The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1767: The grievances between you and me should not involve ...

"call out------"

Vango was flying at a high speed, getting closer and closer to the edge of the Canghai system.

During this time, Jun Changxiao had been sitting in the cockpit and was not distracted to manage the ancestral gate, because he was not sure if the junction between the two departments would be dangerous.

"At the current speed, it will take at least a year to reach the Astral Realm." Jun Changxiao estimated.

"With our current strength, we may not be able to compete with it." Hua Rose came.

The system said silently: "Grab my lines!"


Jun Chang smiled and rubbed his temples, and said, "You must find a way to become stronger on the way."

What level and strength of the astral spirit world is still unknown, but from the casually dispatched warships, it can be seen that it is at least a first-class level, and it is even better.


The matrix lines in the bronze mirror are the same as this one, and maybe it has something to do with the emperor.

Don't step into heaven.

Jun Chang laughed really not so sure.

In other words, someone said "think of a way to become stronger", Hua Rose definitely questioned. After all, he can't get stronger by talking, but he is convinced that he can do it because he has got along for years It can be said that it gets stronger when it gets stronger.

"Hungry? I'll cook for you?"

"Not hungry!"

The singing of Jun Chang laughs can kill, and the cooking of roses can kill him.


At this moment, Li Qingyang's voice came to his ear: "There is a situation!"

"what's the situation?"

When Jun Chang laughed and responded, people had already integrated into the elder world, and they saw the disciples converging in front of the mountain gate.


Not practicing anymore?

Get together and chat!

Jun Chang laughed subconsciously and released his thoughts, and then saw a young man about 12 or 13 years old kneeling at the foot of the mountain.


Li Qingyang said: "The little guy has been kneeling down the mountain for three days and three nights, so he can't persuade him to leave."

"Are you getting started?"

"He just said he wanted to see the lord, but didn't say getting started."


Jun Chang laughed and appeared at the foot of the mountain out of thin air.

"I ... I want to see the monarch ..." The boy lowered his head, probably kneeling for too long, without eating or drinking, and his lips were cracked.

"This is it." Jun Chang laughed.

The boy was shocked, raised his head, determined that the elder suzerain that he wanted to see was indeed ecstatic, and said ecstatically: "King suzerain!"


Jun Chang laughed and struck a finger.

Xiao Xin, a ghostly man, slipped his chair away.

He seated chicly, raised Erlang's legs, and said, "Say, why do you want to see this seat?"

At this time, some readers must be spraying. A child kneeled on the ground for three days and three nights. This dog is so uncomfortable. It is so uncompassionate that all three views have been distorted to Siberia!


Be merciful first and explain later.

"I ... I ..." The boy posed, and smiled and smiled, "I'm here to apologize for my father ..."


Jun Chang smiled a little, and said, "Who is your father?"


The young man said, "Qin Haoran!"

"You are the son of the leader of the Hundred Sects Alliance and the master of Haoqimen?" Jun Chang laughed.

Readers have completely forgotten this person, and the dog left can even remember it, which is a bit unexpected.


"What room was born?"

"Twenty-three rooms ..."

"I remember your father only had fourteen bedrooms. Married ten more these years?" Jun Chang laughed.

Not right.

Qin Haoran had a few wives and wives before. He knew so clearly?

This was the case. At that time, the two had grudges. Jun Changxiao sent Xi Yutang to thoroughly investigate the old man, not to mention his wife and concubine.

"Should twenty-three minus fourteen be nine?" Qin Lin calculated silently in his heart.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

He didn't bother with the calculations, and he nodded again: "Father, he offended you that year. I apologize for him today. I hope you have a lot of adults and gentlemen do not count on villains!"

The dog laughed.

He really did not wait to see Qin Haoran before. After all, he was still maliciously suppressing himself when he was an iron skeleton. Even if he challenged forces such as the Holy Spring Sect, he would bring members of the alliance to see his jokes.


With the improvement of Zongmen's strength, he was relieved.


Don't take this rookie seriously.

For example, the Xiao family who inflicted crimes against Xiao at that time still lives in Liyang City. Not to mention now, it can be easily obliterated when the Ironbone faction was not promoted.

Jun Chang laughs very resentful.

