The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1751: 6 Wei Di Yuan Dan

The Xiu Dan Medicine Daquan contains a lot of quirky and precious formulas, which is undoubtedly a huge treasure for Jun Changxiao.

Liuwei Diyuan Dan, as seen now, can allow the warrior to turn from the peak to the realm of Dan to find the real state without any side effects.

Can't stand it.

The more amazing the medicine, the rarer it is.

Fortunately, Gu Chaoxi not only brought the Daquan Daquan, but also brought the natural materials and treasures planted by his father.

Although the quantity of ravioli is not large, all of them have been cultivated for a long time and can be used for refining anytime, anywhere.

Inside the Dandan Medicine Hall.

的 The eight masters headed by Feng Guichen gathered together, their faces were more tangled and constipated.


Xi Jun often puts down the tea cup with a smile, and says, "Is it difficult?"

Although Liuliweidiyuandan can't help the core disciples, it can be taken by outside students. Now that there are Danfang and medicinal materials, it must be refined immediately.


Luodan Medicine Hall came in handy.

And also eight masters, all are alchemists.

Therefore, Jun Changxiao is only responsible for the development of the ancestral gate. If there is any problem, he will pretend to be a competitor. If he encounters a problem, he can simply hand it over to the corresponding agency.


归 Feng Guichen solemnly said: "Danfang has a high level and is not so sure."

They and Gu Tianxing are not at the same level at all. For refining the elixir from the elixir, it is totally Xiao Mengxin.

"This is your problem, not my problem."

"Six months."

Xun Jun often got up with a smile and said solemnly: "You must refine Liuwei Diyuan Dan to this seat, otherwise, all follow Mao Xiaodao to clean the toilet."


I watched the monarch leave, and Feng Guichen and Du Hongchen and others hurriedly gathered around the elixir of medicine, and you researched every word you said.

"I think it's okay ..."

"No, there are risks!"

"A safe way must be changed ..."

Because Jun often laughed and gave a death order, because he didn't want to clean the toilet, the eight church leaders united as one and contributed ideas and methods. Regardless of the effect, at least the idea was expanded.

When they were discussing Zheng Zheng, Yuan Gongzi smiled at the corner of the hall.

Eighteen occasionally refining some elixir, and the rest of the church owner who had eaten freely at last finally got a job, which filled his heart with relief.

Uh ...

Wangu is like a Changhong, shuttled in the vast universe.

Because it is self-driving, Jun Chang laughs more and spends more time in Zongmen, and occasionally cultivates martial arts such as Lin Yi and Ye Feng.

Gu Zhaoxiu also put his mind on cultivation, especially in the day-to-day building of houses, training towers or various secret realms.

of course.

It is more to keep a distance with Qing Qiulin to avoid being bullied again.

At this time, the foundation laid by Gu Tianxing for Gu Zhaoxi was revealed. The realm and cultivation were advancing by leaps and bounds, and the envious Jun Chang almost hid in a corner and covered his face and wept.

I have a good father, but it's different!

I didn't meet myself, but when I had a son, he had to be a strong second-gener.

"Ha ha."

The system laughs in tribute.

Uh ...



On the Yanwu martial arts field, two figures crisscross and various rays burst out, which can be described as colorful.

"Crossing the palm print!"

Gu Guchao rising from the sky, martial arts from the top down.

"嘭 嘭 嘭!"

Sun Mucheng glides to the edge, and the power of the true spirit fills his fists, crushing all the pressed palm prints.

"噔 噔 噔!"

After ignoring the morning and evening landing, he retreated extremely terribly.

At this time, Sun Mucheng rushed over, and a combination of tricks was used to launch him. He then flew out, and then stood up and said, "Elder Gu, let it go!"


Regardless of the difficulty in stabilizing the body outside the court, the expression on his face was extremely wonderful.

I haven't seen Kung Fu for a few years. How strong is this kid?

