered the ancestral gate, and many facilities have not experienced it. It is normal for him to shrink back in **** mode. As a partner, he should help him overcome his fear.


"keep it up, you can do it."


The night star burst.

Sovereign of the Lord, this is not intended to change his soul, but also to let himself help him!

it is good! it is good!

Emperor Ben Ben will train him into a Jagged Man!

Uh ...

Calendar training room.

Song Dechen stepped forward with one foot, then walked in carefully.

Ye Xing, who followed him, saw that he was so persuaded, and almost couldn't help but kick her on the buttocks.


Song Dechen weakly said: "Why take me here?"

"Physical training." Ye Xingchen walked to the shaping room and said, "Dive in."


Don't look at Song Dechen, but he was very alert and hurriedly covered his stomach and said, "Oh, no ... I have a stomachache, I'm going to the toilet ..."


Ye Ye Xingchen was afraid he would run away, and tucked in his collar.


Close the door and set the time.

At the beginning of the night, the emperor tuned for ten hours, but felt that the difficulty was not strong enough, so he went back to the training room and set it again.


After a while, the door of the drill room on the left opened.

He He Wudi drilled out from the inside and heard a scream coming from the side. He looked back subconsciously until he saw the training time was eighty-four hours. He opened his eyes and said, "So fierce?"



Bad screams sounded in the training room ~ ~ It was night.

He He invincible sat on the mountain alone.

进入 Since entering the ancient world, this closed disciple has few shots, because his mind is devoted to cultivation.

The first-level plane, for Wan Guzong, has nothing more than a better cultivation environment. For him, it is of great significance, because the attributes are barely up to standard, and some advanced martial arts can be cultivated.

"Kowloon division has realized 30%."

"The world has not realized 20%."

"These two types of martial arts should be no problem to deal with the half-step world. If you realize Dacheng, who in the upper universe can be against me?"

He Hevin was lying on the stone, looking at the starry sky, and secretly whispering to himself, "The suzerain is a man with a pursuit, and he should embark on the road of eternal life, then I can go home."

The entire night gate knows the story of the night star.

No one knows his story.

of course.

Unlike the arrogance of Ye Xingchen, He Wudi was very low-key since he started, as if he did not exist.

Even if Yuan Gongzi decided that his disciples could challenge the elders, Su Xiaomo and Li Fei did not think of him for the first time.

This is exactly what He Wudi is after.

Because he doesn't like high-profile publicity, he prefers to continue in the cruel world.

If the colorful clouds were not broken, I am afraid that this buddy will continue to work hard, not to build a career, but to build a sky, to the level comparable to the Seven Mysteries.

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