The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1737: Seriously invincible


青 Li Qingyang and others entered the second level.

Because there are two controls and outputs, Lu Yan and Zhou Hong, it is very easy to clean up the mobs, and soon hit the BOSS.

Is also a giant wearing a battle armor, but riding on a mount, will help the owner to spray skills.

I was inattentive.

The whole regiment was destroyed.


Before the weakness came, Ye Xingchen grabbed Song Dechen in anger and growled, "How can I partner with you!"

"Brother ... this time ... no ... don't blame me!"


I don't blame him.

But Ye Xingchen entered the mystery of life and death. Because he looked forward and looked back, he was frightened, so at this moment he could only cast the anger of failure on him.

all in all.

I need a hot pot.

"It's all right."

青 Li Qingyang comforted: "The next challenge."

The mystery of life and death will not die, the sky is weak for a period of time, no matter how many times, as long as you are familiar with the BOSS attack mechanism, and solve nothing more than time.

Sure enough.

In the following month, everyone recovered and challenged. Although he died several times in front of the boss in the second level, but the effort was not disappointed. Finally, he successfully found the attack mechanism, which took an hour to solve.



Su Xiaomo, who was sitting on the ground, was shrouded in fluorescence. Immediately, she was promoted to the ranks, so she was excited: "I want to break through the pinnacle to find the truth!"

After solving the first BOSS, it is too early for him to make a breakthrough, and to solve the second BOSS directly in-situ breakthrough, this is the rich reward given by the **** mode.

"I'm coming soon!" Li Feidao.

He and Su Xiaomo are not as evil as Ye Xingchen and others, and their realm is always stuck in the upper place to find the realm.

In fact, the disciples who can reach the upper ranks are ranked in the ranks of the eternal ancestors. When the king is gone, the elders such as Liu Sinan have only reached the peak to find the real world.

It can be said that entering the realm of truth into the realm of heaven is a big hurdle. At present, only Jun Chang laughs to do it. Even the flowers and roses inherited from the Supreme Thousand Spirits are not at the peak level, and the next level requires great machine transportation.

Uh ...



罪 In the BOSS area of ​​the third pass, Xiao Guiji and Su Xiaomo fell to the ground, and both suffered heavy injuries and entered a state of residual blood.


When Li Qingyang saw this, he secretly said, "It's over again."

After hitting the boss in the second level, they have challenged the boss in the third level ten times. Each time they are killed in this section, there is nothing they can do.


Roar sounded.

A snakehead with nine heads rushed out, and then spit toxin-like energy to everyone present.

青 Li Qingyang and others shrugged helplessly.

熟悉 This familiar scene, they experienced ten times back and forth.

"Be careful!"

At this moment, Xiao Xie rushed forward with his shield, condensing the final defense in front of the crowd.

As the main tank of the wasteland regiment, even if the last drop of blood is left, he must stand in front of his companions to shield them from the wind and rain.


Plutonium toxin energy spatters, quickly corroding the streamer shield.

Xiao Xiao's own blood strip was completely empty, and then turned into a streamer in the eyes of everyone.



I lost the protection of the tank, and Li Qingyang and others were eliminated one after another.

团 As with the last time, the regimental extinction has no power to fight back, and even the snooping mechanism cannot be avoided.

Secret overseas.

Xiao Xiao was weak and said, "I can't beat it!"


青 Li Qingyang said: "Just go here first, and then challenge everyone when they are stronger."

"Second Brother!"

Wu Su Xiaomo shook her fist and said, "Can you be reconciled!"

It took so long to finally reach the final level BOSS. If you give up waiting for the CD to reset, it will be unacceptable to those who are stronger.

in contrast.

Emperor Ye Ye is calm.

Because of the existence of Song Dechen, he always did nothing.

Of course, I can't beat it with all my strength, because the third level is too difficult.

"Let's go."

青 Li Qingyang stood up and said, "After the side effects disappear, everyone will practice harder and sooner or later, they can clear the customs one day."

