The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1758: Battle of Red Rabbit

Night Ye Xingchen won.

He even looked blank at himself.

Theoretically, that guy should be very strong, why was it suddenly destroyed?


看 Look at the equipment first.

Ye Yexing came to the wooden box, kicked it away, and placed two short halberds in it. From the perspective of material and gloss, it seemed not weaker than his Fangtian painting halberd.


He waved at will, earning space ring.

"Given that the challenger defeated the S-Class Hero, the next level can continue to choose the same level."

At the same time, the loud voice sounded, Ye Xingchen was sent into the hall again, then looked at the wall portrait, and said, "This time, you must choose a more fierce, otherwise it is boring."

Emperor Ye Ye came to Tianwei's secret realm not for weapons, but to find opponents to learn from each other, so he hoped to meet evenly matched powerful men.

Uh ...


In another area of ​​Secret Realm, the team headed by Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji successfully defeated the gatekeeper Liu Sheng ten soldiers. Because of the spike, he did not accidentally enter the hall.

"Who to choose?"

"Choose of course ..."

Wu Su Xiaomo originally wanted to choose Huang Zhong, but thinking of the pain that was caused yesterday, he hurriedly looked away and placed on a British soul covered with black light, saying, "Just choose him."


青 Li Qingyang agreed.

"咻 ————————"

The squinting outlook suddenly changed, and everyone immediately broke away from the main hall and stood outside the towering city gate engraved with 'Tiger Pass'.

"I go!"

Wu Su Xiaomo was clever and said, "The atmosphere is a bit weird."


He Wudi frowned: "We seem to have chosen a good guy!"

"Step! Step!"

At this moment, a horseshoe came from the gate.


A crimson horse slowly walked out, dragged by a figure shrouded in monstrous spirit. Although he could not see his appearance, he was very powerful.


He He Wudi secretly said in his heart, "I'm afraid to fail!"


Crimson horse stopped outside the city gate, and the shadow enveloped by the magical spirit said: "Who is coming?"

Voice is overbearing.


青 Li Qingyang and others have extremely serious expressions on their faces.

Although the guy who was riding on the horse did not show his face, but no matter the breath or sound, he showed a momentum of swallowing the mountains and rivers, and his strength was probably stronger than the old man who took the bow yesterday.

The strength of the Three Kingdoms generals is determined by the author's preferences, and everyone does not need to argue, otherwise the strongest S-class hero in the next second, Doraemon will debut and then ... be abused.

"Eternal Disciples."

呵 "Oh, just a bunch of garbage."


Everyone was silent.

If they say it to others, they may think it is arrogant, but speaking from the mouth of the mysterious black shadow, it seems natural.

别 "Don't waste time, you go together."

青 Li Qingyang was still thinking about playing more and less, but when he heard that the other party asked everyone to go together, he hurriedly arched and said: "Offended!"


Xun Xiao sinner, Su Xiaomo and others entered into a state of battle and communicated with each other with eyes.

They hit each other on the BOSS, they are very tacit.

"Forget it."

He He Wudi muttered in his heart: "I can't make a high profile anymore, I have to paddle the whole journey."

Because of the outbreak of the mystery of life and death last time, he directly dedicated two cheats, so this time, he must keep an absolute low profile.


此时 At this moment, the crimson steed hissed, and then rushed over on his foot.

"Is it faster than speed?"

Wu Su Xiaomo touched her nose and said, "I'm not bad!"




Lingbo microstep!

Great move!

Wu Su Xiaomo fully exerted her speed to the fullest, but in the end, she did not escape the fate of being kicked by a horseshoe.

In the words of Ye Xingchen, it is useless.


Li Qingyang exclaimed.


At this moment, Xiao Sin stood in front of him, catching the foreleg of the red horse, his knees kept sinking, and his face was abnormally haggard.

"Crossing the palm print!"

He He invincible seized the opportunity and rushed over from the flanks. As a result, the cohesive palm prints were swept away by the horsetail, so he pretended to be backfired and fell into the distance. He secretly said, "A horse is so strong?"

"Eternal Shadowless Foot!"

After Li Fei-rao was greeted, the shadows of flowers and feet whistle emerged, and in return, the red horse was kicked by the red horse.

It can be said.

It was only a short period of time that the core disciples of Wanguzong were taken down a lot, and the situation was very unfavorable.

"Lianwu's red rabbit and horse can't help it." Hei Ying said coldly: "What qualifications are there to challenge this general?"

"Abominable ..."

Su Su Xiaomo stood up, her anger rising.

"You all."

Li Qingyang said: "Don't lose your temper."

"it is good."

Everyone glanced at each other, the hands neatly intertwined, the text on the back of the hand appeared, various special effects pervaded, it was just the transformation of armored warriors.


The melancholy Xiao Sin erected a streamer shield.

As the main meat shield of the group, in any case, he will be at the forefront of his teammates.


He Hevin was able to lift up the door of life and death, and told his companions with his eyes, and when the battle was going on, he got this horse in!

青 Li Qingyang and others have inspired text and exclusive weapons.

All effects are turned on and all cards are dealt.

I can say that the ancients had three prisoners before the battle of Lu Jie and Lu Bu, and today there are all the disciples before the tigers battle against the Red Rabbit. In comparison, it was so ... rub it.


Heiying disdains Gu Gu: "Garbage is **** after all."


"Since you are so serious, you will naturally take it seriously."


His Majesty's Red Rabbit horse hissed and raised his head, and the magic of the whole body gradually dissipated. First, he showed a cold and incomparable face, his eyes shining sharply, which looked very scary.

"It's a ruthless person ~ ~ He Wudi muttered in his heart.


The demonic spirit continued to dissipate, revealing its full body.

At that moment, the gloom surrounding the gathering was more intense, and there seemed to be a loud shouting and killing in his ears.


青 Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji were dumbfounded.

Because the cold guy was naked, he wore only a pair of big pants and rode on the horse, although his muscles looked perfect.


He invincible twitched.

的 The guy who shows his true looks looks very powerful, why not wear clothes? Is it the same as the owner of Zitang, as long as he fights, he must break his clothes?


Wu Fei felt Lu Fengxian a bit of coolness, looked down instinctively, and saw that he was not wearing anything. He said, "My animal face swallows the chain armor, my Nishikawa red brocade robe?"


Su Su Xiaomo couldn't help but laughed, covering her stomach.

Qi Lu Fengxian sternly said: "Dare you laugh at this general and immediately let you die without burial place."

He said, raising his hand to summon weapons, but nothing was called out!


"Fangtian Huaji is gone!"


When Lu Fengxian was angry, a figure appeared on the battlefield out of nowhere, wearing a three-pronged purple crown, wearing a beast face and swallowing a chain armor, wearing a Nishikawa red brocade robe, and holding a Fangtian painting halberd.

青 Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others rejoiced, "Master Ye!"

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