Fortunately, fortunately, I did not go to challenge the core disciples with a silly face, otherwise they would only be abused by them.


Xun Jun often smiled and shook his head.

老 My brother may think that there is a bully father, and he has laid a good foundation for martial arts since he was young, so he dare to challenge Sun Mucheng, who is not inferior to his core disciple, when he returns to Zongmen.


Gu Zhaoxiu waved his sleeves and said, "Let me practice for two or three years, and then fight again."

His qualifications and talents are extremely high, but after all he is not five or six years old. As long as he has enough time to develop, he should have no major problems with Sun Mucheng and even any disciples.

of course.

Add a premise.

Do not enter into the realm of opportunity while they are catching up.

To put it plainly, the Gus and his wife showed meticulous care for their son and helped them to shape all aspects of their bodies from a young age. However, there is not much disparity in comparison with the disciples of Wan Guzong.

Moreover, it is also in the ancient world.

The majestic nature of the world can be taken at will.

Gu Guxiu gave birth to a good family, and the disciples of Wan Guzong were ... collectively open.

Uh ...

After a month.

Xun Jun often laughed when he came out of the courtyard where the flowers and roses lived, and Feng Guichen's shout came from his ears: "The medicine has been refined!"


"Is it so fast?"

"Sure enough, work efficiency will only be improved under strict orders."

Xun Jun often smiled and left for the elixir hall, while the flower rose came out of the room and saw that all the roses in the yard had been trimmed, and muttered in his heart, "When did he come?"

Uh ...

Luo Dan Medicine Hall.

归 Feng Guichen waited with his hands on his hips, leaned his head, and his nose almost poked up into the sky.

Master Su ordered that Liuwei Diyuan Dan must be refined in half a year, and it was completed one month in advance. Two words-proud!

"Is it effective?"

Xun Jun often smiled and pinched a crystal-clear pill.

"Relief to the suzerain," Du Hongchen said, "refined in strict accordance with Danfang's medicinal materials and procedures, unless ... Danfang itself has problems, there will be no accidents."

"Lin Yi!"

"The child is here!"

"Try the effect."


Lin Yi took the elixir and did not hesitate to swallow it.

拜 Since he has worshiped Manchuzong, he has become a disciple under the laughter of Jun Chang. His strength has improved significantly. Now he has entered the peak and turned to the realm of Dan, which can be used to test the effect of elixir.


At the entrance of Liuliweidi, the dandelion was melted at the entrance, and when the medicinal effects were completely volatile, the majestic properties of heaven and earth and the meaning of heaven and earth converged in the body.

归 Although Feng Guichen and Du Hongchen had confidence, they were still very nervous. After all, if they were unsuccessful, they had to get a job, and Mao Xiaodao had to be unemployed.


Suddenly, Lin Yi erupted a powerful wave around him, the promotion trend converged on the peak of Dan Yao Peak, and even showed a huge vortex.

"It's about to advance!"

"Danfang written by Uncle Gu really works!"

Xun Jun often laughed and his eyes lit up, and even began to imagine that the mass production of Liu Wei Di Yuan Dan, the second generation of disciples who had not been introduced for a long time, all stepped into the real-world picture.

of course.

丹 This elixir can not only benefit disciples, but also benefit the entire elder world.

At that time, Xie Chengzhu, Ai Jiazhu, and others can also enter the real world and be at least a first-class master in the upper world.

The trend of promotion continued for an hour. After gradually restraining, Lin Yi opened his eyes, his eyes shone, and his realm also moved from Zhuan Dan into the real world.


Feng Guichen and Du Hongchen embraced each other excitedly, and the burden of cleaning the toilet was completely put down.


Xun Jun often laughed and praised: "This elixir, you need to refine more."


归 Feng Guichen scratched his head and said, "Not enough medicine."

"The medicinal herbs are responsible for finding." Jun Chang laughed: "You only need to ensure the success rate of alchemy in the future."

"no problem!"

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