Although Su Xiaomo and others were not reconciled, their strength did not allow them to challenge again and again, so they could only leave in despair.

"I feel it."

At this time, a voice came from behind him: "You can challenge again."

Li Qingyang and others stopped and turned around to look at He Wuji.


Wu Su Xiaomo said bitterly: "It was completely crushed by snakes and beasts, and when I went there, I was also delivering food."

"Trust me."

He invincible eyes solemnly said: "Challenge again."

The closed-door brother-in-law who has always been quiet and non-existent suddenly looks serious, which makes the big guy a little unaccustomed.


Yan Ye Xingchen stood up and said, "My eternal elders, never give up lightly!"


青 Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo were silent.

"Seven days later." Lu Yan said: "Gather here."

"it is good!"

Sister Wu has spoken. Even if she knew that the challenge would fail, everyone decided to challenge it again.

Jun Chang, who was sitting on the mountain peak, smiled and took a bite of cucumber and chewed to himself, "I'm proud of you."

I never give up lightly.

This is the spirit of Wanguzong.

Uh ...

After seven days.

Li Yiyang and others gathered again before the mystery of life and death.


"go in."

Everyone seemed to blend into the whirlpool.

Because the bosses of the first two levels were all destroyed, they were directly sent to the third level to face the Hydra that climbed out of the void.


Li Qingyang shouted.

"Om! Om! Om!"

Xiao Xiao sinner, Su Xiaomo and others inspired the text special effects and entered the most serious fighting state. The night star who had been paddling previously also put on the battle armor and summoned Fang Tianhua.


无 While everyone was flexing their muscles, He Wudi stepped forward first, facing the Hydra, and turning his back to the same people: "Leave it to me."


Suddenly a wind rose in the secret area, blowing his messy hair on his forehead, revealing a knife-like face.

I want to say paddling.

Ye Yexing can only be his brother in front of He Wudi.


来 To challenge today, he decided to take it seriously.

Nothing else, just because before the last regimental extinction, knowing that the defeat had been settled, Xiao Xie was still struggling to take care of himself.


Is to live better.

If you choose to give up and ignore everything because of Gou, He Wudi can't do it, because the mentality has also changed because of joining Wan Gu Zong for so long.


For a moment, the body was filled with extremely powerful real spirit.

Lu Yan and Ye Xingchen are stunned, both of them can clearly feel that the other side's martial arts atmosphere is gradually rising, I am afraid that the strength is not on their own ... above themselves!


He He invincible raised his hand.

This remark is unnecessary, because Li Qingyang and others have hid in the distance and are quietly cheering for him.



At this moment, Hydra locked on He Wudi, and opened his mouth with nine blood basins and rushed.


The outburst of crippled yin and yin was shuddering.


He Wuji poses in a pose similar to Qiao's help to spread the dragon's eighteen palms ~ ~, quickly makes some kind of fingerprints, and then bursts out into the void, saying: "Kowloon splits!"



All of a sudden, the power of the gathering true spirits turned into nine roaring dragon beasts, and fluttered with the potential of shaking space.

The picture is not described.

I can guess from Li Qingyang and others with wide eyes, it must be spectacular, it must be full of special effects!

Even if Jun always laughs, I'm afraid he will stare in shock.

If you have to describe it, every battle that you have experienced before and every type of martial art you have performed is overshadowed before Ji Qiqi, including Gu Tianxing, including ... Gu Xuanyu!



The power of Jiulong is entangled in the Hydra, turning into a ruthless tear.

The flesh flew wildly, terrifyingly.

A moment.

Everything returns to peace.

青 Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others are still as dead as a chicken.

As for the snake beast that killed himself ten times, it has been split into fragments, and then gradually turned into sky-high fluorescence.

Leap second ... kill!


He Hevin regained his palm, exhaled a stale gas, and secretly said: "It has been a long time since I have not used it for a long time."


When Hydra was wiped out, a thick voice sounded through the entire gate: "Congratulations to the core disciples Li Qingyang, Su Xiaomo and ten others, and successfully clear the **** mode!"

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