As soon as Lu Yi appeared in white clothes and snow, the originally hot environment suddenly became cold and bitter.


Red rabbits and horses howled, and the flame-like air waves under their feet also gradually weakened due to the ice on the ground.

If this still cannot describe how cold the surrounding environment is, then the few sharp arrows flying down have slowed down drastically under the cold cold air, otherwise, Li Qingyang and others have no time to turn around.


Lu Fengxian sneezing upstairs in the city hall.

The extreme cold weather seemed a little unfriendly to him without clothes.

In contrast, Li Qingyang and others, after the appearance of the master, Li Suo put on a luxurious mink coat, a thick hat, ear warmers, and a scarf.



In the end, several sharp arrows that flew slowly could not withstand the cold air, not only stagnation in the air, but also the whole body was frozen.

As for the red rabbit and horse, except for the redness of the whole body, there is no trace of heat under the feet or in the eyes, and there is a possibility of slipping even on the ice.

Control Master, really great.

"good chance!"

Su Su Xiaomo's eyes brightened, and she quickly put on skates.

Don't ask how this thing came from, ask the dog left.


Su Su Xiaomo shook her shirt and rushed forward.

As a result of the skates on the soles of the shoes, leaving two tiny traces of passing, turned into a professional skater.

"咻咻 咻!"

With the smooth ice, Su Xiaomo is faster.


The red rabbit and horse Yang yelled for the first time, and were about to avoid it. As a result, their limbs had just developed strength, and they fell to the ground.

It can be seen that the ice has a great influence on it, and it is obviously restrained in action.


Su Su Xiaomo seized the opportunity, turned around the opponent for a few laps, and then rose into the sky, poured the power of the true spirit on the ice skate, and made a difficult aerial spinning action only for figure skating.

"咻! 咻!"

"咻! 咻!"

A sharp knife burst into the air, hitting the rabbit with precision.

I have no speed advantage, and are even greatly restricted, then it is nothing more than a sandbag for bombardment.


Su Su Xiaomo landed on the ground, gliding along the side of the field, the knife marks left seemingly messy, but she gradually sketched out the words 'Eternal Ancient Sect'.

"10 points!"

Xun Jun often laughs and holds a card.

"The host is here to grab the camera again!" The system growled and said, "10 points."

见 Goodbye, who was sitting on the judges' table, said, "I'll score 9 points."



After Su Su Mo succeeded, he did not waste a great opportunity, and continued to swim on the ice, occasionally seizing the opportunity to launch a fancy attack.

"Boom boom!"

The sharp blade stabbed across the red rabbit horse. Although the defense was not broken in a short time, the sting brought by it became more and more obvious.

Qi Lu Fengxian did not manage the mount, but locked Lu Yan, saying: "Good looks."


He pulled up his bow again and gathered several arrows, saying, "It's too far behind Chan Chan."

"咻! 咻!"

As soon as the voice fell, the arrows carrying powerful magic flew out of the tower. From the perspective of breath and speed, it is obviously stronger than just now!


Lu Lu said coldly.


Xiao Xiao's sinister shield is covered with layers of ice.

He immediately understood what it meant, and strode forward immediately, then crossed the ice shield in front of him, forming an absolute defense.

青 Li Qingyang and others moved closer to the defensive area, and even Su Xiaomo, who was attacking Chitu horse, slipped over.

The arrows of the magical spirit have a tracking system. When the disciples of Wan Guzong held a ball, they turned from scattered to concentrated, and burst out from behind.


Take a shot.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two arrows, three arrows ...

With every sound of bombardment, he carried pieces of crushed ice.


Xiao Xiao sinned with his shoulders against the Shield of Light, but his feet were slowly backing out. Although it can be seen that although the master sister Bingbing blessed, it is still difficult to resist all attacks, and it may collapse at any time.

"Dry, Zhen, Kan, Gen, Kun, Kun, Li, Dui!"

在 At this moment, Ye Xingchen printed his hands and blasted into the void. The eight-character flickered dazzlingly, and the gossip pattern appeared in front of the shield.

"咻 ————————"

Imitated the sharp arrow that overwhelmed the camel's last straw into the pattern, and appeared in the red rabbit immediately struggling to get up.


The deafening roar came from the trembling, and the ice surface quickly cracked.

Everyone looked back, and saw that the red rabbit and horse were paralyzed on the ground, their whole body changed from red to black, their mouths continued to spit white foam, and then ... gradually collapsed into nothingness.


伤 Injured by the master's skills by mistake!

青 Li Qingyang and others did not feel happy because the red rabbit and horse were solved, instead they sweated coldly on the forehead.

That horse is good in strength, but it is brutally spiked. If it wasn't for the master's blessing and the night master and brother turned away the firepower in time, everyone would be dead at this moment!


Pu Luxian angered, "Dare to hurt my mount!"


He jumped down from the tower, and his hands gathered together into a mountain, and he smashed hard towards everyone.

Lu Lu took a step back, staggered his hands, the text special effects were stimulated, and his black hair turned into silvery white, as if it were an extremely cold ice fairy who could not eat the fireworks on earth.



The cold wind and cold wind, snowflakes dancing.

The mountain where the magical spirit gathered was covered by snow and ice, and the falling speed gradually slowed down.

Even Lu Fengxian, who was hanging in the air, felt the body was obstructed, especially the biting cold rushed into the body, causing the exposed muscles to tremble.

A word, cold!


此时 At this moment, the night star flew away from the mountains, and the power of the true spirit in the body was poured into Fang Tianhua's halberd, and the thunderous force blasted to Lu Fengxian.


The light that swelled through the sky suddenly exploded, making the entire battlefield tremble.


The night the stars fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

I just reluctantly turned Xiaoquan to help Xiao Guiji resolve the last arrow, which was very reluctant. Now all the forces have erupted, which is even worse.

The situation is also bad.

Don't look at her very calm performance from the moment she appeared to the present. In fact, she turned the battlefield into a cold winter. Every second is consuming a lot of true spirit power ~ ~ Especially, it is necessary to control the speed with the power of cold. It is also the end of the crossbow.


At this time, Lu Fengxian, who was hanging in midair, landed on the ground.

His expression was sloppy, his eyes flashed with anger, and he said, "If the equipment is not stolen, I would have died without a corpse ..."


The body cracked and turned into nothingness.

叮 "Ding! Congratulations to the challenger for defeating Demonized Lu Bu at the required time!"

"Ding! Because the challenger defeated the S-level demonized hero and obtained a perfect evaluation, the next round will directly challenge an SS-class hero."


Bian Lu Feng disappeared into the area, and a box was gradually condensed, inside which was a puppet shaped like a red rabbit.

"we won!"

Wu Su Xiaomo sat down, a bright smile appeared on her weak face.

青 Li Qingyang walked to the box, took out the red rabbit horse puppet, and said, "This should be the reward given after the clearance."

"Master, how do you allocate?"

"To Master Ye."

After Lu Lu said this, he disappeared into the battlefield by abstaining.

"Night Master."

青 Li Qingyang threw the puppet over.

战 This battle consumed too much energy and made him tired, so he also chose to give up being sent out of Tianwei's secret realm.

"Leave, leave."

Su Su Mo and Xiao Gui have left the copy.

Only Hu Xingguan was the only one left. He looked at the red rabbit puppet and said, "Thank you."

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