The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1742: I regard seniors as uncles, and Ling Lang is my brother


The wreckage of Wanwan was scattered in the dense mountains, and occasionally blue smoke floated up.

I spent so long, and finally came to the world where my brother was reborn. As a result, his face was cut off by his father, which made Jun Chang laugh and crouch on the ground, covering his chest with tears.

My ship, my ship.

You die so miserably!

"Monarch Sovereign."

Gu Tianxing, who was sitting next to her, said awkwardly, "Why not say it in advance?"

Wangu is actually a repaired Star Wars battleship, so the appearance characteristics have not changed, making him mistakenly think that he has invaded again.


I also want to say.

But you are too fast to give your axe out.

"No problem."

At this time, Taixuan old man standing in front of the wreckage of the warship said, "It can be repaired, but it takes time."

I said that Uncle Gu was unbelievable.

Go down with an axe and it's crisp.

Although the battleship was broken in two, the interior was not severely damaged.

In other words, Vanguard can rescue it.


Shangguan 歆 Yao went to the rupture of the battleship and said, "What is this?"

There is a very humble spar in the iron plate sandwich, occasionally trembling slightly, like a small heart.


Elder Wu Taixuan came over and studied a little later and said, "Why is there such a thing?"

Obsidian does not have a battleship formation system, and is completely independent. If it is not found with the naked eye at this moment, spiritual thoughts are difficult to capture.

"Must ..."

Elder Wu Taixuan guessed: "Is it some kind of device that exposes the position of the battleship?"


Gu Guxing star appeared in front of him, reaching out and pulling off the spar, saying: "This thing is called Zhenkong Stone, which can produce a kind of energy fluctuation, which will be returned to the mother stone no matter how far away, so you are always being monitored."

Xi Jun often laughed and heard words, and then laughed.

I was still guessing whether the tracker was installed before the Star Spirit World came to the door. Today, the case was finally solved.


System said: "It was a bad thing, and suddenly it turned out to be a good thing, Xiao Bai and I were happy."

Uh ...

The tracker that has been in the Vango iron plate for a long time. After being cut open by Gu Tianxing, it immediately shows the filling, which is no coincidence.


Xun Jun often laughed and crushed Zhenkong's stone lightly, and sneered, "How can you find it?"

"Monarch Sovereign."

Gu Tianxing asked, "Why are you free to come to the mountains and seas?"


Xun Jun often smiled and said in a hurry: "Gu senior saved me from the water and fire, and the younger thought about it, and decided to come to the door to thank him in order to pay tribute."

He won't say to come to Gu Zhaoxi, worrying about exposing his brother's reincarnation.

In fact?

Gu Gu Tianxing already knew.

He and his wife won't care about Gu Zhaoxi's reincarnation spirit, abortion is similar to cheating, because all this is fixed, because he is our son.


Gu Tianxing sighed, and said, "If my son is away from home, Gu must receive the monarch."


Xi Jun often laughed and said, "My brother has run away from home?"

"Your brother?"


I realized that the bald-mouthed man was talking, Jun Changxiao hurriedly explained, "I regard my senior as my uncle, and Linglang is my brother!"

That's what it looks like!


Regardless of thinking about Tianxing, he sighed again and said, "Unfortunately, your brother is too ignorant. People have learned to run away from home before they grow up."

"Why?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

With his understanding of Gu Zhaoxi, how could such a strong parent run away from home? Could it be to find yourself?

Oh brother!

You moved me!

Despising Tianxing: "I despise my fiancee."


Xi Jun often laughed and was silent.

At this time, if Gu Zhaoxi is next to him, he must be in the capacity of a brother and scold him.

Even the daughter of the lord despise you, can't you go to heaven and the sun side by side?

Speaking of his son, Gu Tianxing seemed to turn into an old grieving old man and complained: "The parents are the first beautiful man and the first beautiful woman in Shanhaijie. Do you think that is not worthy of him?"

"Uncle Gu is angry."

Xun Jun often smiled and advised, "After all, my brother is still young."

虽 Although he doesn't agree with Gu Zhaoxi's leaving home, but he is his own brother of life and death, and he must help speak at this time.


Gu Gu Xing shook his head and said, "Poor parents in the world."


Xun Jun often laughed: "Go and find your brother."

From Gu Gu to Uncle Gu to Uncle, the relationship is getting closer.

"The little bunny stole a hidden Qi Dan that I made, and it is not easy to find it in the huge mountains and seas." Gu Tianxing said.

Xun Jun often laughed and laughed.

让 Only one elixir can make Gu's predecessors helpless, which is absolutely awesome.

If I can make it with my medicine ...

"Ding! The side mission is triggered."

"Come here?"

Xi Jun often laughed and quickly opened the task panel, opened the detailed introduction, the content is-to help Gu Tianxing find the son who left the house [unfinished].

This task.

Properly send points!

Xun Jun often laughs a long way to the mountains and seas, just for the reunion of his brothers, so it is natural to find Gu Tianxing who is away from home.



Different from the previous side missions, there are remarks at the end of the introduction this time, the content is-reward the hidden Qi Dan formula x 1 after the mission is completed.

Xi Jun often smiled for a second, then quickly covered her mouth, trying not to make herself laugh.

This is what you really want!


Xi Jun often smiled and said solemnly: "I'll help you find a brother!"


Huh! call out! call out!

The words just came down ~ ~ One hundred thousand disciples of Wanguzong, one million demons and ten thousand diablos appeared together.


Xi Jun often got up with a smile and said, "No matter how big the mountains and seas are, younger ones will definitely find their brothers!"

If you change to someone else, you may be surprised why so many warriors suddenly appear, but Gu Tianxing is not the same. After all, he is one of the best in the upper universe, let alone eager to find his son, so he arched and said, "Trouble the monarch!

Hidden Qi Dan can hide all the breath, just looking for a needle in a haystack alone.

At this moment.

It is especially important to have more people.

"The disciples obey orders!"

Xi Jun often laughed loudly: "Carpet search, you must find the son of seniors!"


Huh! call out! call out!

Suddenly, with the exception of the elderly Taixuan and his formation team, the remaining disciples of Wan Guzong quickly flew in different directions.


Xi Jun often smiled weakly and said, "What is Yinqi Dan?"

When talking about elixir, Gu Tianxing looked proudly: "This is a magical formula that Gu has spent thousands of years researching. Anyone will not expose the slightest breath when taking it. It can be described as hiding the sky!"


Xun Jun often laughed and remained silent.

The original Qi Qi Dan formula was developed by him. If I complete the task, wouldn't it be stealing things from my brother's father?

I can't.

How can I do something that is against the law!

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