The spirit of the Five Thunders that chased for a month turned out to be a trap set up in advance by others, which made Jun Chang laugh and become angry.

Disciple is his treasure, and so are the hard-earned resources.

and so.

For those burning first-class flint.

Jun Chang smiled and turned into a demon, sacrificing a dragon dragon sword and cutting a main battleship like an apple.


The system spit out: "The host has cut out the realm and cut out the levels. Even if it doesn't fall into the trap, it will take energy to fly from the sea to the Cangyun."

"My ... battleship ..."

Watching the battleship he bought for a large amount of money was solved into a pile of bones, Duan Muhai's yin and yang face twisted, and tears fell like beads.

Those tears contained memories of the past.


"What is your aspiration?"

"Be a free pirate, gallop across the vast universe, let everyone remember my name Duan Muhai!"

This is what Duan Muhai once said. To this end, he worked hard to cultivate, save money and save money. Eventually, he bought the first warship in his life as an adult and started his career as a pirate.

Who ever thought.

I have just recruited my men, set sail, set up my first robbery business, and even encounter Jun often laughs.

Who is this?

A professional who destroys the dreams of others, is not a robber and is good at robbery.



In the cage of the space, the Purple King Demon King and others punched a paper warship, and the debris of various parts was squeezed into powder.

They are like a bunch of strong men, tearing dreams in their hands and destroying their hearts.


Duanmuhai roared with tears in tears, a powerful force poured into his body, and raised his double hammers and growled, "Destroy my ship, die!"


Jun Changxiao appeared in front of him, the end of the handle of Qinglong Yueyue Knife was severely pinched in the abdomen, and powerful energy burst, making the whole person shuttle from the north of the starry sky to the south like a shell.

"There is so much nonsense."


"call out!"

"call out!"

Light suddenly flashed in the dark environment. Erya, Zhao Doudou and Dai Lu came over, and harmless smiles appeared on their faces.

In front of them, Duanmuhai was in a coma with a collapsed expression. Her chest was violently struck, and her internal meridians were destroyed.

"Are you ready?"


"Go ahead."


Zhao Doudou and Dai Lu were busy, and soon Duan Muhai was hoisted with a chain.

From the action point of view, it is obviously a bit rusty.

No way, the prison tower of Tianyuan Town hasn't been sent to the prisoner for a long time. They have been fighting the landlord all day, and many routine operations have been forgotten.

"Splash awake."


The cold water poured on Duanmu Hai's head, making him stunned, then opened his eyes slowly.

suddenly! Three grinning faces appeared in his vision, scaring his scalp to crack.

"Whip here."

Erya reached out her hand.

Zhao Doudou hurriedly passed the town whip, and also disinfected with disinfectant on the way, like a medical staff who beat the surgeon in the operating room.


Erya gave a whip in the void.

The transparent sound seemed to penetrate the soul, making people shudder.

"You ... what are you doing ..." Duanmuhai said weakly, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Master sent you."

Erya walked in front of him, and smiled innocently: "Of course you have to entertain."

have to say.

As an instrumental spirit in the prison tower of Tianyuan Town, the appearance has not changed in any way because of time, but it is becoming more and more cute.


Zhao Doudo said: "The suzerain asked me to bring you a word, as long as you can surrender the spirit of the five thunder, to ensure that you will be rich and rich in your life."

The Pirates were resolved, and many of their men were also put into the prison tower of Tianyuan Town, but the spirit of the five thunders had not fallen, so Jun Changxiao must find it, otherwise, he would have been angry before, and he must have cut this guy with a knife.


Duanmuhai said coldly, "Daydreaming!"

It looked kind of irritating just now, but now it becomes harder to become a prisoner.


Dalu walked, and put a hand on his shoulder, meaning: "I used to have more bones than you, and the result ... hey ... I can't stand back, so let me be frank."

"I'm sorry ... I'm scared ..." Duanmuhai sneered hard, but he was drawn hard by the soul whip in front of his chest. The intense pain seemed to blend into the soul, and he hurriedly said: "I pay! I cross!"



Zhao Doudou and Dai Li spit with sputum and said, "Suggest the bag!"


Erya only gave a whistle tentatively, but Duan Muhai couldn't hold back the erosion of his soul, and he immediately compromised. It can be said that he spurred his attitude and level.

Half-step heaven level can be solved by the Soul Tower. How high is this treasure?


It was mainly injured by Jun Changxiao.

Not to mention Duanmuhai, even if you change to Gu Tianxing's strong class, you can survive.

On the other hand, if it is sound, there must be nothing.

"This seat is very curious."

In the cell, Jun often laughed and dragged the pocket-shaped Five Thunder Spirit with his palm, and said, "Why would this spiritless body listen to your orders?"

Duanmu Hai wanted to defend her dignity by silence, but when she saw Erya standing next to Xuanmu staring, he hurriedly said: "Because I can listen to his voice and know its shortcomings and weaknesses, I can only surrender to me. "

"So it is."

Jun Chang laughed and asked, "Do you really disdain to merge the spirit of the five thunder?"

Duanmuhai said with a bitter face: "The spirit species that are bred in the vast universe can be met with unforeseen opportunities. I naturally hope to merge, but unfortunately ..."

"Not successful?"


"It turns out not that it is not qualified to fuse you, but that you are not qualified to fuse it." Jun Chang laughed and joked.


He stood up and said, "Take good care of this guy, don't be hungry and thin, it may come in handy in the future."

He does not intend to kill Duanmuhai, but chooses to be held in detention, after all, he can listen to the spiritual life of the spiritual body, and may play a role in the future.

"it is good!"

After Jun often laughed and walked away, Erya and Zhao Doudou came around with a scary smile on their faces.

"You ... what are you doing ..."

"Good, obedient."



Li Qingyang was called to the study, and said, "Is there anything wrong with calling the disciples?"

Jun Chang smiled and motioned for him to sit down, then spread out his palms, and revealed the spirit of the five thunders, saying: "This is the five thunder spirits bred in the universe. You have the thunder and punishment body, and the thunder contract animal. It should be fused. "


Li Qingyang was dumbfounded.

He knew about the spirit of the Five Thunders long ago, and never expected that the suzerain would give it to himself. After all, there are only thirty-two in the Canghai system.


"Disciple is stupid!"

"Let this spirit body be an excellent fellow!"

Switching to Su Xiaomo ~ ~ Jun Changxiao definitely thinks that he is pretending to be modest, but he trusts the second teacher very much, because he has always been an uncontested character under his own income.

"There will be many spirits in the future." Jun Chang laughed and threw the spirit of Wulei, saying, "This is yours."

Li Qingyang hurried to catch it, and after a little consideration, he said, "Thank you, Lord!"

"Go on."

Jun Chang laughed: "This seat is waiting for your good news."


Li Qingyang left with the spirit of the five thunders, his eyes flickered and firmed: "I will not disappoint the suzerain!"


Jun Chang, who was standing in front of the window, shook his head with a smile, and said, "I and the Spirit of the Five Thunders have not successfully merged. I hope Qingyang will have this fate."

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