But there must be a life and death feud.

For example, the astral spirit world that caused the destruction of the astral continent, as long as its strength allows it, will definitely be destroyed.

Although Qin Haoran was an early enemy, he had contradictions, but he did n’t look at the joke and did not do too much, so he would n’t care about it. Otherwise, when he just took over as head of the city and was joked by the people in the city, would he have to destroy the city directly?

This is Jun Chang laugh.

A wonderful woman walking on two roads of good and bad.

You say that he is right in thinking three times, sometimes he can cry Xiaoyao with crookedness, you say that he is wrong in thinking three times, and sometimes he ca n’t pick up trouble even when he is doing something wrong.

It is also such a monk who integrates sand sculptures, villains, seriousness, mental disability, and straight males, only now has the ancient Wanzong, and has a group of disciples with very different personalities and compassion.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Qin Lin nodded again and said, "Please my father!"

Knowing that the father and the monarch had grievances, he first did not believe, and then developed to hate his father, because in his heart, the latter was God and his belief.

After being beaten by two Ai families, the little boy ran to the wilderness and did not return home for several days in a row, hiding alone in the cave.



Hated it.

But what can change since things happen?

Not to mention his father.

"Dad's fault."

"Become a son to make up!"

With this idea in mind, Qin Lin walked out of the cave and went to Kwanzong alone, kneeling on the ground, not to worship the door, only for the monarch to forgive his father's fault.

"Master Qin."

Jun Chang smiled and leaned on his chair, and said, "What do you mean?"

In the distance, Qin Haoran, who always hid in the dark, came out, his face ugly, "My son's meaning."

No wonder I remember this person, who had been hidden in the dark.

"Let a child apologize."

Jun Chang laughed: "How do you do Lao Tzu?"

Although Qin Lin was surprised how dad came, he hurriedly explained: "Sovereign monarch, this is what I mean, it has nothing to do with my father!"


Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand, helping him to incorporate vitality into his body, quickly dissipating hunger and tiredness, saying: "Although I don't quite understand the situation, one thing you must remember is that the grudges of this seat and your father are already The smoke disappeared. "

"Does the monarch forgive my father?" Qin Lin rejoiced.


Jun Chang smiled and flicked his finger lightly on his brain, and smiled, "My father and I have no grudges, why should we ask forgiveness?"


Qin Lin turned back and rejoiced, "You and the monarch have no grudges!"

"Monarch Sovereign."

Qin Haoran often smiled at the king and said, "Thank you!"

In fact, he didn't expect Jun to laugh and forgive him, but speaking these words in front of his son was undoubtedly helping himself.

"Master Qin."

Jun Chang laughed: "Your son has wonderful bones, but he is also a martial arts genius without any other. Is he interested in worshiping under this door?"

Qin Haoran was stunned.

Being able to say in front of his son that he has no grudges against him has already surprised him. Now he has to take his son to get started, which is an absolute dream.

After a brief stupefaction, Qin Haoran hurriedly said: "If the monarch is not stupid to abandon the dog, Qin has no opinion!"


"Not yet kneeling to worship the lord!"

Qin Lin also walked for a while before returning to God, and then hurried to his knees, bowed his head and said, "Disc Qin Lin, meet the lord!"


Jun Chang smiled loudly and said, "By telling the order of this seat, it tells the ancient world that Qin Haoran's son can worship under the door of the ancient ancient school."


"Monarch Sovereign ..."

Qin Haoran stiffened in place.

His hands trembled slightly, and his cloudy eyes gradually began to gather tears.

Jun Chang laughed and said, "The grievance you and I once had ~ ~ shouldn't involve the child."

Say nothing.

Take Qin Lin to the stairs leading to the Eternal Sect.

At that moment, his back was extremely great. If he liked the button a little, I'm afraid it would have been blasted by Xiaoyao.


Qin Haoran knelt on the ground, the stone that had been pressed in his heart for decades finally landed, tears streaming down his face: "Thank you monarch!"


A gust of wind blew and blew him up.

A voice came to my ears: "Everyone needs such a genius. Since Qin Meng has the ability, why not have more?"


The system couldn't help laughing, and said, "This means the host has no ability?"

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